Chapter 298
Liu Xie saw a shiny ring-headed knife suddenly appearing on top of Fushou's head, and he was about to chop it off!
His mind was blank, and he opened his mouth wide, but he didn't make a sound like a ghost.

At this moment, Zuo Ling, the prefect of Nanjun, reacted the fastest and shouted at the man who raised the knife: "Who are you!"

Only then did everyone realize that they turned their heads and took a closer look, and it turned out to be Fu Jieling Sun Yan!

Seeing that the incident was revealed, Sun Yan's face was ferocious, and he didn't answer, he took the saber and slashed at Fushou. Zuo Ling had already drawn the saber in his hand, and swung his backhand.

Sun Yan's knife was deflected and hit the shoulder of the waiter beside Fushou. Blood splashed out and sprayed all over Fushou.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Fu De pulled Fu Shou behind him and shouted to Sun Yan: "Why are you here?"

Seeing that he had cut the wrong person, Sun Yan took a few steps back with his sword drawn, his face was cloudy, and all the officials stayed away from him.

At this moment, Dong Cheng said, "He probably didn't recognize the empress. He saw someone holding a piece of silk and took it away this time. It was also for the emperor to board the boat. It was all a misunderstanding."

Liu Xie narrowed his eyes and slowly glanced at the crowd, Sun Yan held a knife and bowed his head in silence, while Dong Cheng faced it boldly, seeming extremely frank.

Liu Xie's gaze finally fell on Dong Guiren who was in the distance, and found that his expression was strange, as if there was regret on his face.

He also saw that among the crowd, there seemed to be a few people who were ready to move. He knew that this time was extremely sensitive. As long as he said something wrong, all the officials might start killing each other the next moment.

Li Jue and Guo Si's army shouted to kill in the distance. They saw the flames and had already chased after them. Yang Fengxuhuang was leading people to stop the delay.

Seeing this, Liu Xie sighed inwardly, and winked at Fu De who was beside Fu Shou.

Fude understood and said loudly: "Horse bridles are not suitable for binding the emperor, silk cloth is indeed the most suitable!"

"Yuan Ji Volume 28": Dong Cheng and others thought it was appropriate to order Liu Taishou to send Li Le to cross the boat at night, and set fire to respond.Going up and walking out of the camp with Gongqing, Linhe wants to help.The shore is more than ten feet high and cannot be lowered.

Discussing that he wanted to tie the horse's bridle around the emperor's waist again, when his brother Fude helped the queen, he carried ten pieces of silk in one hand. Dong Cheng ordered Fu Jie to order Sun Yan to cut the queen from the world. Zuo Ling said: "What kind of person is Qing!" In other words, he killed the waiter, and the blood splashed on his back clothes.Fude can't kiss his waist with a horse's bridle, and uses silk as his chariot.

Fu Shou, who was still in a daze, pulled out the silk from his arms, handed it to Dong Cheng, and said: "General, I have the silk cloth."

Dong Cheng listened, took the silk cloth calmly, and said to the attendant beside him: "Tie the silk cloth around the emperor's waist and put it down, don't hurt the emperor!"

At this time, the school captain Xiang Hong came up and ordered the guards to tear off the silk cloth, tie one end around Liu Xie's waist, and he and several guards pulled the other end, and slowly hung Liu Xie down.

Liu Xie looked at the rolling river under his feet, his feet were trembling, this height was higher than the city wall of Chang'an!
He knew that he couldn't delay any longer, and if he hesitated, many more people would die later!

He turned his head to Fushou and said, "When I get on the boat, you can follow me down."

Although Fu Shou had a look of panic on his face, he still suppressed his fear and nodded vigorously.

Dong Guiren on the side looked at it, hating secretly in his heart, and there was an abnormal light in his eyes.

