I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 301 Kill Xingyue Taoist

Chapter 301 Kill Xingyue Taoist

Originally thought that Lin Yuanwu would feel scared when he heard this, and helped him to persuade Lin Qing, but he didn't expect that Lin Yuanwu's eyes became colder than Lin Qing's at this moment, and he even took out the talisman.

Lin Qing immediately waved his hand to make Lin Yuanwu put it away.

"It's not time for you yet."

Lin Qing said.

Lin Yuanwu put it away obediently, and then thought of the talisman that ancestor Lin Qing got, but he was not so afraid of Xingyue Taoist in front of him. The fake pill is powerful, but he probably doesn't know what kind of treasure his ancestor has in his hand.

Seeing Lin Yuanwu and Lin Qing's reaction, Taoist Xingyue hesitated.

When he thought about it, did Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu really have some great means, a powerful magic weapon, or a talisman?

Thinking of this, Taoist Xingyue no longer underestimated Lin Qing and Lin Qing. After all, Fu Bao could also pose some threats to him.

But thinking of his Tianluo Umbrella, Taoist Xingyue is also full of confidence. Unlike the talisman, the Tianluo Umbrella is a real magic weapon, and even Tian Yanzi can't break it. Even if these two people have the talisman, it will not help.

With a heartbeat, the Tianluo Umbrella was released again by Taoist Xingyue without any support, and it started to circle around the body.

Lin Qing didn't speak at this time, he knew that it would be useless to say more, so he silently took out the talisman.

Taoist Xingyue watched Lin Qing's movements with great interest, as if he had confidence in Tian Luosan, and he did not stop Lin Qing.This made Lin Qing happy. He originally thought that if Taoist Xingyue made a move, he would let Lin Yuanwu use his talisman to buy time, but now it seems that there is no need.

Looking at this talisman, Lin Qing was a little bit reluctant, but then his eyes became firm.

He not only needs to use the treasure talisman made by the real person Shanshui, but also uses the technique that Lin Yuanwu obtained from Gu Xin that can arouse the full power of the talisman. Qing has no bottom in his heart.

But in this way, this powerful talisman will be scrapped.

But in the face of big right and wrong, Lin Qing clearly distinguishes the seriousness, there is still a chance to get the talisman in the future, if you don't work hard today, even if you have the talisman, you won't be able to use it in the future.

The body of this talisman is a magic weapon in the shape of a gourd. Under Lin Qing's infusion at this moment, a gourd is formed in midair, emitting a blue shimmer.

Xingyue Taoist looked at Lin Qing with great interest, even for him, the talisman was a rare thing.

As for using his Tianluo Umbrella to make a talisman, he never thought about it. After all, the magic weapon itself would be damaged after making it. He didn't want to do this before he was about to die.

With more and more spiritual energy, the gourd has also become substantial, and it looks extremely extraordinary.

Speaking of Taoist Xingyue, he is not the kind of mentally deficient, arrogant and conceited person. The reason why he sees the talisman treasure forming in front of him is because he has confidence in his Tianluo Umbrella.

In the fight with Taoist Baibao just now, Taoist Baibao refined a sword-type magic weapon with strong attack power from nowhere, but facing his Tianluo Umbrella, he returned in vain. Now a mere talisman , how could he worry about it.

Just occasionally glance at Lin Qing's spirit beast bag, thinking in his heart not to hurt the spirit beast.

For Zijin Chan, he fell in love with it immediately, and he wanted to get it no matter what today.

When the spiritual power was fully infused, the gourd was already half a foot in size, and it floated in the air and aimed at Taoist Xingyue. Taoist Xingyue smiled at this moment, and pointed his hand at the Tianluo Umbrella, and the Tianluo Umbrella suddenly became larger to a radius of one zhang. No longer turning, arrived in front of him.

"Lin Qing, don't think that you can challenge the golden core just because you have the talisman. I will let you experience the methods of my golden elixir before you die today. It is not because you have the talisman that you can compete."

Lin Qing didn't speak. If it was Tian Yanzi, he didn't have the confidence to kill him at once, but Taoist Xingyue who underestimated the enemy, today is his death day.

After the gourd was formed, Lin Qing used the skills he had acquired again, and for a while the shimmering blue gourd turned purple, and the power in it became more and more astonishing.

"not good."

Taoist Xingyue also saw that something was wrong, but it was too late.

Lin Qing stretched out his hand and pointed, and the gourd, whose power was fully aroused, spewed out an extremely astonishing blue-white light.

At first glance, this gloomy light is extremely slow, floating in the air like fallen leaves, it seems that it has no lethality, but it is too dazzling.But Taoist Xingyue's eyes stared like bull's eyes under this gloomy light, with a look of panic in it.

This gloomy light looks slow, but it is only caused by the slowness that can be seen. More invisible light came to Tianluo Umbrella after being ejected from the gourd.


There was a tearing sound from the Tianluo Umbrella. At first, there were small cracks, and then there were more and more cracks, which continued to extend, densely packed like spider webs.In an instant, the Tianluo Umbrella was completely shattered into seven or eight fragments, and the entire umbrella fell from the floating state.

In other words, the defense of the Tianluo Umbrella is extremely astonishing. If it is an ordinary magic weapon, it may turn into powder under this dim light.

Xingyue Daoist, who saw that Tian Luosan lost all spirituality in the blink of an eye, had no time to be surprised, and immediately opened his mouth and spewed out a small sword. No one knew before that this was his trump card, the second one he wanted to refine in recent years magic weapon.

Although not completely successful, it is not comparable to magic weapons.

As soon as the little sword came out, it immediately became bigger, but to Xingyue Taoist's extreme disappointment, this little sword was far inferior to Tianluo Umbrella, and it turned into powder in an instant.

Taoist Xingyue opened his mouth wide and seemed to want to say something, but the gloomy light prevented him from saying anything.

At the last moment, a look of regret appeared in his eyes. He was a dignified golden core, but he died so easily today, and he was afraid that he would be laughed at in the future.

The talisman in Lin Qing's hand also exhausted its power, and also disappeared, but looking at Taoist Xingyue, he transformed it more thoroughly.

When attacking Wuji Sect, Lin Qing was deeply impressed by the blood mist transformed by the deputy landlord Jiang, but now Taoist Xingyue is useless even for the blood mist. Also turned into ashes.

However, a few things remained.

The first is the magic weapon fragment of Tianluo Umbrella, which fell to the ground and was not completely destroyed.After Taoist Xingyue disappeared, a jade box fell from him and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lin Qing quickly put away all the fragments of the magic weapon, took the jade box, and left with Lin Yuanwu.

Don't stay here for long.

Tian Yanzi, who was still in the main building of Baibao Building, seemed to have sensed something at the moment Taoist Xingyue died, and showed a look of disbelief.

When he arrived at the place where Taoist Xingyue died and looked at the empty place, he was speechless for a moment, kept calculating, and kept showing all kinds of inconceivable expressions. After hesitating for a moment, he left directly .

(End of this chapter)

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