Chapter 220

Let me talk about this tree first. It is now planted on a spiritual vein far away from Linjiaji in Linjiashan, surrounded by other small trees that Lin Qing dug before.The small tree is still small, but when dug up, the tree becomes huge, and after growing these years, it has grown quite a bit. The crown of the tree is nearly ten feet wide and three feet high.

Not to mention its efficacy, even this body shape is rare in the world.

What Lin Qing didn't expect was that the tree bloomed a lot of flowers in the second year. The flowers were so many and fragrant that they could be smelled from miles away.

This day, when they came under the peach tree, Lin Qing and Xiao Wei looked at the tree together.

There are really too many flowers, not only this big tree, but also the small trees dug next to it are full of flowers. When the wind blows, the flower branches sway, and the fragrance is compelling.

There are also bees from nowhere, buzzing around here, collecting nectar.

Lin Qing couldn't help thinking, could it be that these flowers will bear fruit in the future?
Thinking that all the flowers on the tree would bear fruit this time, Lin Qing really dared not think about it.

At this time, Xiao Wei was observing the tree very seriously. As a spiritual planter, she loved all kinds of spiritual plants, let alone this purple jade peach.

Lin Qing looked at the peach blossoms for a while, and then looked at Xiao Wei who was extremely focused. Somehow, she thought of that line of the poem - peach blossoms reflect red on human faces.

Thinking of this, his heart throbbed a little.

For so many years, because of the Wujiafang incident, he married sister Xiaoqian and Xiaowei, but for so many years, he has paid little attention to it. He has been immersed in cultivation and various family affairs. Looking at Xiao Wei now, he feels that he seems a little We were interested in family wholeheartedly.

Stepping forward and hugging Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei was startled and looked at Lin Qing.

Among them, the eyes are still the same as the girl's posture back then.

With peach blossoms all over the head and a shy person underneath, Lin Qing let go of everything at this moment and immersed herself in it.

Xiao Wei was a little unbearable.

After a long time, Xiao Wei woke up and saw Lin Qing leaning against the peach tree and looking into the distance. She was even more shy, but found that she had already put on her clothes.

"Husband." Xiao Wei whispered.

Lin Qing smiled, turned her head to see Xiao Wei, then took her hand, and the two left the place together.

Behind him is the purple jade peach tree that is still in full bloom, resplendent in the sky.

It is Lin Qing's whimsical idea that these flowers of Ziyu peach will bear fruit in the future. These flowers did not bear fruit until the second year. It seems that this time is just a vision produced by the purple jade peach tree breaking through 500 years. , and it will take 50 years to wait for the next result.

However, the purple jade peach tree did not bloom again, but the small trees around it still bloomed once a year.

In the second year, Xiao Wei invited Lin Qing to enjoy the flowers again, and Lin Qing happily went.

After that, it was a wonderful taste, no need to express.

In the third year, the flower appreciation is still the same, but...
On the way, there was a bit of suffering, more and more flower-picking bees came unexpectedly, which disturbed the interest.

"Crack!" Another bee was slapped to death.

Lin Qingxin said, these bees, go pick those peach blossoms, what will they do to me.

But these bees couldn't hear Lin Qing's thoughts, and many of them kept walking around Lin Qing, but Lin Qing and Xiao Wei could only do things hastily, and then looked at these bees that came from nowhere, Lin Qing was very angry Yu, but also a little surprised.

Reaching out to grab one, Lin Qing took a closer look.

These bees are not simple, they all have spiritual energy, although they can't be called monsters, but they are sensitive, with sharp poisonous needles, and a group of them together, I am afraid that even the monsters who practice Qi will not dare to provoke them.

"Wei'er, you go back first, I'll look for you at night, and I'll stay here at this time." Lin Qing said at this time.

Xiao Wei was overjoyed, then nodded and left obediently.

Lin Qing, who stayed where he was, looked at the honey more carefully, and grabbed more honey to check in his hand.

"Could it be that their queen bee is a monster, or is it that they have aura because they collected the flower with aura?" Lin Qing thought at this time, ordinary monsters are not rare, but so many have aura It was the first time he saw the bees, and he was a little curious.

And after Lin Qing caught more bees for research, he seemed to have offended the queen bee behind him. Not long after, several huge bees flew from a distance. .

Lin Qing was surprised that these bees were all monsters in the early stage of Qi training.

This can no longer be called a bee, it should be better called a spirit bee.

After counting, there are a total of five spirit bees, each of which has the cultivation of the second level of Qi training, and their strength is not high, but considering their toxicity and mutual cooperation, they are enough to fight against monsters in the middle of Qi training, and even Qi training. In the later stage, if it is not very good, it will be painful if it is pricked by a needle.

Of course, it's okay for Lin Qing, he even stretched out his hand and let a spirit bee prick him to test the toxicity.


Although it was fine, Lin Qing still took a sharp breath, this spirit bee was really poisonous, it pricked him hard, and it was a bit painful.

After having this feeling, Lin Qing didn't dare to let the other four continue to pierce him, and with a wave of his hand, the spiritual energy sent them away hundreds of feet away.

Lin Qing did not kill these spirit bees,
Instead, he looked thoughtfully at the spirit bee that was coming towards him again.

Lin Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought of one thing, perhaps, he could turn these spirit bees that came from nowhere into his own spirit beasts.

Although he is now in the Purple Mansion, the strength of these spirit bees is too weak, but if he has swarms of spirit bees, it will be a great help. In the future, it will be beneficial to both himself and the family. Moreover, turning these spirit bees into spirit bees The Queen of the Beast, wouldn't it be impossible to disturb his interest in the future.

Looking at this place that can be called a peach forest now, Lin Qingke was really reluctant.

Feihong is a person under the peach blossom tree. People who have not experienced this artistic conception will not understand it.

So after Lin Qing caught a spirit bee, he began to try to communicate with his spiritual sense, but soon released the spirit bee. Too weak, it is difficult to communicate, and they can't do it. They are more like a group of puppets.

"It seems that the queen bee must be found." Lin Qing thought immediately.

Afterwards, several strands of spiritual power were distributed and dotted on several spirit bees respectively. Lin Qing wanted to trace these strands of spiritual energy to find the hive, and then find the queen bee to see if they could be accepted as spirit beasts.

After distributing the spiritual power, Lin Qing immediately used a concealment spell, and he disappeared in the eyes of several spirit bees.

The targets that the spirit bees had seen just now suddenly disappeared, and they buzzed non-stop, but after searching around and failing to find them, they did not rush back, but simply picked nectar here.

Lin Qing, who was hidden, smiled, it seems that even spirit bees cannot avoid collecting honey.

Lin Qing watched them quietly, waiting for them to finish picking before following them.

As for his concealment spell, it will not be a problem to cast it for three days and three nights.

(End of this chapter)

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