Liu Xie noticed Dong Guiren's expression, his heart turned cold, he looked at his feet, gritted his teeth and jumped forward, his body fell suddenly, the silk cloth was stretched straight, the soldiers pulling the silk cloth hurriedly pulled Liu Xie's body .

As the silk cloth was put down little by little, Liu Xie got closer and closer to the boat under his feet. Finally, Liu Xie stepped on the boat with both feet, and everyone on the shore cheered and felt relieved.

Then everyone looked at the long silk cloth, and their eyes suddenly became hot.

Fu De pulled the silk back and tied it on Fu Shou immediately. He pressed the handle of the knife with one hand while staring at Dong Cheng.

When Dong Cheng saw him, he knew that if Fude got ruthless and cut off the silk cloth, Dong Guiren would not be able to get down, so he could only shout: "When will you use silk one by one?"

"Except for the emperor's family, everyone else climbed down the river bank!"

The officials had no choice but to follow the steep river bank, dragging weeds, digging the shallow stone pits on the river wall, and rubbing down little by little.

From time to time, some people stumbled, rolled and fell, and fell into the river amidst screams, and were washed away without a trace by the icy cold and swift current.

Those who got down to the bank of the river by luck, regardless of the piercing water, scrambled to get on the boat, dignified and dignified, looking more embarrassed than a dog.

Those who boarded the boat couldn't help laughing, and the officials on the river bank were even more anxious when they saw it, and they scrambled to climb down.

All of a sudden, the river bank was in complete chaos, and hundreds of officials and soldiers formed a stream of people, sweeping towards the river bank.

As soon as Fude hoisted Fushou to the bow of the boat on the river bank, he wanted to throw the silk cloth down, but Dong Cheng had quick eyesight and quick hands, snatched it, pulled the silk cloth up, and tied it around Dong Guiren's waist.

Fude cursed secretly, and greeted Zuo Ling, and the two plunged their knives into the earth wall by the river, and climbed steadily down.

Liu Xie pulled Fushou, saw Dong Guiren also boarded the boat, and said indifferently: "Your honor is frightened."

Dong Guiren's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said in a low voice: "I dare not."

However, Liu Xie ignored her and looked up at the people on the river bank rushing down like a flood, as if they were going to submerge his boat.

The sound of shouting and killing in the distance gradually approached, and everyone became more panicked. They fell to the shore and died, and there were many people who fell into the water and drowned. Seeing that there were more and more people on the boat, it seemed that it was almost full!

Liu Xie looked around the boat, the boat was not big, and there were only a few dozens of people on board, and he recognized all of these people.

Empress Fushou, several nobles, Guo Zhaoer, Taiwei Yang Biao, Zongzheng Liu Ai, Zhi Jinwu Fuwan, servant Zhong Zhongji... Zhongguan servant She Fude, servant Wang Chou, Habayashi Lang Houqi, Dozens of government officials including General Wei Dong Cheng and Nanjun Taishou Zuo Ling.

But these people are less than one-tenth of those who did not board the ship.

Seeing that the guards were about to board the boat, Dong Cheng shouted: "Don't get on, otherwise the boat will capsize!"

But who would listen to him at this time, hundreds of people desperately grabbed the ship's side with their hands, trying to turn over, their strength was everywhere, the big ship suddenly shook violently, and all the nobles fell on the board one after another, panicked.

Dong Cheng and Li Le looked at each other, took out the long dagger at the same time, stood by the side of the boat, waved the long dagger, and chopped off at the fingers holding the side of the boat one by one!
Amidst the screams, countless fingers were cut off and fell into the cabin.

The soldiers and guards who had their fingers cut off screamed and fell into the river. Immediately, someone behind them jumped up again, grabbed the side of the boat, and then repeated the same fate as the people in front.

The smell of blood permeated the cabin, and the cabin was full of fallen fingers. The sticky blood flowed around like a stream, staining the deck red, and there were miserable cries resounding inside and outside the boat.

