I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 308 Zijin Toad in the Late Zifu

Chapter 308 Zijin Toad in the Late Zifu
Speaking of this supernatural power of condensing water, it became more powerful after Lin Qing became Jindan, and the range of condensed water expanded by more than ten times.Moreover, the condensed water will not disperse after being inhaled into the orb, and will still maintain a condensed state, which allows Lin Qing to work hard.

The supernatural power of condensing water can turn ordinary water into a water polo with great power. If the orb is filled with condensed water from the cold water abyss, Lin Qing can hardly imagine the power in it.

After thinking about it now, Lin Qing decided to go to Hanshuiyuan in Zhongyun Prefecture to obtain the strange water, and then refine the magic weapon.

As for why the refining was started after obtaining the strange water, this was also Lin Qing's thought after reading the refining materials of several magic weapons.

Obtaining strange water and refining it will allow you to better control the orb and strange water. It will be more convenient to add strange water in the future. If you simply refine the orb into a magic weapon, it will be a bit like Treating the orb as a water storage space is far from being able to exert the maximum power of the strange water.

After making up his mind, Lin Qing put away Qishui's materials.

But before going, he had to go back to Linjiashan.

After all, although Hanshuiyuan does not belong to any power, it is located in a dangerous place in Zhongyun Prefecture, and it may take some twists and turns. Lin Qing needs to arrange family affairs, so he can go there with confidence.

After returning home, Lin Qing spent a day arranging home affairs, and then set off to leave.

Speaking of which, after becoming a golden core, as long as he does not have any accidents, other forces dare not take action against his Lin family easily, after all, they are afraid of his revenge.

But this time, Lin Qing only brought his spirit beast Zijin Toad, so there was no need for Lin Yuanwu to go.

There was a small matter when returning home. Lin Qing had already put the elixir obtained from Baibaolou to help the Zifu upgrade into the family treasury, but the elixir in it had been forgotten in the storage bag before. It was given to Lin Xuqing, Lin Xuqing was very happy after seeing it, and immediately collected materials and began to refine it.

This made Lin Qing look forward to it. He doesn't need pills to improve himself, but all the purple mansions in his family need it. If Lin Xuqing can refine it successfully, Xuqing may be able to improve himself even more Woolen cloth.

In the next four days, Lin Qing crossed the five countries of Shangyun Prefecture and came to the territory of Zhongyun Prefecture.

He does not use any flying magic weapon now, but flies directly out of the air, which is faster than any third-order flying magic weapon. If he has a magic weapon in the future, he can drive the magic weapon to fly, and the speed will be even faster.

As the center of Yunzhou, Zhongyun Prefecture is not comparable to Shangyun Prefecture and Xiayun Prefecture. The area alone is larger than the sum of the two.

If you look at it from the map, Yunzhou can be compared to a shuttle, the upper and lower Yunzhou are the two ends of the shuttle, and the middle Yunzhou is the center of the shuttle.

Zhongyun Prefecture not only has a large area, but also has ample aura, and the world of cultivating immortals is also extremely prosperous.

But this time Lin Qing came here to fetch water, and he didn't want to have any twists and turns before the refining of the magic weapon was completed. Fly to the location given by Yipin Pavilion.

But what Lin Qing didn't think about was that Zijin Chan was about to break through by coincidence.

Different from before, Zijin Chan, who has already become the middle stage of Zifu, has become much smarter. At this moment, he is constantly sending him messages in the spirit beast bag. Facing Zijinchan who is about to break through the late Zifu at this time, although Lin Qing feels Somewhat suddenly, but he stopped immediately, flew down, and headed towards a dense forest.

Zijin Toad's breakthrough, of course, can't be in the spirit beast bag, it must be outside.

As for the dense forest under Lin Qing, although there is not much aura, it should not be a big problem when Lin Qing wants to break through the purple mansion in the later stage.

As soon as it fell, Lin Qing immediately released the Zijin Toad. As soon as it got out of the spirit beast bag, the Zijin Toad greedily breathed out the surrounding spiritual energy, and then continued to grow in size, trying to break through.

When Zijin Chan broke through, Lin Qing released his spiritual sense and scanned the area ten miles away. After there was no danger, Lin Qing was relieved.

This is no better than being in Zhao Guo, in this strange place, you need to be more cautious.

Not to mention the possible Golden Core monks, they are Golden Core monsters. It is said that there are several in Zhongyun Prefecture, so Lin Qing can't help but be careful.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Zijin Chan to break through. After a quarter of an hour, Zijin Chan broke through to the late stage of Zifu, becoming a rare spirit beast in the late stage of Zifu in the world of cultivating immortals.What Lin Qing cares most about is not Zijinchan's enhanced strength in the later stage of breakthrough, but Zijinchan's eyes. When he looks at it, it feels like looking at someone's eyes, which contains many thoughts.

Lin Qing knew before that after the monster breaks through the late stage of the Zifu, the spiritual intelligence will increase significantly. It seems to be prepared for the transformation of the golden elixir. Lin Qing can understand the anthropomorphic eyes of Zijin Chan, but he is curious. Yes, what kind of intelligence does Zijin Chan have.

At this moment, Zijin Chan can execute all kinds of orders perfectly, but Lin Qing always feels that there is something wrong.

Not knowing why, Lin Qing suddenly said, "Can you speak?"

Such a question, Zijinchan didn't seem to have reacted, staring at his eyes and thinking about something, seeing him like this, Lin Qing waited patiently, after a while, Zijinchan didn't open his mouth, but came a few words from his belly. Voice: "Can you.know.speak.speak?"

He actually repeated what Lin Qing said intermittently with a stammer, because the sound coming from the belly had a weird taste, which made people feel a little uncomfortable and a little funny.


Lin Qing took a breath, but she didn't expect that Zijinchan could really speak when she asked Wuxin.


At this moment, Zijin Chan imitated Lin Qing's breathing sound and hissed, but Lin Qing, who had reacted, couldn't help but smiled, and patted his soft head.

"Okay, it's good to be able to talk."

Lin Qing said happily that it was too late for Zijinchan to be able to talk, which means that Zijinchan's intelligence has reached the point where it is no less than human, and it will help him even more in the future. Woolen cloth.

As for Zijin Chan's imitation at this time, Lin Qing thought it was because Zijin Chan had just improved his intelligence and needed to learn, and it was not intentional.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing didn't put Zijinchan in the spirit animal bag anymore, but let Zijinchan shrink down and lay on his shoulders, and then he began to teach Zijinchan how to speak.

Zhongyun Prefecture has a vast area, and Hanshuiyuan is relatively close to Xiayun Prefecture, so it will take seven or eight days for Lin Qingfei to go there.

During these seven or eight days, Lin Qing taught Zijinchan to speak, and Zijinchan also learned it very quickly, and now he can have brief exchanges with Lin Qing, and he, who has just been able to speak, is full of curiosity about everything, It made Lin Qing's mouth dry to satisfy his curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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