I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 306 The Magic Treasure

Chapter 306 The Magic Treasure
Speaking of which, apart from refining magic weapons by oneself, there are also some magic weapons that can be re-refined by other golden elixirs after the owner's death.

But this kind of power can only exert at most [-]% of its power, and sometimes it can only exert half of it.After all, if you don't refine it by yourself, the efficacy will be greatly discounted. Generally speaking, those who are a bit pursuing Jindan will not regard it as a talisman, but only as an auxiliary means.

The most ideal situation is to refine a powerful natal magic weapon by oneself, and then refine other powerful finished magic weapons to use together. Even if it can't exert its full power, it will be of great help to the strength.But the problem is that the finished magic weapon is not a magic weapon, it is extremely difficult to obtain, and it is extremely precious for any golden core.It is impossible to do this in this place in Shangyun Prefecture, but if you want a magic weapon, you can only try to refine it yourself.

After talking a lot, Tian Yanzi left, but maybe because of Lin Yuanwu's relationship, Lin Qing always felt that he was a little unhappy, so Lin Qing just wanted to let him go.

For the younger generation's own major affairs, Lin Qing is not willing to force it now, besides, Tian Yanzi is not that strong yet.

After Tian Yanzi left, Lin Qing completely calmed down, but presumably in the records of all parties in the future, his becoming a golden core will be indispensable.

One night later, thinking of something, Lin Qing came to Xiao Wei's room.

After the two of them passed, to Lin Qing's disappointment, the golden finger still added the formation that was no longer useful to him. Lin Qing thought there would be other surprises. After all, after the golden core, many things are different .

But Lin Qing thought again, it might be because of Xiao Wei's relationship, maybe it would be better to change to someone else.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing's quiet heart became a little restless again. After breaking through the golden core, he couldn't help but think of the scene of marrying a wife and taking concubines. Speaking of these years, because of his cultivation base and family, he seemed to be very fond of golden fingers. I don't pay much attention to it, but now it's time to put it on the agenda.

After all, although Lin Qing had a certain degree of certainty in breaking through the Nascent Soul, it was far less certain than the Golden Core and even the Foundation Establishment.

But this is not an imminent matter, with his current lifespan, there is plenty of time to look for it.At this moment, he thought of Xiao Wei asking him about the cultivation base of the golden core under the purple jade peach, and he thought he could talk about it now.


Overnight, Lin Qing talked a lot about Jindan, and Xiao Wei was also very satisfied. Although she couldn't reach it, Lin Qing was able to tell her about it, which also satisfied her curiosity.

Lin Qing also gave Xiao Wei some spiritual seeds bought during this trip, Xiao Wei was even more happy, and planted them immediately.

Then Lin Qing began to think hard about his magic weapon.

As I said before, for every monk who has become a golden core, the magic weapon can be said to be the most important thing. After all, there is a big difference between having a magic weapon and not having a magic weapon.

Sometimes a good talisman can make the holder fight against two with one, even against someone whose cultivation level is higher than his own.

For this alone, Jindan monks in the world of cultivating immortals are all eager for magic weapons, and Lin Qing is no exception.

But just like what Tian Yanzi told him, and what he knew, it was not easy to refine his own magic weapon.The magic weapon is different from the previous magic weapon, not only the material is precious, but also it is best to fit with oneself, so as to exert the greatest effect.

Lin Qing thought about it, and he was not very satisfied with the ordinary sword-like knife-like shapes.

The water-based kung fu he cultivated by himself is also the spiritual root of Tianshui. Naturally, it has to be close to the water aspect. At this time, he will refine some sword-shaped knives. Not to mention the hard-to-find materials, I am afraid that it will be greatly reduced in the future. .

Thinking of something, Lin Qing took out the nameless orb from the storage bag.

This orb was replaced by Lin Qing from the trade fair with purple jade peaches. Before that, he could only find that this orb had a strong ability to absorb water, other than that, no matter what method he used, he couldn't explore it.Now, after becoming a golden elixir, he can do some research.

Lin Qing released a consciousness that was ten times stronger than before, and slowly approached the orb. Unlike before, although the orb still had an inexplicable resistance, under Lin Qing's powerful consciousness, he gradually explored it. go in.

When the consciousness entered the orb, Lin Qing was shocked.

There is an extremely wide space inside this orb, it is gray, as if entering an unborn world.

His spiritual consciousness explored, but did not find any end, it seemed endless.

I just found a lot of water in it on the way. Now that I think about it, this is probably the water that was inhaled by the orb before. Apart from water, there is nothing in it, and there is nothing else.

Then Lin Qing tried to put other things into the orb, but it didn't work. This orb can only be put in water, which is a bit regrettable.

But during the experiment, it may be due to Lin Qing becoming the golden elixir. He can not only enter the orb with consciousness, but also guide the water in the orb and control the size. That is to say, Lin Qing can not only put the water in the orb into the orb, or water can be taken out from the orb.

There was a flash of inspiration in Lin Qing's eyes. At this time, he used his spiritual consciousness to fix the orb in front of his body, and then slowly released water from it, and then formed a water shield in front of him. The water shield was not very powerful when it was formed, but from the orb There is a steady stream of water to replenish it, and if the water shield is damaged, it will be filled immediately, and the defense is not weak.Under Lin Qing's control, it is impossible for the people below the Zifu to break through.

Retracting the water shield, Lin Qing controlled the jet of water from it again. The size of the water flow could be adjusted freely by him, ranging from a needle-thin water flow to a ten-thick torrent, and it could also form various shapes, just like the usual Water, when it is round, it is round and when it is square, it is square. Under the control of his divine sense, it can change into infinite shapes.

After thinking about it, Lin Qing felt that this was undoubtedly a good thing.

He is just using it simply now, relying on the large amount of water in it and the function of free retracting, it is already comparable to a magic weapon. If it is refined into a magic weapon in the future and fills the space in it, I am afraid that Jindan will meet him. It's not good.

Most importantly, Lin Qing thought of another point.

What is inside now is just some ordinary water, if the water inside is not ordinary, you must know that in the world of cultivating immortals, there is a lot of water that is extremely unique.If they were used to fill the inside, Lin Qing would be satisfied with the power in it even thinking about it.

Holding this orb in his hand, Lin Qing couldn't decide.Although I don't know what it is, but it is extremely hard, it is a treasure of heaven and earth, and it also meets the requirements for the material of the golden elixir magic weapon.

Just refine this thing into a magic weapon, but Lin Qing felt that it was a bit too abrupt. After all, the magic weapon is related to the cultivation of immortals for hundreds of years in the future. If it becomes a Nascent Soul, the magic weapon will still be useful.If you feel dissatisfied in the future and think about replacing it, it will not only waste time, but also affect your cultivation.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing was not in a hurry to refine, but planned to continue to deepen his understanding before making a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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