I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 240 Nian and Lin Yuanwu

Chapter 240 Ten Years and Lin Yuanwu
In the past two months, there were casual cultivators who killed enough monsters in exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill. This matter was deliberately spread by several major forces, which undoubtedly moved the hesitating monks. For a while, Many monks have joined the ranks of the initiative.

Soon, Zhao Guofeng changed direction, but it was the monk who took the initiative to fight with the monster.

Many of the younger generations of the Lin family also left the Lin family and participated in the action against the monsters.

As for the Purple Mansion, neither the monsters nor the monks were indifferent, only letting the monks below continue to fight.

Going on like this, ten years passed by in a flash.

Ten years later, the struggle between Zhao Guo's monks and the monsters is still going on. It's hard to say who has the upper hand, but each other has losses.

To elaborate, it is the monks of the Zhao Kingdom who have suffered the most losses. After all, facing so many monsters, even the monsters in the Qi training and foundation building period have caused many low-level monks to continue to be killed and injured. Several major forces have counted, In the past ten years, about [-] monks have lost their lives at the mouth of monsters, which is not a small number.

With the loss of so many monks, it is reasonable to say that Zhao Guo should have collapsed a long time ago, but now not only has it not collapsed, but there are more monks.

Just because there are still a steady stream of monks from Yan State and Wei State coming here.

Although the monster had previously reached an agreement with the Yan State and the Wei State, this agreement can only stop the monks in the Zifu period, and the Qi training and foundation building will not be affected.

After the situation between Zhao Guo and the monsters changed, and there were a lot of rewards, these monks came here on their own initiative.

In fact, even without rewards, after Zhao Guo fought against the first wave of beasts and formed a stalemate, many monks would come.After all, monsters are the fastest and most convenient way for ordinary monks to obtain spirit stones. Just like Lin Qing did not have spirit stones back then, thinking about hunting fire wolves, these monks also had the same idea. These are all spirit stones. .

What's more, the forces of Yan State and Wei State also contributed a lot behind the scenes.

For these monks who went to Zhao country, not only did they not stop them, but they also encouraged them very much.

Speaking of being the same as the five kingdoms of Shangyun Prefecture, although Zhao Guo is weak, it is still the territory of human monks. After a long time, there are still unclear reasons.If it is really allowed to be taken by monsters in the future, other countries will not be willing.

Take Yan Guo as an example. Before that, he wanted to provoke Zhao Guo to fight, and then invaded Zhao Guo.They also successfully provoked Zhao Guo to fight, but they shelved it because of the beast tide afterwards.If there is no beast tide, they will invade Zhao country.

But even if they successfully invaded, they only wanted to expand the area of ​​his country of Yan, and they didn't think about completely destroying the country of Zhao.It will accept all the original monks in Zhao State, but it will allow the area under its control to get more resources.But now that the monsters want to destroy the Zhao country, how can the Yan country, which is a neighboring country, be willing.

Under this influence, more casual cultivators have entered Zhao country to hunt and kill monsters together.

Ten years have passed, and no one knows how many casual cultivators there are in the territory of Zhao State. Anyway, to the delight of Lin Qing and the Zifu, the number of monsters and the area under their control are gradually decreasing. Good sign.

In this case, the monks with more good deeds selected the top ten monks of Zhao Guo's younger generation.

These ten monks are all young and promising foundation-building monks, and each of them has contributed the most in hunting monsters, and the methods are fierce, and no other monks can compare.

Among them, Lin Yuanwu from the Lin family is at the top of the list, known as the Lin family tiger.

Speaking of Lin Yuanwu, he can be called a true genius.

Why do you say that?
Let’s talk about Lin Yuanwu himself first. He is the son of Lin Zhidan, the grandson of Lin Qing.

More importantly, the Lin family behind him.

His father, Lin Zhidan, also has dual spiritual roots, and is now in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he is a great help.His grandfather Lin Xuqing, although he has the root of the three spirits, is now a cultivator in the Purple Mansion, which is a great help for him.Needless to say, Lin Qing, the patriarch of the Lin family, became even stronger.These people are his elders, and they are also his help in cultivation, and they can find solutions to any problems.

It can be said that it took three generations of the Lin family to cultivate Lin Yuanwu, a true genius, even his father Lin Zhidan was inferior.

Backed by several generations of elders and the powerful Lin family, he started practicing at the age of 12, in the middle stage of Qi training at the age of 14, in the late stage of Qi training at the age of 19, and reached the ninth level of Qi training at the age of 23. This speed is unprecedented for a group of casual practitioners. unheard of.

Then in the year when the beast tide broke out, that is, when he was 25 years old, he reached the perfection of Qi training, and then directly took the foundation building pill to break through the foundation building.Later, after Zhao Guo had a stalemate with the monsters, he took the initiative to attack with the help of his foundation building strength, the various magic tools on his body, and the various spells he mastered. He killed countless monsters and overwhelmed other young monks.

Became the first of this top ten list.

The second is far from him.

Now ten years have passed, and at the age of 35, he has already reached the fourth level of foundation establishment, reaching the middle stage of foundation establishment, making it difficult for other monks to match.

Some monks predicted that at the age of 60 at the most, Lin Yuanwu would be able to break through the Purple Mansion.

Perhaps it will become the youngest Purple Mansion in Zhao State.

This is the only family in the resource-poor country of Zhao, and only the Lin family is so powerful that this kind of thing happened.

Speaking of which, Lin Yuanwu's cultivation speed is rare even in Yunzhou.

After all, good aptitude is not difficult and can always be found, but it is difficult to obtain excellent training while having good aptitude.

Fish and bear's paw can't have both. Some people come from big families but poor qualifications. Even if the family has the heart, it is powerless.

There are people with good qualifications but no background, and it is very difficult for them to practice. After all, no matter how talented they are, they will not enjoy the selfless training like a family, but may be targeted by others.

It can be said that Lin Yuanwu's current achievements are multifaceted and difficult to replicate.

Self-effort and family cultivation are indispensable.

Because of the beast tide, all major forces in Zhao State are trying their best to train younger generations, and there are many young foundation builders.But compared with Lin Yuanwu, the gap in the middle is even bigger than the chasm.

For this junior, Lin Qing has also seen it, and originally wanted to tell him that although he is strong, he must be humble and cautious.

But once he saw it, Lin Qing needless to say.

What Lin Qing couldn't even imagine was that this kid is not only strong, but also has an outstanding temperament. He is neither arrogant nor impetuous. It doesn't matter if he mentions it, he really can't fault it.

This made Lin Qing feel that his descendants of the Lin family had hope.

To be honest, for Lin Yuanwu, even Lin Qing himself is a little envious. Foundation establishment at 25, and mid-stage foundation establishment at 35 are simply unthinkable.He was 46 back then, and only practiced the third level of qi. At that time, he was facing the biggest threshold of cultivation in his life: "fourth level of qi training". Thinking about it now, he really felt embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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