I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 235 Qingfeng Sect Was Broken

Chapter 235 Qingfeng Sect Was Broken

Then on the second day, the beast tide did not come again, and Lin Qing also knew that many monsters had now left his Lin Family Mountain with certainty and headed towards Qingfengzong.

Cultivator Hua bid farewell to Lin Qing at this time, and went to help out.

Lin Qing didn't go, and he didn't stop Cultivator Hua who was going, but said solemnly:
"Fellow Daoist Hua, pay attention to your own safety, there is Chiyang Immortal City behind you."

When Cultivator Hua heard this, he nodded heavily, then left the Lin family mountain and headed towards Qingfengzong.

After Cultivator Hua left, Lin Qing also closed the big formation. This formation is powerful, but it also consumes too much spiritual energy. It is a heavy burden on the spiritual veins. It is only opened when it is really in danger, and it is not opened on weekdays.

Seeing that the crisis has been completely resolved, many casual cultivators of the Lin family and the descendants of the Lin family are really relieved, and this matter will spread throughout the country of Zhao in a few days. By then, it will be true as Lin Xuze said before, Lin Jiashan It really revitalized the country of Zhao.

After the crisis was over, the younger generations of the Lin family were very busy and needed to do a lot of things to deal with the aftermath. Lin Qing didn't take care of it, but went back to the house.

Instead of practicing, he lay down and slept.

He is indeed a bit tired.

While Lin Qing was resting, the beast tide did not rest. After seeing that the Linjiashan Formation was too powerful, these monsters moved away and came directly to Qingfengzong.

This Qingfeng Sect is also a difficult force. They have taken root in Zhao Guo for a long time, and they cannot be easily shaken.

At this time in Qingfengzong, in addition to opening the formation that is also a third-rank top-rank, there are four Zifus, two of which belong to Qingfengzong, Qin Zongzhu and another Zongmen Zifu, and the other two belong to Qingfengzong. One is Brother Hua who came here, and the other is Elder Hu.

Speaking of which, Qingfengzong and Xianxiazong have always been on good terms. This Xianxiazong was indifferent to the crisis in Linjiashan, but when Qingfengzong was in danger, they came.

At this moment, Elder Hu came, looked at Cultivator Hua and Sect Master Qin, and said without hesitation: "We made an agreement in the past, but now the Qingfeng Sect is in trouble. Why is no one coming to Lin Family Mountain?"

After finishing speaking, I thought Sect Master Qin would agree, but it was as if Sect Master Qin didn't hear it.

Cultivator Hua couldn't help but said: "The Lin Family Mountain is in trouble, why doesn't the elder go?"

Elder Hu said indifferently: "I went, but halfway there, I heard that the beast tide had arrived at Qingfengzong, so I hurried towards Qingfengzong."

Cultivator Hua couldn't help it, thinking that you are a majestic purple mansion, did you use your feet to get there?

Sect Master Qin interrupted the two of them at this moment: "Okay, let's focus on the immediate crisis, and don't say anything else."

After finishing speaking, Elder Hu and Brother Hua didn't say anything more.

The reason why Sect Master Qin said this was because he didn't want to see Elder Hu and Cultivator Hua cause disturbances because of this matter, and now he wanted to focus on his Qingfeng Sect affairs.However, in Sect Master Qin's heart, there was no nervousness at the beginning. In his mind, Lin Jiashan could get through, so could he not be able to do so with Qingfengzong?

Although Elder Hu didn't say anything, he was full of confidence at this time. In his thinking, the beast horde should be fine.

However, Cultivator Hua had other ideas in his mind. He originally wanted to help the battle with all his strength, but at this time, Cultivator Hua felt that, just as Lin Qing said, he still had to pay attention to his own safety, after all, there was Chi Yang behind him. Fairy City.

The beast horde came while they were talking, and it was overwhelming.

"The disciples in the late stage of Qi training quickly step up!"

"Report to the suzerain, there are a large number of monsters on the left side of the sect, and they need support."

"Elder Zhuji, hurry up!"

"Not good, a kind of earth-burrowing beast got into the disciples who were about to evacuate, causing a lot of casualties."

"Send someone quickly."

"All Foundation Establishment disciples, evacuate the sect, evacuate the sect, go to the Xianxia Sect, repeat, go to the Xianxia Sect, Elder Hu and City Master Hua are on the way to protect, hurry up and evacuate!"

"Go, go!"


Less than four hours later, the Qingfeng Sect fell into a panic. The sect's great formation was broken, and the sect was killed and injured. At this time, the remaining disciples, led by Elder Hu and Cultivator Hua, went to Xianxia Sect take refuge.

Seeing the monsters galloping around and the disciples fleeing from time to time, Sect Master Qin stood where he was. He just killed a late-stage foundation-establishment monster, but he couldn't help but despair.


Another disciple was bitten in half by a monster, but Sect Master Qin didn't have time to rescue him, because he was about to leave at this time.

Speaking of which, when the beast horde just arrived, Qingfengzong was safe and sound under the defense of the large formation, and everyone in the formation was beaming with joy.But Qingfengzong's formation is different from Linjiashan's. Although it is both a third-tier high-grade formation, this formation only has defensive functions, not killing enemies.

When thousands of monsters gathered in front of the formation, the safe and sound formation reassured everyone. When [-] were gathered, the number would be more, but...
[-], [-], until almost [-] monsters of various classes gathered in the back, and the monks in the sect were a little restless.

It's too much.

You must know that even if there are too many ants, they can kill mice hundreds of times larger than them, let alone so many monsters.

These are all Qi training foundation building monsters, one attack is fine, but tens of thousands of attacks added together, this big formation is not so pleasant.

But if they wanted to go out to kill the enemy, no one dared to go. If they went out in a large formation, they would be submerged in the beast tide in an instant.

The many monsters that did not pose a threat to Lin Jiashan made Qingfengzong fall into trouble in an instant.

After there were more monsters, under the unified command, they began to attack the formation. Every attack could shake the formation. Although standing in the formation, the monks of Qingfengzong were still worried.

However, after attacking for less than half an hour, the big formation was Qingfengzong's reliance after all, so there was no serious problem.

For a moment, many people were relieved again. They didn't expect that the main event would be the next one. The Zifu, which had not moved until now, moved.After one move, the destructive power caused by this large formation was simply worse. In less than an hour, the large formation was seriously damaged.

At this time, everyone could see that something was wrong, and Sect Master Qin even made the Zongmen to prepare what should be done, dug up all the elixir of the Zongmen, and might have to evacuate.

Sect Master Qin did this wisely. Three hours after the beast tide arrived, the formation that had persisted for a long time finally couldn't hold on, and then burst apart, and then many monsters poured into Qingfengzong, but Qingfengzong disciples Many of them also fought together.However, when the monsters in the Zifu period came later, no matter how many disciples there were, it would be useless. Qin Zongzhu and another Zifu tried their best to kill a Zifu monster, but the other Zifu of the Zongmen was killed by another Zifu. The monster kills.

He could only escape at this time.

Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, dug out the elixir, and reduced the loss.

At this moment, Elder Hu and Cultivator Hua took the lead, behind him dozens of Foundation Builders fled in a hurry with a lot of qi training, and behind them, Sect Master Qin was in the rear.

(End of this chapter)

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