Chapter 29

The golden wheat stands upright one after another, and the field seems to be covered with a thick blanket.

As the breeze blew, waves formed on the wheat blanket, and the ears of wheat collided with each other, making a rattling sound.

Wu Zhao's eyes lit up when he heard the tune Yuan Xi was humming, and he praised: "This tune has never been heard before, it is melodious, but it makes people aftertaste, it is really extraordinary."

She then wondered: "The so-called rice flowers are not the rice from Jiangdong's rice fields, but the ones in front of me are all wheat."

Yuan Xi smiled and said, "Indeed, this is a song from my hometown. It was originally about rice fields."

"But in front of you, it is also suitable for the occasion."

"These thousands of acres of land were slowly reclaimed by me in Beixincheng for three years with people. Originally, there were only more than a thousand acres of wasteland."

"In the first year, I was beaten so hard that I couldn't come to the city, and Gongsun Zan's army snatched thousands of acres of wheat."

"In the second year, in order to compete for the wheat fields, both sides suffered a lot of casualties, and at least half of them were harvested."

"There were also several times of foreign ravages in the middle, which damaged a lot of harvests."

"Only this year, if we completely repel Gongsun Zan's army and the Huns, can we harvest safely."

"Raise soldiers for a thousand days, just for this time."

Wu Zhao looked at the people in front of and behind the car with happy smiles on his face. This is an extremely rare sight, and he couldn't help being infected, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Yuan Xi looked sideways, and couldn't help being a little dazed, thinking that although Wu Zhao's face was damaged, but the more he looked at it, the more interesting his facial features seemed?

Is it because I have been single for a long time?
He still wanted to take a closer look, but Wu Zhao noticed it, and quickly lowered his head, saying, "Young Master, is there more to this song?"

Yuan Xi thought to himself that Wu Zhao would not be able to understand the song if he sang it word for word, so he had to change it a little, so he laughed and said, "I don't remember the details clearly. I'll think about it when I go back and sing it after harvesting the wheat." Here you go."

He stood up straight in the car, raised his fist high, and shouted: "Today's wheat harvest, please everyone!"

After hearing this, everyone responded sparsely.

Yuan Xi shouted: "There is nothing else, no matter whether it is wheat rice or noodles these days, you can eat as much as you want!"

Hearing this, everyone cheered loudly, with smiles from the heart on their faces.

This is the real deal. In the past few days, everyone has rushed out to harvest wheat, just to get enough food for two meals a day!

Soon, people flocked to the wheat fields, sweating profusely to harvest them.

There was a mill by the big river, and the open space beside it was leveled out as a wheat field, and now it is beginning to be put into use.

If the Xiongnu bandits hadn't been killed the day before yesterday, the mill and the wheat field would have been destroyed, and the people in Beixin City could only stare blankly through this winter.

The harvested wheat will be sent to the wheat field by the river to remove the stalks and dry in the sun. If the sun is good, it only takes half a day to dry the water, put it into a stone mill, grind it into powder, and make dough cakes.

There are also women who make a stove on the spot and light a fire, put fresh wheat grains into a pot, pour river water into it, and cook the barley rice.

What's more, when harvesting, I can't wait to put the water-filled ears of wheat into my mouth and chew them desperately.

Others are not surprised, because they are doing the same thing.

It has been a long time since I had a full meal.

Dalang Erlang was also in the crowd. Seeing that Erlang was eating too much, Dalang couldn't help but said: "Erlang, if you eat too much of this stuff raw, your stomach will hurt. If you endure it until noon, you will have rice and wheat."

Erlang kept the sickle in his hand, his mouth was full of wheat ears, and he said vaguely: "The hungry ones have no energy, let's eat first and then talk about it, don't care about anything else."

"We don't know how many more full meals we can have."

Yuan Xi went to the wheat field, but Wu Zhao followed dozens of women to the river to pick wild vegetables. After washing them by the river, they carried them to the wheat field in front of a large pot, tore up the wild vegetables, and put them into the cooking rice. in the pot.

The aroma of wheat grains, mixed with the smell of wild vegetables, floated out of the pot and filled the whole wheat field, making everyone's throats flutter and swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Wu Zhao discovered that among these women, there were quite a few people he knew well. They were all captured by the Huns with her a few days ago and were rescued by Yuan Xi.

When they met, they were naturally overjoyed. While washing wild vegetables by the river, they talked about the situation in Beixin City these days.

Those women, along with hundreds of other women, were temporarily housed in an empty house in Beixin City. At first, they were anxious, fearing that one day they would be assigned to soldiers or sold out.

At that time, even the regular army of the Han Dynasty, such as Dong Zhuo, Gongsun Zan and others, would often plunder the people. These robbed women were often involuntary and could only accept it.

To their surprise, Beixincheng did not force them, only saying that there are no idlers in the city, and if they want to go home, they can only find a way to work by themselves.

So these women, who are good at weaving and sewing, or doing chores, are trying to make a living.

Today they heard that the wheat harvest was full, so they all ran out.

Of course, there are those who are willing to marry.

The soldiers in Beixin City pay several times more than ordinary people. If they save food, they will be enough to support another daughter.

This is also the choice of many women, after all, there will be food to follow.

Wu Zhao heard this, and his heart was complicated. Sometimes Yuan Xi wanted to let everyone eat, but sometimes he did things without mercy. In troubled times, blindly benevolent and righteous, or blindly cruel, can't last long. Could it be that he is correct?

Those few women heard that Wu Zhao helped Yuan Xi kill the enemy chief because of a coincidence, so they lived in Yuan Xi's mansion all the time, and their faces showed envy.

A young lady lamented: "If Sister Wu's appearance hadn't been ruined, she might have been spotted by General Yuan long ago. Why didn't I have such good luck!"

"That's the son of the famous Yuanzhou Mu. Even if you serve him as a concubine or maidservant, you won't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

The other women agreed one after another, Wu Zhao didn't think so, and there was no food left in the general's mansion.

When the other women heard about it, they gathered around one after another and asked Wu Zhao to help him speak well in front of Yuan Xi.

They all wanted to enter Yuan Xi's mansion by coincidence!
Wu Zhao was dumbfounded, and only then did he realize that there is no better place to live and eat than the City Lord's Mansion.
She was so dazed by the girls that she had no choice but to agree perfunctorily, but a few men dressed as soldiers came over from a distance, holding some hares that had been shot to death by arrows in their hands.

It was Sun Li who took the lead. He took out a short knife, disemboweled the hare by the river, turned to Wu Zhao and said, "Brother Yuan said, I will let you go to the mill for dinner later."

Among the women, some smart ones knew that the young man was Yuan Xi's personal soldier, and hurried up to snatch the hare from Sun Li's hand and help clean it.

Some bold ones were still rubbing against Sun Li's body. Sun Li was just a boy, his face turned red, but his eyes couldn't help but stare at the ups and downs of the women's chests, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

After less than half a moment, Wu Zhao was stunned to see a pretty young lady with a blushing face holding Sun Li's arm, and they went back together like this!

She remembered Yuan Xi's words.

Do not persuade others to be kind without suffering others.

Besides, marrying a soldier is not necessarily bad for some women.

At least there is food to eat on weekdays. Even if a soldier dies in battle, the army will give a sympathetic gift, enough to live on for several years.

Wu Zhao felt quite uncomfortable. When will this troubled world end, and who will end it?
 Please also spare a few minutes every day to follow up on it. Xiaotu here stands upside down and rolls the rabbit's head and knocks 360 five times, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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