Chapter 319

Seeing that Lin Qing, who had been waiting for ten years, was finally willing to confront him head-on, the octopus demon was full of rage.

If it was said that Lin Qing only angered him ten years ago, then ten years later, Lin Qing's act of sucking up all the cold water and deep water will kill him.

"Excuse me~"

With an indistinguishable and ear-piercing sound, the huge octopus monster rushed directly towards Lin Qing. Although there was no water, it still had impressive strength.

"Water shield."

Seeing the octopus demon approaching, Lin Qing first added a water shield to himself, and then immediately asked Shan Shuizhu to release seven or eight various magic weapons and went towards the octopus demon.

Although the magic weapon couldn't do any harm to the octopus monster, it had to stop twenty feet away from Lin Qing after a delay with the movement of its tentacles.

At this moment, it looked at Lin Qing strangely. Lin Qing was sitting cross-legged in the air at this moment, surrounded by a black and blue water shield, and within the water shield, Lin Qing was staring at a bead intently, as if it was extremely exhausting.

Although it doesn't know what Lin Qing is doing, it also knows that Lin Qing can't continue, so it moves, and the original figure of more than ten feet grows a lot, and then countless tentacles come from it fly away.

As soon as these tentacles approached Lin Qing, they entangled each other around Lin Qing's water shield. After a while, Lin Qing and the water shield were wrapped airtightly by the ubiquitous tentacles.

Zijin Chan on one side was a little anxious, but Lin Qing didn't let him move too much, and he could only wait in place.

Seeing that his tentacles wrapped around Lin Qing at once, and before Lin Qing made a move, the octopus demon was overjoyed, and more tentacles flew out at once, and the wrapped Lin Qing and the water shield were like a huge meat ball. Because the meat ball is formed by tentacles, its shape is hateful, and it keeps rolling and wriggling. The shape alone makes people feel scared.

And the tentacles began to shrink each other, as if they wanted to crush Lin Qing's water shield directly.

How could Lin Qing's water shield be crushed so easily? After working hard for a while to no avail, the octopus slowly loosened the tentacles wrapping Lin Qing, but immediately after, blue water flowed out from each of the tentacles. of juice.

After the juice fell on Lin Qing's water shield, although it did not break the water shield, the luster on the surface of the water shield has faded a lot, and it began to become dull.

It seems that it won't be long before this octopus demon can still break Lin Qing's water shield.

However, at this moment, a blue-white light came out from the water shield, passing through the gap in the tentacles, and the light shot out hundreds of meters away.

"It's finally done, but it's really difficult."

Lin Qing heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the water polo in his hand with only his thumb shining brightly, he actually showed a trace of fatigue.

As for this water polo, it is Lin Qing's trump card to deal with this octopus demon.

Before, Lin Qing had thought about one thing, after his water congealing supernatural power condensed the water and put it into good water beads, could he still use the water congealing supernatural power to condense it later.Later, after the refining of the magic weapon was completed, Lin Qing tried it and found that it was really feasible, so there was the water polo at this time.

Regardless of the small size of the water polo, it was formed after the second condensation of water. Not to mention the dazzling light on it, Lin Qing felt extremely heavy holding the water polo at the moment, as if what he was holding was not a water polo, but a Same as the mountain.

The octopus demon saw the dazzling light coming from its own tentacles, and it showed a hint of doubt, then increased the juice of the tentacles, and tightened the tentacles again.

"go with!"

Lin Qing didn't dare to delay, the water shield was already on the verge of breaking.

As Lin Qing flew the water polo away, the water polo passed through the water shield very smoothly, and then under the control of Lin Qing's consciousness, it was as easy as cutting a piece of paper with a big knife, and lightly pierced through the many tentacles wrapped around the water shield , before the octopus demon could react, the water polo came in front of it.

With the same light movement, no matter what is in front of him, it can easily pass through the water polo, and it seems to be invincible.

The octopus monster reacted instantly, and retreated extremely quickly, but because the tentacles were too entangled, it took some time to loosen it. During this time, the water polo had pierced the octopus monster seven or eight times.

Finally, the octopus demon escaped from Lin Qing and retreated a hundred feet away. Although it was not dead at this time, it was seriously injured after being pierced by the water polo a few times.

Seeing this scene, although Lin Qing was a little disappointed that he didn't kill the beast, he was also very satisfied.

After all, this water polo is powerful, but it also has flaws. After the second condensation, the speed will become slower. There is no way to do this. Maybe it will be better to wait until his cultivation base improves.

And unlike the monk, if the monk was pierced seven or eight times by the water polo just now, he probably would have died. However, this octopus monster is a monster after all, and it is so huge that it is not bad to be seriously injured.


In an instant, more than ten magic weapons flew towards the octopus demon.

Just now, the octopus monster was extremely relaxed when facing these magical weapons, but at the moment its huge figure became bloated, and it could barely break three or four with its tentacles, and more magic weapons attacked it.

Although it is only the power of a third-order low-grade magic weapon, so many can make it uncomfortable.

Moreover, the small water polo slowly flying in the distance made it even more frightened, obviously it didn't want to taste the taste just now a second time.

Facing Lin Qing, although it was annoyed, it also knew that it was not an opponent, so it had to flee at this time.At this time, Lin Qing's second wave of hydration magic tools had already struck. This time, Lin Qing mobilized a great deal of spiritual power, and there were a total of twenty magic tools.

Among them are nearly ten common dharma swords and long knives, three or four sharp spears, and a few extremely weird ones, one is like a writing brush, the other is like a heavy hammer, and there are also flying sticks and long whip balls, It can be said to be strange.

Seeing so many magic weapons, the octopus demon who wanted to escape had to stop for a while to deal with them. After all, if he didn't respond, these magic weapons might cause him more harm.

Many tentacles flew away again, and each magic weapon was easily shattered.

Although it was impossible to smash all of them as before, seven or eight of the magical artifacts had been gone for a while, and the rest was nothing to worry about.

The octopus demon was certain that he was going to flee quickly.


Suddenly there was a strange sound, even if Lin Qing's hydration magic weapon fell on him, it made the sound of gold and stone, but at this moment, after the ball magic weapon fell on it, it seemed to be stuck. Make a muffled noise.

The octopus demon looked at it strangely, only now did he realize that among the many hydration magic tools, a ball magic weapon was in a strange dark green color, completely different from the others.

Immediately afterwards, an unbearable pain began to be felt from the place where the ball stuck to his body, which made the octopus, which was a golden core monster, roll on the ground.

The instigator of all this is naturally the Zijin Toad.

(End of this chapter)

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