I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 217 Lin Xuqing Purple Mansion

Chapter 217 Lin Xuqing Purple Mansion

Speaking of Linjiashan's spiritual vein, this spiritual vein has been promoted to the third level since the attack on the Wuji Sect, and now it has been there for 30 years, and a spiritual liquid for one person was born in it, and this spiritual liquid is a third-level The essence of the spiritual veins is very helpful for the monks to break through the purple mansion.

After collecting the psychic liquid, looking at the psychic liquid, Lin Qing thought that if he had had this psychic liquid back then, the success rate must have been terrifyingly high.

But even though he didn't, he made a breakthrough.

Collecting this spirit liquid this time has another use.

Lin Xuqing, relying on his good aptitude and extremely high talent for alchemy, his breakthrough has been very smooth all these years, and now he is less than 140 years old, and he has faintly touched the threshold of the purple mansion period.

With his aptitude plus this spiritual liquid, there is almost a [-]% success rate in breaking through the Purple Mansion.

This is not low.

Lin Qing handed the spiritual liquid to Lin Xuqing who was ready, but didn't say anything, only gave Lin Xuqing an encouraging look, Lin Xuqing nodded, holding the spiritual liquid, it was time to retreat and break through.

To be honest, Lin Xuqing, who had been going smoothly before, was also very anxious at this moment.

This is the Purple Mansion. Once the Purple Mansion is broken, the average lifespan is 350 years, which is two Jiazi longer than the foundation building. What kind of concept is this? The time, if calculated carefully, is only 30 years, and the rest of the time is either young or exhausted.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there is no such saying, as long as the lifespan is not reached, the strength of the whole body will not decline.

That is to say, as long as he breaks through the Purple Mansion, he will be able to spend four more time that a mortal can do in a lifetime.

But if it fails to break through, even though the Foundation Establishment still has a lifespan of 80 to [-] years, no matter how you think about it, you feel that this time is too short.

What's more, it would be fine if he was in the early and mid-stage of foundation establishment, but now he has completed the foundation establishment, and it would be a pity if he didn't break through.

Of course, in the eyes of some cultivators, breaking through the Purple Mansion is somewhat unfair.


You must know that becoming a qi-training monk can live to more than a hundred years on top of the average 50-year-old life of ordinary people, which doubles the life span out of thin air, and then doubles the life span after breaking through the foundation building, which is more than 200 years old.It stands to reason that this breakthrough in Zifu should be over 300 years old, but it turned out to be over [-] years old, isn't that unfair.More importantly, this increased lifespan is not enough at all in the face of subsequent realms that are becoming more and more difficult to break through.

In fact, what these immortal cultivators do not know is that the journey of cultivating immortals is something that can only be done with extremely high talents and extremely high backgrounds. Only these people can have the opportunity to look at the Tongtian Avenue after that. .

It is said that the Purple Mansion is short-lived, but they don't know that in some places, some geniuses established their foundations at the age of 20, and broke through the Purple Mansion before they were sixty.

The Purple Mansion has a lifespan of 350 years, so the time is still a bit long.

For monks with mediocre qualifications, it is a blessing from heaven to have an increased lifespan after breaking through a certain realm, and it is a great benefit.Thinking about the lifespan of a mortal, in fact, some things are not difficult to figure out.

Lin Xuqing didn't have the idea of ​​cultivating to become an immortal. For him, being able to break through the purple mansion and have a lifespan of 350 years was enough.

No matter how high the realm is, he dare not look forward to it.

Of course, this is also related to his spiritual roots. If he had dual spiritual roots, he might seek the Golden Core Dao, but he only has three spiritual roots. It is already too lucky to be able to come to this day. Lucky thing.

After retreating, Lin Xuqing adjusted his state and took spiritual liquid.

As soon as he took the spiritual liquid, Lin Xuqing felt as if he was soaked in the spiritual energy all over his body, which was really comfortable, but he was not indulging in it, but operated the exercises, constantly breaking through to the Purple Mansion.

Lin Qing also told him about the experience of breaking through the Purple Mansion before, so it was not difficult at first.

On the third day, everything went smoothly, but just like Elder Zhu back then, when he was about to become the Purple Mansion, the demon in his heart broke through.

Lin Xuqing felt a little guilty at this time. Compared with his father who had been setting up battles outside, and his two brothers who went to practice early, he has been under the protection of everyone in the Lin family since he practiced, and there has always been no shortage of cultivation resources. He didn't encounter any danger, and now he even took the precious spiritual liquid.What's more, he was a little bit too much. He took a lot of resources to refine the evil pill, wasting the family's cultivation in vain.

For a moment, such emotions flooded into his heart, making him fluctuate endlessly.

At this moment, he also thought of his father Lin Qing's words of calming the heart and not moving, but this demon was coming so fiercely that it was difficult for him to hold on.

Although he tried his best not to follow the demons in his heart, he still couldn't help being shaken in his heart.

Like a dangerous building, it swayed in the strong wind, making one wonder if it was about to fall down in the next moment.

Lin Xuqing wanted to find a fulcrum to stabilize himself, but he couldn't find the thousands of faces that flashed by. Seeing that the dangerous building was about to collapse, Lin Xuqing finally found a fulcrum and calmed down.

Regroup and break through towards the Purple Mansion.

This fulcrum is none other than his son Lin Zhidan, and he has been cultivating this son with all his heart, just like the Lin family has always cultivated him. This kind of approach of the same line made him calm down.

The aura of the third-order spiritual veins began to move, and Lin Qing, who had been waiting for three days, concentrated his energy. For him, Lin Xuqing's breakthrough in the Purple Mansion was extremely beneficial to the family.

With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Purple Mansion and Lin Xuqing, he is already considered a top-ranking power in Zhao State, let alone the hidden Zijin Chan.

It started to rain in the sky. Although it was deep in the cave, Lin Qing still noticed this. This reminded Lin Qing of the time when he broke through and built the foundation in Chiyang Fairy City. At that time, it also rained.

Is this an auspicious photo.

Lin Qing had a good idea. After it rained for half an hour, the breath of Zifu came.

The closed door opened, and Lin Xuqing said respectfully to Lin Qing: "Father, you will live up to your trust."

"good good good good!"

Lin Qing said hello a few times, looking at this child who tried hard to keep calm but couldn't help being happy, he said loudly: "Xuqing, you can laugh if you want to, casually, this is in our Lin Family Mountain, not in other places."

When Lin Xuqing heard this, he let out a sigh of relief, then raised his head without laughing, but couldn't help the tears in his eyes.

Lin Qing knew that this was a more joyful gesture than a smile.

"Go and see your mother." Lin Qing said.

Lin Xuqing nodded, and then went to see Che Yun. Although Che Yun had succeeded in building a foundation all these years, but now she has only broken through the middle stage of foundation building, and even alchemy is only a second-level inferior. It's too bad.

But seeing that her son could become the Zifu, Che Yun was happier than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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