I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 249 Swaying in the Wind

Chapter 249 Swaying in the Wind
Lin Xuchang's tortoise shell prophecy just now predicted this point. After their Lin family mountain was destroyed in Linghu Lake, the power of their formation was greatly reduced. In addition, Lin Qing was absent for a while, so this monster really attacked. How could Lin Xuchang not be in a hurry.

In order to avoid being discovered in the early stage, this pangolin's late-stage monster in the Purple Mansion has drilled an extremely concealed underground hole. Lin Xuchang wanted to stop it before it got to the Lin Family Lake.

The beast will get there in a quarter of an hour at most, but Lin Qing can't make it in time.

Only Lin Xuchang, who knew about this matter, went forward. As for informing Lin Xuqing again, Lin Xuchang was powerless. He couldn't see, couldn't hear, let alone talk. Half a day can explain this clearly.

But in his heart, there is an unknown trump card.

He rushed to the Lin family lake with the help of his spiritual sense, Lin Xuchang knew that the monster was coming soon, he didn't care about other things, he just sat down cross-legged, then took out the tortoise shell, and made many incomprehensible tricks. The technique, the mouth did not move, but the words were muttered in the heart, as if it was a sacrificial exercise.

Speaking of which, Lin Xuchang had long predicted how he could be promoted to the Purple Mansion, but the result of the prediction made him dare not do it.

That is to completely integrate this tortoise shell into the body, and then you can be promoted to the Purple Mansion.

There seems to be no problem with this point. After being integrated into the body, the body will return to normal after advancing to the Zifu.However, Lin Xuchang knew that if he integrated this tortoise shell into his body, then he would no longer be him, but be dominated by this tortoise shell. It was a catastrophe.

So he never did.

And these years, Lin Xuchang has not been idle, he knows a lot about tortoise shells, and he really let him know a little bit about tortoise shells.

In his opinion, this tortoise shell should be a treasure refined by the ancient power, which can be used for divination. At that time, it might only be divination, and there would be no side effects.But I don't know how many years later, this tortoise shell wandered in the world and gave birth to spiritual wisdom.After being obtained by him, everything this tortoise shell does has only one purpose, and that is to take him away.

This sounds absurd, how can a tortoise shell win over a monk, but Lin Xuchang, who knows the power of this tortoise shell, has no doubts about it.

Sometimes in his opinion, the tortoise shell can't be said to be a help, it should be an evil thing.

However, after these years of use, he has also mastered some unique methods, and he is using one at this time.

If it succeeds, not only will it be able to advance to the Purple Mansion and recover its body, but it can also completely control the tortoise shell. It will be sure to deal with this crisis, and I am afraid that there will be hope for Jindan in the future.

Of course, the success rate of this matter is not high, otherwise he would have done it a long time ago, and now he has no choice but to launch it. If Lin Family Mountain is destroyed, everything will be in vain.

The complicated techniques make people dazzled.

At this moment, the pangolin monster has successfully avoided many warnings from the Lin family, and came to the edge of the Linghu Lake. Looking at the Linghu Lake, the pangolin in the late stage of the Purple Mansion wanted to do something next with a happy look in its eyes.But he is also a little strange, why is there a foundation cultivator here, is he practicing?

When the pangolin was looking at Lin Xuchang and deciding whether to eat it in one bite, Lin Xuchang suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the aura on his body reached the purple mansion stage.

However, after being promoted to the Purple Mansion, he who had recovered his five senses in an instant felt extremely sad in his heart.

"It still failed. This state lasts for a quarter of an hour at most. I hope to stop this beast."

Lin Xuchang's idea of ​​mastering this tortoise shell did not succeed, but he did not fail completely. Now that he has been promoted to the purple mansion stage, he can maintain it for a quarter of an hour. As for what will happen after a quarter of an hour, he himself does not know. Know.

Although it failed, Lin Xuchang didn't think about anything else at this time, and concentrated on looking at the pangolin.

The pangolin was surprised when he saw Lin Xuchang suddenly promoted to the Purple Mansion, but then he thought that he was in the late stage of the Purple Mansion, so he didn't care, what about being promoted to the Purple Mansion, he was still far away.In this Lin family mountain, without the person with the spirit beast, no one else should be afraid.

Holding the tortoise shell that didn't melt into his body, Lin Xuchang made a prophecy, and then ran towards the pangolin.

The pangolin smiled, and started fighting, but what the pangolin didn't expect was that although Lin Xuchang had just arrived in Zifu, he was extremely powerful, as if every move hit his weak point, making it difficult for him to deal with it for a while.

The pangolin couldn't help putting away some contempt and concentrated on coping, but Lin Xuchang felt even sadder in his heart.

No matter how he predicted at this time, he could not defeat this beast, and even after Lin Xuqing heard the news and rushed to him, he was powerless, and both of them were killed by this beast.

Thinking of this result, Lin Xuchang's heart turned cold.

It's all right that he is a mortal person now, Lin Xuqing is the purple mansion of his Lin family, he can't just die like this, let alone both of them died, this Lin family mountain will be over, let alone the others.

Then Lin Xuchang's heart turned violent, the tortoise shells in his hand lit up frequently, and he made a bold move.

He deliberately exposed a flaw, and after the pangolin pierced his entire chest with its claws, he suddenly hugged the pangolin tightly with all his strength, and then put the turtle shell between the two.

The pangolin was amazed, but Lin Xuchang used his last spiritual power to cast a spell, and then looked around.

When the spirit lake was first built, Sister Xiaoqian told Lin Qing that spirit bamboos could be planted, which would be beneficial both for viewing and for sale in the future. Lin Qing agreed, and a lot of spirit bamboos were planted at the beginning.Now around Linghu Lake, there are densely packed Lingzhu.Lin Xuchang saw at a glance that the surrounding world was full of green, and some bamboos were still blooming with small flowers, swaying in the wind.

"It's so beautiful!"

Lin Xuchang uttered the last words of his life after spending nearly half of his life speechless.

It is a yearning for the world and admiration for beauty.

The bamboo forest may seem ordinary to others, but in the heart of Lin Xuchang who lost his eyes and now has them for a short time, this is the most beautiful sight in the world.

The wind blew, Lin Xuchang stood on the spot, bowed his head and died.

In the astonished expression of the pangolin, the tortoise shell gradually merged with Lin Xuchang at this moment, but because of Lin Xuchang's death, in an instant, something seemed to go wrong in the tortoise shell, and a raging fire ignited. Not only was the turtle shell burned, but Lin Xuchang and the pangolin were also engulfed in the flames.

"Ah! Hiss! Ah!!!"

The pangolin kept roaring, the sound was extremely terrifying, the fire was so powerful that even it in the later stage of Zifu couldn't resist it.

Lin Xuchang was silent, no matter how powerful the flame was, he couldn't ignite the slightest movement.

By the quiet lake, the flames are rising even higher.

"Brother Xuchang!!"

Lin Xuqing who rushed over saw this scene and shouted hoarsely.

No one answered, even the pangolin stopped roaring and was buried in the fire.

This strange flame came and went very fast.

After less than a quarter of an hour, there was nothing left, no ashes at all, and it was extremely clean.

Not only Lin Xuchang and the pangolin, but also the tortoise shell disappeared into the world.

The wind blew again, and three or two bamboo flowers fell.

(End of this chapter)

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