I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 312 The Monster Beast Crisis and the Cave Mansion

Chapter 312 The Monster Beast Crisis and the Cave Mansion

Hearing this, Lin Qing looked in the direction he was pointing at. He had discovered just now that there was a Zifu monster there, but he did not expect it to be the phosphorescent beast that this person was after.

Thinking of something, Lin Qingfei came to the sky above the phosphorous fire beast, and caught it out of the water with spiritual energy.

"Okay, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for you to catch it by yourself, so I'll help you grab this beast and leave by yourself."

Lin Qing opened his mouth and said, this phosphorous fire beast, except for its strange appearance, is useless to Lin Qing. If this person wants it, he will give it to him. As for why he wants to make a move, he doesn't want to waste any more time, so he just treats it as a good deed.

"Thank you, senior, thank you, senior." Fellow Daoist Ling was very grateful again.

But Lin Qing was not in a hurry to give him the Phosphorous Fire Beast at this time, suddenly looking at the water below him, he seemed to have discovered something, which made even Jindan even show a hint of horror.


Seeing Lin Qing not moving, Fellow Daoist Ling said strangely.


Suddenly, Lin Qing yelled that he was about to leave. Fellow Daoist Ling also discovered something that horrified Lin Qing at this time. At some point, there was a golden core monster under the water surface, although he couldn't see the specific appearance , but the breath is unmistakable.

Seeing this, Ling Daoyou also left in a hurry, but it was a little late for the two of them. This monster had already surfaced from the bottom of the water, with extremely long tentacles growing out. It was a ten-foot-sized monster. Octopus monster.

"How could such monsters appear here?" Lin Qing thought in disbelief. The information he got from Yipin Pavilion only said that there were some monsters in Zifu, and it was extremely difficult to meet them even in Zifu. at the bottom of the water.Why did an octopus demon in the golden core stage suddenly appear.

Suddenly thought of something again, Lin Qing looked at the phosphorous fire beast in his hand, could it be that this octopus demon wanted to feed on this phosphorous fire beast, and what would happen if he accidentally robbed his food.

But before Lin Qing threw the phosphorous fire beast down, the demon octopus that surfaced stretched out countless tentacles, densely blocking his way.

Although Lin Qing is a golden core, he still has no magic weapon, and he is still at the Octopus Demon's home court, so he can only dodge at this time.

And that Fellow Daoist Ling, even though he was only from the Purple Mansion, the octopus demon didn't care about him, and only released a few tentacles, so it wouldn't be a big deal for a while.

If you avoid these tentacles, Lin Qing will flee immediately.

But he only took one look at the sky, and he didn't dare to fly again. He thought it was some kind of algae glowing slightly before, but at this moment, it seemed to echo the octopus on the water, and the light was brighter than before. More Sheng.

Thinking that this might be another method of the octopus demon, how could Lin Qing dare to give it up again.

Looking at the octopus monster again, Lin Qing was sure that she would use the magic power of condensing water with her hand. With this method, not to mention defeating it, it would at least make the octopus monster suffer.

But what Lin Qing didn't expect was that there was an abyss of cold water under his body, but the water he condensed was only a little bit, and he could only get water less than a foot in size. It is too small.

Looking at this strange water, Lin Qing showed a helpless expression. She didn't expect that she came here to fetch water, but she stumbled on it.

At this moment, the octopus demon on the surface of the water has used countless tentacles, covering the top of Lin Qing's head densely, and that Ling Daoyou is also hiding behind Lin Qing at this moment, with a pale face. I didn't expect that I just escaped from the hands of those two people today. , and encountered such a dangerous situation again, now it seems that even Lin Qing, who helped him just now, is a bit tricky at this time.


While this person was thinking, the tentacles covering their heads began to emit blue light spots.Splash around.

"leave here!"

Although he didn't know what this light spot was, Lin Qing didn't want to be contaminated, but at this moment, when he looked around, there were dense tentacles all around, and there was no way to go. Lin Qing's heart turned, and she directly pulled Ling Daoyou towards the water. .

This is the only way out now.

Of course, Lin Qing definitely didn't want to go deep into the water. At that time, facing this monster, he really had nowhere to go. He planned to go deep into the water first, and then escape in another direction.Although this cold water abyss is cold, he is sure to get through it safely.

Like two fishes, Lin Qing and fellow daoist Ling entered the water together, but fellow daoist Ling was also alert, at this time he activated the psychic nuanyu to protect himself.

Seeing this, Lin Qing was also relieved, and took back the protective shield that was going to be activated for him.

After entering the water, unlike the blue from the water surface, it will be much darker under the water surface, and the sight cannot see very far, and it also hinders the spiritual consciousness.

But relying on Lin Qing's powerful spiritual sense, he still left in the direction away from the octopus demon.

At this time, the octopus monster, which suddenly lost its target, looked at the cold water abyss. After Lin Qing and the two entered the water, it didn't know where Lin Qing and the two went. At this time, in a rage, it stretched out countless tentacles On the surface of the water, Nuo Da's cold abyss seemed to vibrate with the beating for a while, and the beating became more and more serious, almost like an earthquake.

"not good."

When slapping the water surface, Lin Qing secretly thought that it was not good, he was about to stay away from the octopus demon, but after being slapped, under the vibration of the water, he unconsciously went back the same way.

Although I don't know what kind of method this octopus demon uses, how could Lin Qing do what he wanted.

With a sudden change of heart, he led Daoist Ling to dive deeper.

Sure enough, after going deep, the movement became much quieter, but the surrounding area became darker and darker, and Lin Qing was a little lost.

"Hold me tight."

Lin Qing said lightly, this cold water abyss was at least a hundred feet deep, and Lin Qing had penetrated more than half of it, even he felt a little uncomfortable at this time, so he kindly reminded a fellow Daoist Ling.

Hearing this, Fellow Daoist Ling nodded in the water and grabbed Lin Qing's outstretched hand.

Just when Lin Qing was thinking about continuing to escape, a burst of heavy pressure came, and his expression changed. He did not know that the huge body of the octopus monster came to the sky above him. Seeing this, Lin Qing had no choice but to go down and go.

After the octopus demon found the traces of Lin Qing and the two, it seemed to be playing for fun. As Lin Qing went deeper, it went deeper, oppressing Lin Qing and heading towards the bottom of the water.

At this time, Lin Qing kept looking for a way out. If he really got to the bottom of the water, he might really be powerless.


Suddenly, Lin Qing's eyes moved. When he was about to approach the bottom of the water, he saw a cave covered by blue light. It seemed that the water outside could not enter it.

Thinking of something, Lin Qing tried to go towards this cave. This cave is not big, so it can't be the octopus monster's.

When the octopus demon saw Lin Qing heading towards this cave, he became more irritable for a while, and stopped playing, and immediately came towards Lin Qing and the two at a great speed.

(End of this chapter)

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