Chapter 323
Of course, now the focus is on this cave that may be Master Qiongshan.

For Master Qiongshan’s cave, the golden elixirs who came here are also very eye-catching. After all, at this level, ordinary treasures are already unsightly. One of the forbidden masters, there must be real good things in the cave.

But at this time, after the sixth golden elixir came, there was no more golden elixir after a while.

As if he didn't want to wait any longer, a middle-stage Jindan cultivator with a fair complexion and wearing Taoist robes spoke to the crowd, and his cultivation base was also the highest among them.

"Everyone, it seems that everyone who can come here has come. In my opinion, there is no need to wait any longer. We are enough to open this cave. What do you think?"

"According to what Taoist Mubai said."

"Let's shoot together, there is no need to wait any longer."

As soon as the cultivator of Taoist Mubai finished speaking, there was a burst of echoing voices immediately, and a smile appeared on his face, pointing to the ground still shining with golden light, he said:
"I also took a look at this restriction just now. Although the restriction is very strong, as long as we attack together, it is not difficult to break through. when the means."

What Daoist Mu Bai said was not controversial, after he finished speaking, all the golden cores began to attack with their own means, trying to forcefully break this restriction.

Naturally, Lin Qing was also among them, using the good water beads to release many hydration instruments, and under the golden light of the impact, a pale golden shield thumped.

As for Taoist Tiansa, because Huoyuncha was destroyed by Lin Qing, he took out another magic weapon in the shape of a ghost-headed sword, and continuously released black mist to attack the shield, which looked quite powerful.And Daoist Mu Bai sacrificed a long sword, using the sword energy on the sword to constantly test the shield.

Apart from them, the other golden cores also had their own means. This unknown restriction soon showed signs of decline, shrinking and sagging for a while.

Seeing this scene, the group of Jindan became more excited, and their hands were a little bit colder.


Just like the sound of a balloon being punctured, the shield also made a muffled sound after being forcibly broken.With the muffled sound, the original golden light also disappeared.

"It seems to be broken. There seems to be a hall inside, and there are probably many famous halls."

After the shield was broken, Taoist Mu Bai discovered that it seemed to be a hall from the exposed zhangyuan hole, not only him, but other golden cores saw it.

"No matter what, let's go down and talk, I'll take a step first!"

Taoist Tiansa jumped down impatiently, as if there were treasures on the ground inside. Taoist Master Mu Bai shook his head and smiled when he saw this scene, Taoist Tiansa was too anxious this day.But since he voluntarily acted as the trailblazer, of course he couldn't say anything to stop it.

Everyone stared at Taoist Tiansa, and saw that after he went down, he walked around the hall with a radius of ten feet, and then pushed open an ordinary stone door and walked in.

There are as many as nine doors attached to the four sides of the hall.

Seeing that Taoist Tiansa was not in any danger and walked into the door smoothly, the other Jindan monks couldn't bear it any longer. They all jumped into the hall one by one, and then they all opened the door and entered smoothly.

Not long after, only Taoist Mu Bai, Lin Qing and Ling Xueqing remained in place.

"Why don't fellow daoists go down?" Taoist priest Mu Bai asked.

Lin Qing replied: "I'm not in a hurry, whether there are treasures or not, I'm not in a hurry at this moment."

Daoist Mubai nodded, he thought the same in his heart, and he was cautious by nature, he always checked whether there was any danger before deciding whether he would go down or not.

Taking another look at Lin Qing, he found that Lin Qing was paying attention to Ling Xueqing, who was only in the middle stage of the Zifu from time to time. Daoist Mu Bai's heart was moved, and he thought that he might not wait until he went down.

Thinking about it this way, Daoist Mu Bai put a white mask on himself behind him, smiled at Lin Qing, and fell under it.

After that, he successfully pushed open a door that no one else had entered.

Lin Qing, who was on the ground, saw that everyone was going down, so she pulled Ling Xueqing down slowly.

Just as Taoist Mu Bai thought, because of Ling Xueqing, Lin Qing must wait until other people go down before he goes down. Although everyone is thinking about the possibility of getting the treasure, they must not forget the precautions they should have.

After all, whether this treasure exists is still unknown, but the people around me do exist.

You can't just lose the talent by accident for the sake of the unknown treasure. Otherwise, if the treasure is not found and the person is gone, wouldn't it be a failure at both ends.

Being pulled down by Lin Qing, Ling Xueqing held Lin Qing's hand tightly.

Counting Lin Qing and Taoist Tiansa just now, there are a total of eight golden elixirs. To be honest, she was very nervous in the middle of Zifu. At this moment, after all the golden elixirs entered Shimen, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Husband, it seems that once you enter these stone gates, you can't come out." Ling Xueqing said, looking at the other seven stone gates in the hall that glowed with a faint golden light.

Lin Qing also nodded, he found this on the above, probably there are some restrictions.

After looking around, the hall was not very attractive. Lin Qing looked at a stone gate that no one had entered. After thinking for a while, he dragged Ling Xueqing to walk together.

"Husband, can two people enter together?" Ling Xueqing asked a little strangely.

Lin Qing didn't know, it was just a test, after all, he didn't feel relieved to leave Ling Xueqing alone.

What Lin Qing and the others didn't expect was that after pushing open the stone gate, the two held hands and entered smoothly without encountering any obstacles. After entering, the stone gate closed by itself.

"Husband, look!"

After entering, Ling Xueqing stared at her eyes, her eyes were flowing, her lips were slightly parted, and in front of her was a scene of heaven, earth and stars.

At a glance, countless stars came into view, some of which were still shimmering, as if they were in the sky and the earth in an instant, but at this time they were obviously underground.

"What a clever restriction."

Lin Qing couldn't help sighing, there is no need to think about this effect, it can only be restricted.

When Lin Qing and Ling Xueqing were looking at it, the stars suddenly changed, like extinguished sparks, dissipated little by little, and then patterns of seven kinds of materials emerged.

"This is."

Ling Xueqing is very strange, this material is very common, why it appears here.

But Lin Qing's heart suddenly moved, as if thinking of something.

He tried to touch six of the materials with his spiritual sense, but only one remained untouched. After waiting for a while, the seven materials disappeared, and ten more appeared in a short time.

"Husband, what is this?" Ling Xueqing was extremely strange.

And Lin Qing, who verified his own thoughts, said with a smile at the moment: "If I think right, this should be a test for those who enter the door. Six of the seven materials just now belong to a formation. One is not needed, I just selected six of them, and the test passed."

(End of this chapter)

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