Chapter 206 Development
The Lin Family Mountain was originally located at the junction of the Qingfeng Sect and the Wuji Sect. This time, it extended from the Lin Family Mountain to the Wuji Sect, forming a long and narrow site with a length of more than three thousand miles.And this territory finally extended to the border of Yunzhou, and outside was the endless sea.

Among them, in this area, there are six large and small mines discovered by the Promise Sect alone, and now they are all owned by the Lin family.

Among them, there is one second-level spiritual vein and nearly ten first-level spiritual veins. These all originally belonged to the Wuji sect, but now they all belong to their Lin family.

However, most of the area is covered by the Yandang Mountains, but with the current strength of the Lin family, they are not afraid. They will set up formations and send monks to garrison in the future. This will be Lin Qing's continuous source of spiritual stones in the future.

After that, the five parties had no objection, and a contract was signed in Chiyang City, and then it was announced to the entire Zhao Guoxiu Immortal World.

The whole country of Zhao was moved, but there were no monks who dared to stand up against it.

Who dares.

After that, Elder Qin Patriarch Hu left, and Lin Qing came to Yipin Pavilion in Chiyang Immortal City.

Lin Qing is no stranger to Yipin Pavilion.

After going upstairs, he spent [-] spirit stones to buy information about the forces of the Yan Kingdom, and then said: "I don't know if your house would like to open a branch in my Linjiaji. We welcome it very much."

That's right, Lin Qing still wanted to let this Yipin Pavilion go to his Linjiaji.

He now also knows that this Pin Pavilion is a force that spans the entire Yunzhou, much stronger than Baibaolou.

At first, I thought that Yipin Pavilion would consider it, or something, but I didn’t expect to give him a direct answer: "Our Yipin Pavilion has no plan to open a branch in Zhao Country. Thank you, Patriarch Lin, for your kindness."

Lin Qing nodded, but she didn't care. If she didn't want to, she didn't want to. This matter was just mentioned casually, and she probably didn't like it.

After leaving Chiyang Immortal City, Lin Qing took a look at the condition of the purchase on the way, knowing more about the Yan Kingdom.

As a neighboring country of Zhao State, Yan State has a larger area and is closer to Zhongyun Prefecture, which is the center of Yunzhou.Among them, the resources are more abundant. Although there is no golden elixir, Zifuqi has much more than Zhao Guo.Now there are two major sects in Yan Guoming, namely Haoyue Sect and Tianxuan Sect. Both sects have monks in the late Zifu period. The two sects have a good relationship, and there can be eight or nine Zifu sects in total.In addition, there are two other families, the Yan family and the Yang family, both of which have Zifu monks, and the Yan family even has Zifu mid-stage monks.

After reading it, Lin Qing felt that Yan State was stronger, but not too strong.

Thinking of the horde of beasts that Yan State was facing now, Lin Qing felt a little less worried. Although if Yan State really invaded Zhao State, Zhao State would be defeated, but at least it would not be defeated, and there were still a dozen.After all, Yan Guo did not dare to use all the monks, after all, he was next to the more powerful Wei State.

This information mentioned that the Yan Kingdom was one of the three major families back then, and there was also a Wu family, but the Wu family was later destroyed by the Yan family and the Yang family.

Thinking of the Wu family's books found in the cemetery, Lin Qing slowly connected these in her heart.

Then thinking about whether Taoist Chiyang would leave the Yan family because of the Wu family, Lin Qing couldn't help but have some guesses.

Putting away this information, he only understands Yan Guo now, and has no further thoughts.There is a bigger matter before his eyes, which is to take the land he has gained steadily.

Lin Qing had calculated that the six mines the Lin family got this time would generate nearly ten thousand Lingshi's income for his Lin family a year.

After returning to the Lin family, everyone in the Lin family was overjoyed.

Then Lin Qing assigned tasks, Lin Xuze, Lin Xuqian, Lin Xusi, Lin Xuming, Lin Xutai, and Lin Xudan each led people to a mine to establish the six foundations, first to find out the situation, and then to restore the Wujizong Disrupted mining matters.

Speaking of which, the cold iron mine where Lin Xusi was located was originally a subdivision of the Lin family, but it is no longer used.

One is that the Promise Sect is extinct, and the other is that there are better choices. After all, this mine is too close to the Qingfeng Sect.

The six foundations were ordered to go forward, and Lin Qing set up defensive formations one by one. In the future, not only mining, but also these mines will become the subdivisions of their Lin family. Although there are fewer Lin family members now, there will be many in the future. monks gather.

Speaking of which, when the Wuji Sect encountered a catastrophe, the Wuji Sect summoned all the monks stationed in the mine back, but the Lin family didn't use it. Not only can't go, but they have to disperse separately, leaving blood for their Lin family.

This is another big difference between the family and the sect. It can be said that the family has a greater advantage in continuation than the sect that is maintained by the relationship between master and apprentice and the benefits of spirit stones.

There is also a second-order spiritual vein in the assigned site, but this spiritual vein is close to the endless sea. After Lin Qing went there, he found that the Promise Sect had not developed this spiritual vein, but was constantly digging. Almost down to level one.

Lin Qing quickly protected it, and then arranged a formation for it. In the future, the children of the family can also come here to practice, and they can cultivate spiritual fields and develop industries.

The Wuji Sect doesn't cherish this spirit vein, but Lin Qing does.

Lin Qing also thought about whether to use the fake spiritual marrow here. This spiritual vein can reach the third level, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. First, his Lin family can't keep two third-level spiritual veins, and second Coming to Lin Qing, he still wanted to improve the quality of Lin Jiashan's spiritual veins. More is worse than fine ones. A good spiritual vein is better than many mediocre spiritual veins.

After finishing all kinds of trivial matters, three months have passed.

Lin Qing was standing on the Lin Family Mountain at this time, and he was relieved. Now that the family business has expanded again, and Zhao Guo has entered a stable period, the Lin family will use this time to develop more.

But looking at the Lin Family Collection, which was not as numerous as before, Lin Qing suddenly thought of something.

The land assigned to their Lin family this time includes the previous Aoki Collection. The Aoki Collection was destroyed in the past, and it has not been rebuilt for so many years because the Blood Sea Old Demon has not captured it.

But now that all the dust has settled, this Qingmu Collection can be built again.

This is not because Lin Qing wants to miss the past, but the location of Qingmu Collection is indeed unique. After it is established, it can also be regarded as a diversity of their Lin Family Collection.Besides, Baibaolou won the Promise Sect's Xuanyufang, which will definitely have some impact on Lin Jiaji in the future, and they have to plan ahead.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing handed over the matter to Lin Xuze who had returned from the mine.

For these newly acquired mines, Qi training monks are enough, and it is a waste for foundation building monks to put them there.

Lin Xuze, who was entrusted by Lin Qing with this task, was a little excited. Although he had never lived in Qingmuji, he had heard Li Qingyu, who was still alive, talk about Qingmuji before. He thought that this was where his father and mother lived. Wherever he passed, he had a different mood in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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