Chapter 256
After reading the letter that Brother Hua wrote to him, Lin Qing fell into a long silence.

But after a long silence, he suddenly smiled again.

Since then, Cultivator Hua has left everything behind and traveled elsewhere. He should bless him.

But thinking of the association with Cultivator Hua for these years, Lin Qing felt a little bit reluctant. This time, after a farewell, I don't know when we will see each other again, and even never see each other again in this life.

After reading the letter several times, Lin Qing slowly put it down.

He was a little hesitant at this moment, except that Cultivator Hua stated that he wanted to leave in the letter, but left Chiyang Immortal City to him.

To be honest, Lin Qing would never have thought of this point anyway. It is the Chiyang Immortal City located on the third-order spiritual vein. In recent years, not only in Zhao State, but also in Yan State and Wei State, it has a certain reputation, which is better than Lin Jiaji. To be prosperous.And Cultivator Hua simply left it to him, which surprised him and made him hard to accept for a while.

Of course, this is very good for his Lin family. If there is Chiyang Immortal City, it will allow the Lin family to develop faster, and now the Lin family can also control it.

After thinking about it, Lin Qing smiled self-deprecatingly. To be honest, if he was placed in the position of Cultivator Hua, he would be reluctant to part with such a Chiyang Immortal City.

Only Cultivator Hua can do this.

Putting the letter away, Lin Qing decided to go to Chiyang Immortal City to find the mortal in the letter from Cultivator Hua.

When I came to Chiyang Immortal City, everything was the same as before. There seemed to be no change. People came and went on the streets, and there were many monks. It was still a holy place for casual cultivators in Zhao State.

Lin Qing didn't look much, and came directly to Cultivator Hua's mansion. As expected, Cultivator Hua had already left. Except for some servants, there was no trace of Cultivator Hua in the mansion.

Without much effort, Lin Qing found the mortal named Feng in the kitchen.

Cultivator Hua obviously explained that when he saw Lin Qing, this mortal handed over some of the certificates left by Cultivator Hua to Lin Qing, and Lin Qing saw that there was nothing wrong with it.However, after reading these proofs, he became curious about this mortal named Feng. Cultivator Hua did not let other monks do this, and entrusted such an important matter to such a mortal, probably for some reason.

"Immortal, that's true. I have some connections with City Lord Hua." Hearing Lin Qing's curious question, the mortal whose real name was Feng Yuancai said affirmatively to Lin Qing.

"Oh, I don't know what kind of origin it is, can you tell me about it?"

Lin Qing asked again.

At this moment, in the kitchen of Brother Hua's mansion, there were only Lin Qing and Feng Yuancai. Hearing Lin Qing's questioning, Feng Yuancai also wanted to tell. He looked around, found a stool and sat down, and Lin Qing also sat down.

"It's been a long time, it's been more than 200 years." Feng Yuancai said as soon as he sat down.

"It was in Yangshui City. More than 200 years ago, there was a big family in the city named Hua. I don't know how many generations my grandfather's grandfather lived. Anyway, it was my ancestor who worked as a fireworker in Hua's family. This is what he has been telling. What came down, I still remember it to this day.”

"At that time, although the Hua family was rich, the number of people was small. Later, they married the third concubine and gave birth to a male, who is the current Huacheng Lord. According to my ancestors, after giving birth to a male , everyone in the mansion rewarded ten taels of silver, and it was only because of this silver that my ancestors married, and there were all my ancestors until they had me."

This Feng Yuancai was a bit long-winded, but Lin Qing didn't interrupt, but listened carefully, no matter how long-winded he was, he had the time.

"After having a male, not only rewards, but also the mansion has sung operas for ten days, and there are many banquets. But my ancestors were so busy that five loads of firewood were given to the mansion to burn firewood a day. Sending off, my ancestors never forgot the busyness at that time. Later, this man grew up day by day, and became even more intelligent. The Xiao family, another big family in the city, got married, and the relationship between the two is very good."

"Later, on the day the Xiao family passed through the door, my ancestors burned firewood for another day. That day, each person was rewarded with five taels of silver, and my ancestors also gave birth to a third child. However, after passing through the door, Grandma Xiao has never had a child. People are very anxious. After all, the population of Huafu was sparse before, and they wanted to take concubines again, but the original Huacheng Lord was unwilling. I don't know how many officials in Yangshui City, big and small, gave gifts, saying that Mr. Hua must be unlimited in the future."

"Washington even put on a big banquet, but the money was only rewarded three liang per person, because there were too many servants in Washington at that time, but my ancestor became a small steward, so there was no need to light the fire, and someone else did it. Celebrate After that, the Lord Huacheng continued to study, but he might have bad luck in the future, and he failed the exam twice in a row. According to my ancestors, the essays have always been excellent, but they just failed. Then there will be those things.”

"Later, when he was in his 30s, the owner of Huacheng went to the exam again. That time he said that if he failed, he would go home and continue the family business, marry a few concubines, and the whole family was very happy. As a result... As a result, this time will never return The person who came back to report said that he passed the exam and was still a second-class Jinshi, but he was taken away by an immortal on the way, and it is said that he went to practice Taoism and become an immortal."

"At that time, my ancestor said that upon hearing the news, the sky in Washington City had collapsed, and it was not unheard of to become an immortal, but who would have thought that this would happen to him? How can we see you again. This time, everyone, especially Grandma Xiao, has found a few concubines, but the Lord Hua did not go back. After that, everyone waited year after year with hope, At that time, all the grandsons of my ancestors went to work in Washington, but the Lord of Hua has not returned yet."

"In the end, the parents of City Lord Hua died first, and Grandma Xiao also died. After that, Huafu disappeared. My ancestor was lucky. Later, for some reason, I met the City Lord Hua who went back. As a result, my Feng family I have come to Chiyang Immortal City again, and now I am working for City Lord Hua."

"I was born in Chiyang Immortal City. To tell you the truth, I have met the Immortal Chief a few times before, and I know that the Immortal Chief has a good relationship with the Lord Hua. The Lord Hua asked me to bring this to you. Dare to forget."

"I see." Lin Qing nodded. After listening to these words, he not only answered his doubts, but also got a better understanding of Brother Hua and the meaning of the last poem in Brother Hua's letter.

And this Feng Yuan didn't seem to have said enough when he said this, and continued: "To be honest, I don't understand what is so good about cultivating the Tao and becoming an immortal. In this city, there are all cultivating the Tao and becoming immortals, and they are all immortal elders, but There are not many people who have successfully cultivated, and they still have to die. If you want me to say, you shouldn’t have left at the beginning, but my ancestors said that in those years, he couldn’t stand the people who were waiting in Huafu. It’s not as bad as today.”

(End of this chapter)

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