I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 317 Primordial Spirit and Body of Tianshui

Chapter 317 Primordial Spirit and Body of Tianshui


Lin Qing didn't answer in a hurry, saying that he had sensed this woman's growing affection for him, but he really didn't expect to ask such a question at this time.

Because of his golden finger, he is also very welcome to remarry, but when he thinks of his family, he still can't help but say: "Daoyou may not know, but unlike Daoyou, I already have several wives and concubines, and my younger generations have already married. There are as many as a thousand, and I have never told my friends about this, I hope my friends will understand."

"Nearly a thousand juniors?"

Ling Xueqing's face turned pale. Lin Qing, as a master of Jindan, had already thought of having wives and concubines, but what she didn't expect was that there were nearly a thousand descendants.

Seeing Ling Xueqing like this, Lin Qing smiled slightly, and was not in a hurry to get familiar with the magic weapon. Instead, she sat down and told her about her family. When she heard that Lin Qing came from Zhao State and founded the Lin family, the girl's eyes flashed Move, don't know what to think.

"Okay, that's all I'm going to tell you. Now that my magic weapon has been successfully refined, I think it will take at most five days before I get out of trouble."

Lin Qing didn't say too much, and then began to get more familiar with the magic weapon, preparing for the fight with the octopus monster in the future.

Afterwards, Ling Xueqing never mentioned this matter again, which made Lin Qing a little disappointed.

In the blink of an eye, five days later, Lin Qing was still awake that night. He was thinking about the various methods used by the octopus demon that day, so that he could make a special target tomorrow.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that Ling Xuqing, who was next to him, seemed to be walking towards him.

The cave is so big, Ling Xueqing came to Lin Qing's place within a few steps, Lin Qing thought of something at this moment and pretended to fall asleep, although Ling Xueqing didn't speak, but Lin Qing still noticed her and was restless all the time, it seems that this woman It's been a rough few days.

"It seems that it is better to make a conclusion."

Lin Qing thought that he would leave tomorrow, so he had to understand this matter.

So he slowly opened his eyes, then stood up and walked in front of Ling Xueqing, Lin Qing only asked: "Fellow Daoist, are you willing or not?"


When Lin Qing asked such a question, Ling Xueqing's fragrant lips parted slightly, but she didn't know what to say.

"Since it's not unwilling, then it's willing?" Lin Qing smiled, and first put Zijin Chan, who was peeping wide-eyed in the dark, into the spirit animal bag. It would not be a big problem for Zijin Chan for a few hours.

After collecting Zijin Toad, Lin Qing stretched out his fiery hands, and hugged Ling Xueqing by the waist amidst Ling Xueqing's inaudible exclamation.

Ling Xueqing, who was carried in her arms, stared at Lin Qing who was close in front of her, without saying a word, with tenderness in her eyes.

As soon as Lin Qing hugged Ling Xueqing at this moment, the scene ten years ago flashed into his mind. Ten years later, Fellow Daoist Ling became softer.

Lin Qing, who couldn't bear it any longer, lowered her head and opened her big mouth, entangled with Ling Xueqing's small mouth.

The taste made Lin Qing's scalp tingle.

Lin Qing, who had endured it for ten years, then exploded with amazing energy, which made it unbearable even for Ling Xueqing, who was in the middle stage of the purple mansion. Fortunately, Lin Qing knew how to take pity on others, so Ling Xueqing slowed down and joined Lin Qing in this cave , is unknown.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Lin Qing let out a breath and felt extremely relaxed, Goldfinger, who had been silent for ten years, also resurfaced.

[Congratulations to the host, feel the harmony of heaven once, the primordial spirit +0.1, the body of heaven and water +1]

【Prime Spirit: 1011.1】

[The Body of Tianshui: Low Grade (1/1000)]

Looking at her own golden finger, Lin Qing was shocked, she did not expect the golden finger to change into this appearance.

But Lin Qing was more surprised than happy.

If it is said that the divine consciousness is the exterior of the primordial spirit, then the primordial spirit is the basis for the outflow of the divine consciousness, and a strong primordial spirit naturally has many benefits.Not only can it make the external spiritual consciousness stronger, but it is also beneficial to oneself. A person with a strong soul, even if his body is damaged, can still flee and seize his soul. It is of great help to break through Nascent Soul.

Looking at the data of more than 1000 points, Lin Qing thought that his Yuanshen might be only average after breaking through the golden core, but with the golden finger in the future, as long as he works hard, he may be several times stronger than other monks in the future.

As for the body of Tianshui, Lin Qing looked even happier.

If everyone has Yuanshen, then all kinds of special physiques are the patents of a few people.In the world of cultivating immortals, besides spiritual roots, physique is the most important thing. A good spiritual root with a proper physique will have a limitless future.

For example, the three spirit bodies, which are relatively common in physique, are naturally more sensitive to spiritual energy. Even if their own spiritual roots are not good, they are still being rushed for income by various sects.It is also like another well-known body of red fire, which is born with a certain immunity to fire-type exercises, and it will be very smooth to practice fire-type exercises in the future.

Lin Qing didn't have any special physique before, but now it seems that the powerful golden finger has allowed him to make up for this shortcoming.

Or it could be said that it was Tianshui Linggen who went a step further and had this kind of physique.

Although no change can be seen now, there is no doubt that Goldfinger's transformation has made him stronger than ordinary monks, and his future development will only be smoother.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing's joy grew stronger, and she looked at Ling Xueqing who was nestled in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Lin Qing asked softly.


Ling Xueqing made a barely audible sound, Lin Qing nodded and smiled.

Next, Ling Xueqing was like a piece of dough, her soft figure made Lin Qing, who couldn't stop, sleepless all night and was intoxicated by it all the time.

Fortunately, both of them are strong people, after a night, apart from being a little tired, they are fine in other respects.

As for gold fingers, they increased a lot overnight.

【Prime Spirit: 1011.5】

[The Body of Tianshui: Low Grade (5/1000)]

Although the night passed, neither Lin Qing nor Ling Xueqing wanted to get up. Both of them were a little tired, so they went to sleep directly.

Lin Qing had a good and sweet sleep, all the exhaustion of the past ten years dissipated at this moment, and Ling Xueqing was the same, everything had some results at this moment.

As a result, they didn't wake up until the third day.

"Husband." Facing Lin Qing, Ling Xueqing called out softly. At this time, she was already Lin Qing's person.


Lin Qing also called out, and the two looked at each other for a while, and their affection grew stronger.

However, when they thought that there was an octopus monster staring at them outside, the two of them did not continue. If the relationship between the two lasted for a long time, how could it be day and night? Lin Qing still understood this truth.

After getting up and tidying up, Lin Qing released Zijin Chan.

Zijin Toad was released from the spirit animal bag, and looked at Lin Qing with a trace of resentment in his eyes, which made Lin Qing a little embarrassed.

Even him, he didn't expect it would take so long.

Glancing at Ling Xueqing again, both of them showed a hint of smile, they couldn't help themselves because they were so affectionate.

(End of this chapter)

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