Chapter 266
Lin Xusi is willing to guard the mine, but now that the Lin family occupies more than half of Zhao country, the mine is really no threat.Lin Qing thought for a while and handed over all the affairs of the Lin family's mines to Lin Xusi. In the future, he would be in charge of the family's mines. Lin Xusi was a little excited, and even said that he would develop several new mines. Lin Qing heard He nodded, but he didn't care.

But what Lin Qing didn't expect was that Lin Xusi actually found a few new mines afterwards, which brought a lot of income to the Lin family.

Lin Xusi's breakthrough did not fade away so easily in the Lin family. In the hearts of the Lin family, because Lin Xusi, who was not very conspicuous in the past, had actually made a breakthrough, it made everyone who was already longing for the Purple Mansion even more enthusiastic. Especially those few people who are facing a breakthrough, they yearn for it even more.

However, there are still ten years before the next psychic liquid, for those who are willing to wait for the psychic liquid, there will be some time to wait.

After Lin Qing broke through the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, he also began to stabilize his cultivation. He planned to use ten years to improve his state to perfection, and then gradually move toward the golden core.

To be honest, even though he possessed the magic skill of good water, Lin Qing was still a little apprehensive when facing Jin Dan, and wanted to make more preparations.

After all, this is a golden elixir!
In recent years, Lin Qing has also gained a deeper understanding of the golden elixir through various methods based on what Shanshui Zhenshui told about the golden elixir.

The first is the lifespan. A monk has 120 years for Qi training, 540 years for foundation building, and 200 years for Zifu. Every time you upgrade to a realm, you will increase your lifespan by more than a hundred years, and becoming a golden elixir will increase your lifespan by more than this. There are several realms, but they are [-] years old, which is nearly [-] years longer.

And it doesn't stop there, for Golden Core cultivators, at this level, there are many opportunities to obtain life-enhancing treasures that have been rare before, so they will take some life-enhancing treasures one by one, and sometimes take many kinds.Therefore, 540 years old is only the most basic life expectancy. Generally speaking, [-] years old is not a problem, and [-] years old is not impossible.

There are even monks who deliberately practice the method of prolonging life, and they have a record of living up to 630 years old in the golden elixir, so once they reach the golden elixir, it can be said that there is no worry about life expectancy.

In addition to longevity, it is naturally strength.

Once entering the Golden Core, the strength of the monk will increase rapidly. In the Purple Mansion, there may be a threat of a complete foundation establishment, but when you get to the Golden Core, you can say such a sentence, all under the Golden Core are ants. Make up for it with other instruments and the like.

Of course, this statement is not absolute, and there are three types of golden pills.

They are fake alchemy, real alchemy and golden alchemy. Golden alchemy is needless to say that it is the best. Not only will there be no hindrance to breaking through in the future, but they are all ants under the golden alchemy. The gap of a hundred times is far from comparable.

And the second-class real pills are not bad, and if the opportunity arises in the future, Nascent Soul may also have some possibilities, and it will be difficult for Zifu to match.But fake pills are useless. Although they also enjoy the lifespan of golden pills, the strength of fake pills is only about half of that of real pills. It is not so safe for Zifu.

Although the gap is so large, it is not so easy to become a fake elixir, which is what many Zifu people yearn for. After all, it is already a great thing to have the lifespan of a golden elixir.

And for Zifu, although the fake pills are not so safe, there is still no problem at all if the fake pills hit seven or eight Zifus to complete.

It can be said that no matter what kind of elixir is condensed into a golden elixir, many monks are very yearning and very tempting.

Lin Qing is no exception.

To be honest, for the previous Lin Qing, even if his aptitude reached Tianshui Linggen, it was not easy to condense into a golden pill. There is a high probability that it would be a fake pill, and it might even fail, but with the magic of good water, this one is extremely After matching the exercises, there is no small probability of Jindan.

However, the remnant soul of Daoist Shanshui told him at the beginning that he would have no bottleneck before Yuanying in the future, and he had to work hard to condense it into a golden pill.However, after practicing for so long, Lin Qing discovered that in order to condense the golden core, in addition to continuous practice, it still needs a certain chance, which is not that simple.

Now Lin Qing can only continue to stabilize his cultivation and ensure that he is the best in all aspects.

During this period, Sect Master Qin came to Lin Qing once in a while, and every time he talked about Baibaolou happily. Baibaolou has been frequently attacked in other countries in recent years, which made Sect Master Qin most happy. thing.

In the fifth year after Lin Xu Sizi Mansion, Qin Zongzhu came to Lin Qing again on this day, but he was not elated.

In a dismal tone, he said something that shocked Lin Qing: "Patriarch Lin, the Taoist Baibao of Baibaolou has condensed into a fake pill."

"But really?"

Lin Qing couldn't believe it.

Sect Master Qin's complexion was not good, he nodded at this moment, sighed and said, "That's true."

After finishing speaking, both of them were silent, thinking about something.

After a long time, Lin Qing said: "I really didn't expect that it could be condensed into a fake pill. Although it will be difficult to improve in strength in the future, it can be regarded as a sky high and a sea wide."

"Yeah, although fake pills are not as good as real pills and golden pills, there is only a 200% chance that Zifu can congeal into fake pills. It's a great luck for this Taoist Baibao to come across it. Originally, he was already over [-] years old this year, so he didn't have many years to live, but it took him more than [-] years to become a fake alchemy, hey, it's true." Qin Zongzhu was full of envy when he spoke, although he said It's not a deal with Baibaolou, but just thinking about the fake pill makes Sect Master Qin yearn for it.

If he himself can become a fake pill
At the moment when Sect Master Qin finished speaking, he was so far away that he thought about it unconsciously.

Seeing Sect Master Qin's absent-minded look, Lin Qing didn't rush to speak, but thought about the influence of the fake pill of Baibao Taoist in Baibaolou in his heart.

Needless to say, the power of Baibaolou will only grow stronger in the future, and it will even spread throughout Yunzhou.As for the looting of the Baibao Building that has happened from time to time in the Yan State and the Wei State, after the long holiday of the Baibao Road, it is afraid that there will be no such incidents in the future.but.
Thinking of his own Lin family, Lin Qing felt a little headache. The fake pills condensed in Baibaolou were not very good for his Lin family.

After taking a look at Sect Master Qin, not only the Lin family, but also the Qingfeng Sect would not be well received.

And Sect Master Qin finally came to his senses at this time. Although he only imagined the scene of himself becoming a fake pill, it was enough to make Sect Master Qin have a smile on his face. Still immersed in it.

But at this moment, thinking about it again, the real fake pill is Taoist Baibao, not the self he imagined, and Sect Master Qin's face collapsed again.

"This Baibao building is really lucky. There is a fake alchemy owner. I really don't know what will happen in the future." Qin Zongzhu thought of the rapid development of Baibao building in the future, and he was envious again.

(End of this chapter)

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