This scene made Liu Xie want to vomit, and his heart was dripping with blood. Most of those whose fingers were cut off were the only remaining Habayashirou, and that was the end!

His lips trembled, as if he wanted to stop it, but in the end he hung his head powerlessly.

The soldiers holding on to the side of the ship finally realized that it was impossible to get on the ship, so they had to let go, cursing and watching the big ship slowly leave the shore.

Liu Xie just breathed a sigh of relief, looking back at the river bank, his pupils suddenly constricted.

On the bank of the river, Li Jue rode a tall horse and led his men to charge up. His soldiers rushed and killed the remaining emperor's convoy. The women and palace servants who hadn't escaped were plundered and robbed by the soldiers while crying.

Liu Xie clenched his fists inside his sleeves, he had no choice but to comfort himself, this was a last resort, Li Jue and Guo Si were all at fault!
Li Jue raised the whip in his hand and shouted: "Where are you people taking the Son of Heaven?"

Dong Cheng was terrified, and said to Liu Xie: "Don't pay attention to him, please hide in the cabin first."

Seeing Liu Xie go in, Dong Cheng saw that Li Jue ordered the soldiers to release arrows, and quickly ordered people to spread out the quilts and hang them up to block the bows and arrows. The big ship gradually moved away in the arrow rain.

In this way, the Tianzi convoy finally fled to the north bank of the Yellow River. At this time, there were only a few hundred people left from the thousands of people who left Chang'an a year ago.

After disembarking, the Tianzi convoy first arrived at Yang County, and then at Dong Cheng's suggestion, entered Li Le's barracks.

Since then, there has been a shortage of food for several days, and the people are so hungry and exhausted that they are about to be forced to use weeds to satisfy their hunger.

Liu Xie was sitting in the big tent, enduring the hunger in his stomach, thinking about where to go next.

Along the way, he was used to thinking when he was hungry. At first, he was so hungry that he was going crazy, and he even wanted to bite Fushou's hand beside him.

Now he is pinching his palm, trying his best to stay awake. Now that he has passed Hexi, he is going to Hanoi, Hedong, or Jizhou?
He understands that although what he says now doesn't count, it is still possible to lead things in the direction he wants. Since the situation of being held hostage cannot be changed, he should recruit more people and let these people restrain each other and fight internally. Take a break from it!

Suddenly the outside of the camp was boiling, and when Liu Xie was in doubt, Fude came in to report that Wang Yi, the prefect of Hedong County, and Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi County, came to greet him with food and clothes!

Fan Shu "Dong Zhuo Biography": Once you arrive in Dayang, stop at others, and then get lucky with Li Leying.Hundreds of officials were hungry, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, made thousands of people pay rice tribute.The emperor is an ox cart, because the capital is Anyi.Wang Yi, the prefect of Hedong, offered cotton and silk, which was given to the following officials.

In the next few days, Liu Xie sent his eunuch Han Rong back to Shan County on the south bank to negotiate peace with Li Jue and Guo Si, and successfully recovered the looted palace officials, officials and several vehicles, and the prestige of the emperor was thus restored. few.

Liu Xie struck while the iron was hot, and appointed officials and generals in Anyi, the governorate of Hedong. Except for Yang Feng who had worshiped the general before he set off for Donggui, the others were divided as follows:

Hu Cai was the general who conquered the North and led Bingzhou Mu, Li Le was the general who conquered the West and led Liangzhou Mu, Han Xian was the general who conquered the East and led Youzhou Mu, Zhang Yang was the general of Anguo and was granted the title of Marquis of Jinyang. , Kaifu is like a Sangong.

Wang Yi was the general of Zhenbei, and he was granted the title of Marquis of Anyang Ting.

Not long after, the news reached Jicheng, Youzhou. Yuan Xi was discussing matters with everyone at this time, and joked to Liu He after hearing it: "I am the governor of Youzhou, but my reputation is not right."

(End of this chapter)

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