Chapter 303

It's strange to say that Taoist Baibao worked so hard to refine a little bit, but Lin Qing didn't spend a little more effort to refine all this cloud of Tianyi divine water into his body.After refining, although Lin Qing's face was calm, he was slightly happy in his heart. With this ball of Tianyi Shenshui, his chances of forming a golden pill would at least double.

At this moment, Lin Qing made a decisive breakthrough towards Jindan. The jade box that originally contained Tianyi Shenshui disappeared automatically into nothingness after Tianyi Shenshui was refined by Lin Qing.

The power of this jade box talisman has long made it difficult to maintain. Before, it was because the Tianyi Shenshui was still there. Once the Tianyi Shenshui was gone, it would naturally dissipate completely like the Xingyue Taoist.


Two days later, above the large array of Lin Family Mountain, a dark cloud of nearly a hundred miles formed in the sky. This dark cloud covered the sky and blocked out the sun, making Lin Family Mountain, which was in daytime, feel like it was dark at night.


The thunder in the dark clouds became more and more frequent, as if lightning was about to strike in the next moment.

Not only the disciples of the Lin family, but also all the casual cultivators were worried.

But what is strange is that the dark clouds came and went quickly, lasted for less than a quarter of an hour, and then dissipated completely, the sky turned into blue sky and white clouds again, and there was a round of red sun hanging in the sky , it seems that the dark clouds have never appeared.

But all the monks in the Lin family were guessing what happened.

Not long after, a sharp-eyed cultivator found a figure sitting cross-legged on the highest peak of Lin Family Mountain. Some cultivators who had experienced the beast tide found that this figure looked a bit like Patriarch Lin who presided over the formation that day. , For a while, many monks looked towards the top of the mountain.

It was Lin Qing who was on the top of the mountain.

Moreover, he has successfully broken through to the golden elixir stage at this moment, and he has also formed the golden elixir that all golden elixir monks are extremely eager for.

This means that he not only has the hope of breaking through the Nascent Soul, but he also has the opportunity to explore one or two of the Dao of Tongtian in the future.

As for why it is at the top of the mountain and not at the retreat.

It was because of the dark cloud. Lin Qing, who was retreating in the secret room, had just successfully broken through the golden core, and before he had time to be happy, he discovered the robbery cloud on top of his Lin family mountain.

This shocked Lin Qing, who had experienced the Heavenly Tribulation of the Wuji Sect before, so he didn't dare to stay in seclusion, so he immediately came to the top of the mountain. Wouldn't it make him suffer and have nothing to say?

So he was thinking about fighting Jieyun on the mountain peak, but for some reason, the Jieyun did not fall, only a series of muffled thunders rang and then dissipated.

This made Lin Qing heave a sigh of relief, but also wiped off his cold sweat.

Although the Breakthrough Golden Pill is powerful, Lin Qing has no confidence in facing Jieyun.

At this moment, everything is fine, Lin Qing stood up from the top of the mountain, looking at his Lin Family Mountain and the wonderful world around him.

As for how he broke through, there were no disturbances, he was well prepared, everything went smoothly and successfully broke through, and he formed a golden core, with a whole body of spiritual power behind the golden core, which was more than dozens of times stronger than that of the purple mansion.

In the future, when paired with magic weapons, even if a hundred purple mansions are consummated, he will not take them seriously.

Looking at the world, thinking that he already has a golden core lifespan of 540 years, Lin Qing is calmer than before, breaking through all the way, he is much more stable than when he broke through the foundation.

Thinking of something again, Lin Qing's heart moved, and her body actually floated out of thin air.

This is also the most remarkable ability of becoming a golden core. Its spiritual power is profound, and it can swim proudly in this world alone without any flying magic weapon, and its speed is faster than any magic weapon of the Zifu period.

Seeing Lin Qing on the top of the mountain suddenly floated up and turned around a few times.

For a while, everyone in the Lin family who knew the inside story was overjoyed. Just now they couldn't see through Lin Qing's strength and were not sure, but now they are very sure that their ancestor has broken through the golden core.

There are also some knowledgeable casual cultivators. Looking at Lin Qing at this moment, they feel excited inside, as if they were the ones who broke through.

"Golden core! Patriarch Lin has become a golden core!!"

I don't know who yelled that, and all the monks in Linjiaji became restless like ants on a hot pot. All the monks, whether they were refining weapons or making people, stopped, rushed out of the room, and walked towards Lin Qing looked in the direction.

Some old casual cultivators were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Speaking of it, although Zhao Guo is the smallest among the five countries in Shangyunzhou, it is relatively speaking. Zhao Guo has a large area.For them, after a long time, every plant and tree in Zhao country is like their own home.

As for the most critical and well-known golden core state in the process of cultivation, I don’t know how many times these old casual cultivators have discussed it, but the discussion has been going on for a long time, and many old casual cultivators think that Zifu is already the pinnacle of cultivation. There may be a golden core realm.

It's not that they are watching the sky from a well, but that there has been no golden elixir in Zhao country for at least a thousand years, and the golden elixir has become a legendary state, so they can't help but doubt whether what the predecessors said is true or not.

But now, seeing Lin Qing floating in the sky, unrestrained and unrestrained like a heavenly man, how can these casual cultivators not be excited.

Lin Qing, who was flying in the sky, looked at countless pairs of fiery gazes below, including casual cultivators and their Lin family. Lin Qing's heart moved, and she thought of something, and slowly floated down.

Unlike riding a magic weapon, when Lin Qing floated down, all casual practitioners worshiped Lin Qing.

Lin Qing came to the Lin Family Collection, looked at everyone with a slight smile, and then said: "I, Lin Qing, have practiced for more than two hundred years, and today I formed a golden elixir. , So I decided that in the next three days, if you have any questions about cultivation, you can raise any confusions in cultivation, and I will try my best to answer them."


Just after finishing speaking, a casual cultivator exclaimed, and then immediately said: "Senior Lin, Xiaoxiu has been struggling to improve after breaking through the late stage of Qi training, and has tried a lot of pills, but it has been ineffective. I don't know what kind of reason?"

Lin Qing smiled slightly. After becoming a golden elixir, his eyesight was different from before. At this moment, he could see at a glance that the reason why this person did not improve was not because of his aptitude, but because of some conflicts in his practice.

He started to speak slowly: "Listen carefully, what you practiced should be a fire spell, but you added a fire spell later on, you may think that the two are beneficial, but in fact the two are mutually beneficial. Conflict, as long as you stop any one, with your aptitude, there is hope for foundation building in the future."

Lin Qing only said a few words, and made this casual cultivator realize something, and said with wide eyes: "No wonder I feel that something is wrong with my body after practicing Lie Yan Jue, it turned out to be like this, thank you, senior, thank you, senior!" .”

(End of this chapter)

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