I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 222 Queen Bee Foundation Establishment and Elder Meng

Chapter 222 Queen Bee Foundation Establishment and Elder Meng

Ordinary bees have a lifespan of about one to two years, and these spirit bees usually live for more than ten years. If they are in the middle stage of Qi training, they can live for 20 years. As for the late stage of Qi training, this hive has not yet been born.

Of course, the queen bee doesn't count.

In Lin Qing's view, although the queen bee is the leader of this group of bees, it seems to be another species and cannot be compared.

After subduing it, Lin Qing asked the queen bee to direct a group of bees to bring him some honey.

Looking at these honeys that were crystal clear and exuded a faint aura, Lin Qing tasted them. Although it was useless to him now, if a monk in the Qi training period ate it, the effect was comparable to that of a top-grade elixir, which is a good thing.

But Lin Qing didn't have the idea of ​​wanting these honeys, it's better to stay here, he wanted a bee colony.

Now after controlling the queen bee, these spirit bees can be said to listen to his command. If there is any disturbance in Linjiashan, these spirit bees can also be notified through the queen bee. It can be said to be an imperceptible barrier. Lin Jiashan is safer.

After receiving Lin Qing's order, the queen bee immediately dispersed dozens of spirit bees and a large number of ordinary bees to the Lin family mountain. Lin Qing was very satisfied.

Just when Lin Qing was about to leave after finishing everything, the queen bee kept him.

Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what this meant.

Then it was Lin Qing's surprise that this queen bee was about to break through, it was about to break through the foundation-building period.

It's hard to say that this has nothing to do with Lin Qing, maybe it's the benefit of becoming Lin Qing's spirit beast.Or maybe it has been able to break through long ago, but has been worried that it will not break through safely. This time, Lin Qing's strong strength has made it let down its guard.

No matter what kind of relationship it is, Lin Qing is happy to see it succeed. The queen bee who is at the peak of Qi training has these spirit bees. If it is in the foundation building stage, the number may have to be doubled several times.

The next day, Lin Qing stayed with her in place, waiting for the queen bee to break through, of course it was also a kind of protection.

In the middle of the night, this queen bee successfully broke through to the foundation building stage.

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little tired. For some reason, this breakthrough of the queen bee worried him more than Zijinchan did back then. Fortunately, there was no accident.

The queen bee was extremely happy at this time, and Lin Qing stayed with it for a while longer before leaving.

In Lin Qing's heart, after a while, he will come again to see the changes of the queen bee's breakthrough in foundation establishment.

Back at Linjiashan, Lin Qing felt as if she had forgotten something.

Think about what happened today, and suddenly smile.

It was the matter of the queen bee that made him even forget the agreement with Xiao Wei.

Arriving at Xiao Wei's house, although it was late at night, Xiao Wei hadn't fallen asleep yet, waiting for Lin Qing, and when she saw Lin Qing coming to show a happy expression, two figures formed under the candlelight.

Lin Qing didn't explain too much, and the two continued their tenderness during the day.

On the second day, Lin Qing first took a look at Linjiashan.

There are already bees in Linjiashan, including spirit bees and ordinary bees. They are small in size, but they are pervasive. Linjiashan will only be safer with these bees in the future.

Then half a month later, Lin Qing stretched out his hand a little, and the water curtain appeared again, Lin Qing's body went deep, causing the water escape again.

After a few water escapes, he came to the rock wall.

The scene at this time surprised him greatly. After the queen bee became the foundation, the bees inside could not be said to have doubled, but exploded.

Half a month ago, the beehive was still loose, but now it is overcrowded.

Seeing this, Lin Qing communicated with the queen bee to see if it was willing to change places, but the queen bee had a special liking for this place, and was unwilling to leave this rock wall, so Lin Qing did not force it.

However, he used magic to hollow out a nearby rock wall, so that the extra bees in the future can be relaxed.

The queen bee was very grateful to Lin Qing, and her weak thoughts at the beginning also became stronger as she entered the foundation building period, and her spiritual wisdom improved to a higher level.

Just as Lin Qing was trying to communicate with the queen bee, the messenger talisman in his hand suddenly lit up. Lin Qing was startled. Now with the strength of his Lin family, the only one who can make the messenger talisman light up in his hand is a monk from the Purple Mansion. Could it be? No accident.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing immediately resorted to water escape, and returned to Linjiashan in a short while.

Lin Qing thought well, there was a purple mansion who came to Linjiashan, but it was not an accident, but because he had something to do with Lin Qing.

"Elder Meng, you usually sit in Baibaolou, why don't you have time to visit my Lin's house today." Lin Qing said with a smile.

The person who came was Elder Meng from Baibaolou, whose strength is still in the early stage of Zifu.

Elder Meng smiled: "Patriarch Lin, I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. I came here today, but I nagged Patriarch Lin. I hope Patriarch Lin will forgive me."

"No, no, please tell the elder if you have something to say." Although Lin Qing said this, she thought in her heart that their Lin family and Baibaolou seemed to have nothing to do with each other.

Elder Meng said, "I don't know if Patriarch Lin knows Xuanyufang."

"Of course I know that."

How could Lin Qing not know Xuanyufang? This market has a profound meaning to him. He stayed in Xuanyufang for a long time back then. Elder Meng of Baibaolou would not be ignorant of this. This is asking knowingly. .

Lin Qing looked at Elder Meng, and Elder Meng showed a very kind smile at this time, and said to Lin Qing: "Patriarch Lin must also know that Xuanyufang is now owned by my Baibaolou."

"Naturally, how can we not know about dividing the harvest that day." Lin Qing was even more surprised, what kind of calculations did Elder Meng have this time.

Elder Meng went on to say: "Patriarch Lin, I am ashamed to say that since our Baibao Building took over Xuanyufang, the business in the market has not improved a day. Compared with Linjiaji, let alone one-tenth of it. , even if it is halved, it will not be achieved.”

Lin Qing didn't answer. Although he had never been to the current Xuanyufang, he also knew that Elder Meng's words were true, and that Xuanyufang's business was indeed very poor.

As for the reasons, one is of course related to his Lin Family Collection, and the other is that Xuanyufang was a favorite place for many disciples of the Wuji Sect. Only three or two casual cultivators went there, how could the business get better.

Seeing that Lin Qing didn't answer, Elder Meng sighed, "Hey!"

After sighing, he talked about their Baibaolou: "Patriarch Lin doesn't know, the reason why our Baibaolou was willing to join forces with Chiyang Immortal City to attack the Wuji Sect was because some elders in the building thought we should make some changes. Now we have not. Thinking about the attack on the Wuji Sect, we suffered heavy losses, and now the benefits are not so much as imagined. Those elders at the beginning have changed their minds now. Waiting for the opening of the market and the mining of minerals."


Lin Qing's heart moved, and she heard something.

(End of this chapter)

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