I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 233 Cultivator Hua Comes to Aid

Chapter 233 Cultivator Hua Comes to Aid

Immediately afterwards, these armor pieces hit the big formation.

Lin Qing paid close attention to it, and was a little surprised in his heart. The power of this armor plate is really not small, each one makes the formation sink in, and the top of the armor plate shimmers even more, it is so sharp that it cannot be sharper.

Even himself, facing this armor, I am afraid that he can only escape for his life, and it is difficult to resist.

However, their Lin family is only defending now, with the sword and water magic formation. Although this attack is too powerful, after all the armor pieces hit the formation, the formation is still intact.

What's miraculous is that all these armor pieces flew back to the beast, and it seemed that it could attack again.

But the beast didn't come back. Its two round eyes stared at Lin Jiashan in the big formation, especially Lin Qing. After watching for a while, it left.

The three red fire wolves and the sky devouring tiger also left, and the three red fire wolves looked back, which made Lin Qing feel familiar.

Thinking of Zijin Chan's breakthrough and the peeping scene that he encountered, Lin Qing thought in his heart that it might be this beast.

And this meant that Zijin Chan, who had been well protected by Lin Qing, might have been exposed long ago.

But this is just right, let these monsters also understand how strong Lin Jiashan is.

Seeing the three purple mansion monsters leave at this moment, Lin Qing suddenly had a bold idea to make a sneak attack at this time, especially the Sky Eater, which is too powerful. If he comes here from time to time in the future, he will Lin Jiashan's high-ranking monks are fine, but the low-ranking monks will suffer.

But this idea just popped up, Lin Qing didn't do it.

Too risky to be worth it.

Not to mention the strength of these three monsters, even more monsters that have not shown up, he is not able to resist, it is better to defend now.

After the three monsters left, Lin Qing was a little worried, not knowing what methods they would use.

But I didn't think about it, I didn't wait for the monster to come again, but I waited for an unexpected person.

"Cultivator Hua!"

But it was Cultivator Hua who came to help when he learned that the beast tide attacked Lin Family Mountain first.

When Cultivator Hua came, Lin Qing was very happy, but then he thought that all the Cultivators Hua who were farther away had come, but the nearby Qingfeng Sect and Xianxia Sect had no one, Lin Qing felt cold.

"Friend Daoist Lin, are you okay?" After entering the formation, Cultivator Hua asked Lin Qing anxiously.

Lin Qing smiled, thanked you first, and was not in a hurry to say anything else: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Hua, for coming this time, and my Lin family will definitely remember it in my heart. .”

Cultivator Hua said indifferently: "Isn't this what we agreed at the beginning? If one party is in trouble, the rest will provide support. I learned that the beast horde came to Lin Family Mountain first, so naturally they came."

Lin Qing nodded, but sighed: "It's still Daoist Gao Yi, who agreed on this point at the beginning, but now only Daoist came here."

"Oh, this..." Cultivator Hua's face changed, and he asked in disbelief, "Could it be that people from Qingfengzong and Xianxiazong didn't come?"

Lin Qing looked at Brother Hua. Although Lin Jiashan had repelled this wave of beasts and was safe and sound, the indifference of Qingfengzong and Xianxiazong still made him feel chilling.

Lin Qing said slowly: "Fellow Daoist, if they come, how can I say such things."

"This really shouldn't be. When Sifang left our country of Zhao in Baibaolou, what we said was very good. Why do we seem to have forgotten all of them now? It really shouldn't be, really shouldn't be." Cultivator Hua couldn't help shook his head and sighed.

Lin Qing said with a smile at this moment: "Maybe they think that my Lin family mountain can't stop the tide of eating beasts, so they don't use it."

"How could this be? There is a fellow daoist in Linjiashan, and a fellow daoist is a magician. No matter what, he will not easily fall into the hands of monsters. By the way, please tell me about this monster. .”

Hearing that Cultivator Hua asked about the beast tide again, Lin Qing said at this time that there were so many beasts in the beginning that Cultivator Hua took a deep breath when he heard it. , showing a look of joy.When he heard the three Zifu monsters behind him, he concentrated even more. When he heard the methods of the three Zifu monsters, he meditated inwardly, as if he wanted to keep all these in his heart.

"I didn't expect it to be so dangerous."

After Lin Qing finished speaking, Brother Hua sighed.

Lin Qing also nodded, and then looked at the direction where the monsters left, and said with lingering fear: "The power of this beast tide is still underestimated. If they go all out in the first wave, our Lin Family Mountain may not be able to stop it." Come down. But they want to continue to test, so they are more stable, but they give Lin Jiashan a chance, now that they have lost so many low-level monsters, it is enough for them to feel distressed."

Cultivator Hua knew that Lin Qing was talking about them, and he was referring to the late-stage monsters of the Zifu who commanded this beast tide. Cultivator Hua said, "This monster of the Zifu is strange. Once it reaches the late stage of the Zifu, its strength not only increases, but also This spiritual intelligence has also become human-like, even smarter than humans, which was not the case in the middle period of the Purple Mansion, and only they can command the beast tide."

Lin Qing nodded: "That's right, as soon as this monster reaches the late stage of Zifu, its intelligence is about the same as that of a human monk. In my opinion, this is also a preparation for the Golden Core. After all, their monsters can transform into forms after reaching the Golden Core. , it is much more powerful than human monks."

"That's right," said Cultivator Hua in agreement. "Although I haven't seen it, I have heard of many monsters becoming extremely powerful after becoming golden cores. Fortunately, there are no golden core monsters in this beast tide."

Lin Qing smiled, and jokingly said: "If there is a golden pill, my Lin family will be the first to leave the country of Zhao."

"Hahaha." Cultivator Hua also laughed, and then said, "Then my Chiyang Immortal City is not far behind."

I said I was joking, if there were any golden core monsters in this beast swarm, not to mention Lin Qing and Brother Hua, the entire Zhao Kingdom would probably flee in all directions.

But there is no need to worry about this. The golden core monsters are looking for a good place that can help them cultivate. Not to mention the Zhao country, the entire Shangyun Prefecture probably doesn't like the golden core monsters. They want them to command a wave of beasts to attack the Zhao country. , is absolutely impossible, after all, even if Zhao Guo is defeated, it will be useless to them.

Although the two were talking, they kept paying attention to the situation outside the big formation, in case the beast horde came again.

In Lin Qing's mind, if this beast tide comes again, it is estimated that the scale will be much larger, and he even wants to take down Linjiashan in one fell swoop, which makes him have to guard against it.

But now with Cultivator Hua here, plus his Lin family and the Sword and Water God Formation, it is much safer than before.

After a long time, the beast swarm did not come again, and then Lin Qing received a message from the queen bee, saying that many monsters and beasts had moved. Within five hundred miles of Linjiashan, many monsters gradually went away.

Knowing this, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm afraid that the beast tide also thought that Lin Family Mountain was difficult to break through, so they changed the place.

(End of this chapter)

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