I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 251 Lin Zhidan Zi Mansion

Chapter 251 Lin Zhidan Zi Mansion

I still remember what Brother Hua said at the beginning. Now that Lin Qing thinks about it, he also feels similar to him.

When practicing qi, he married a wife and had children, enjoying himself happily.When the foundation was established, his strength increased greatly, and his descendants were strong, which made him feel even more delighted.But when he arrived in Zi Mansion, his wives and concubines gradually died, which made him feel a little overwhelmed.Cultivator Hua, who is now a close friend, has also fallen behind, which makes Lin Qing feel even more lonely with the improvement of strength.

"Maybe that's the norm."

Lin Qing thought so in her heart.

Five years later, Lin Yuanwu, a genius descendant of the Lin family who had completed the foundation establishment, tried to break through, but unexpectedly, with the blessing of a psychic liquid, the breakthrough failed.

There is only one copy of this spiritual liquid in 30 years, so it is a pity to fail.

Lin Yuanwu himself was also very frustrated. He couldn't imagine how he could fail.When he broke through, he didn't encounter any inner demons or lack of spiritual power, but he just couldn't break through, and he was a little short.

After Lin Qing learned about it, he just let Lin Yuanwu continue to practice. With his age, he still has a chance to make a breakthrough in the future.

Speaking of which, this breakthrough sometimes really needs some opportunities.

It doesn't mean that you have a chance of [-]% or [-]% to make a breakthrough, nor does it mean that you have a chance of only [-]% to [-]% and you must fail.

This kind of probability is only from a large aspect, but when it is actually implemented in a specific breakthrough, it cannot be calculated so simply.

Take the status as an example, maybe someone has poor aptitude and the chance of breakthrough is not high.But if he is in a particularly good state during the breakthrough, this can also help the breakthrough.Similarly, someone who has good qualifications but is not in the best condition will inevitably be hindered from breaking through.

Speaking of which, every monk will choose to break through when he is in good condition, but here lies the problem.

What is a good state and what state is good for a breakthrough? This is different for each person, and no one can figure it out. Even if you are yourself, how much can you know.

Take the original Cultivator Zhou as an example. When he broke through for the first time, he was full of longing for the Dao, adjusted himself to the best condition, and took the Foundation Establishment Pill, which had a high chance of breaking through, but the breakthrough failed.Later, because of Cultivator Zhao's stimulation, he broke the jar, thinking that if he could do it, he would not do it, and he took medicine, and finally succeeded.

For him, if he had the idea of ​​breaking the jar for the first time, it might be more suitable for him and he would succeed.

But then again, when he broke through for the first time, it was impossible for him to have the idea of ​​breaking the jar, so this is extremely contradictory.

So breaking through cultivation seems to be a matter of constantly accumulating success rate, but more precisely, it is a matter full of randomness.

Even if you have a ninety-nine percent success rate, if you are destined, a one-point failure rate is inevitable.

Ordinary people often lament that the word "fate" is elusive. They always talk about who has a good life, who has a bad life, and what happens when they are born. It also makes some sense.

After Lin Yuanwu's breakthrough failed, he still needs at least ten years of recuperation, and he cannot break through in a short time.

But his father, Lin Zhidan, began to try to break through at this time.

Lin Zhidan, like Lin Yuanwu, has dual spiritual roots, but compared with Lin Yuanwu, he is more involved in family affairs and alchemy, and his cultivation base is weaker, and he has only been in the Purple Mansion until now.

Speaking of which, the spiritual liquid should have belonged to Lin Zhidan, but Lin Zhidan gave it to his son Lin Yuanwu from a family point of view. After all, Lin Yuanwu had a better chance of breaking through the Purple Mansion than him.

But now that Lin Yuanwu failed to break through, he couldn't wait for the next psychic liquid for the time being, so he had to use kung fu to break through forcefully.

His probability, if calculated, should be a little over [-]%, which is considered to be a very high probability.

After breaking through, it will take three days to retreat.

three days later.
Lin Zhidan walked out of the secret room with a smile on his face. He had already reached the Purple Mansion. When he saw Lin Qing, he saluted first.

"Old Ancestor, I have lived up to my entrustment, and I have succeeded in the Purple Mansion."

"Good good!"

Lin Qing was overjoyed, his Lin family had another Zifu, which was a great joy.

Not long after, the news spread to Lin Jiashan and Zhao Guo, and everyone was amazed again for a while.

The joy doesn't stop there.

Half a month later, Lin Qing's spirit beast, the two-headed bear, broke through the Zifu on the spot after being fed a piece of honey as usual.

Moreover, the sonic attack ability that Lin Qing never forgot was born, with two heads opening their mouths, and the roar was more powerful than the Sky Devourer Tiger back then, which could be called the trump card of low-level monks.

All of a sudden, Lin Qing possessed two Zifu spirit beasts, and with himself, his Lin family now has five Zifu combat powers, the improvement is unimaginable.

Another five years later, Lin Qing was 240 years old, and his cultivation had reached the late stage of Zifu.

Combined with the supernatural power of condensing water, the overall strength is even stronger, and no one in Zhao State can match it.

At this time, Lin Qing made a decision, that is to counterattack the monster.It has been 30 years since the beast tide broke out in his Zhao country, and it is time to start a counterattack.

After contacting Chiyang Xiancheng and Xianxiazong, they all agreed, so the three parties met in Chiyang Xiancheng.

Back then, before the beast horde came, Qingfengzong Xianxia Zong Baibaolou, Chiyang Xiancheng, Lin family's five parties and Zifu, gathered in Chiyang Xiancheng. An agreement to jointly defend against the beast tide.

And so, there are only three of the five forces left, only Lin Family Xianxiazong and Chiyang Xiancheng.Even the purpose of the discussion has changed from defending monsters to counterattacking monsters.

The Lin family is still the representative of Lin Qing, and their strength is already in the late period of Zifu. Chiyang Xiancheng is still a monk of Hua, but it has been in the early stage of Zifu for so many years. As for Xianxiazong, Elder Hu and Sect Master Qin came together. They are all in the early days of Zifu, and nothing has changed.

When meeting Cultivator Hua, Lin Qing smiled and didn't say much.

Elder Hu and Sect Master Qin were very fond of Lin Qing. If they were equal at the beginning, the gap between them is too big now.

"Patriarch Lin is really the future light of our country of Zhao. From my point of view, Patriarch Lin can become a golden elixir at least in the future, and Yuanying is not impossible." Qin Sect Master cupped his hands at this time, and said extremely flatteringly.

Elder Hu on the side immediately said: "Yes, with the presence of Patriarch Lin, our country of Zhao will not only be able to repel the beast hordes, but will also be safe forever in the future."

Lin Qing smiled and did not refute.

He has the aptitude of Tianlinggen and good water skills, it is only a matter of time before the Golden Elixir, and the Nascent Soul is not impossible.

But this is not what he was thinking at this time. After becoming the late stage of Zifu, his spiritual consciousness had skyrocketed, and he had gradually transformed into a more powerful primordial spirit in the golden core stage. At this moment, he felt quite strange in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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