Chapter 325 Yuqian Shield

The Jin Dan who was also proficient in formations before has reached the eighth question, and his progress is not much slower than Lin Qing.

Daoist Mubai, who has the highest cultivation level, took out a book of formations from his storage bag and continued to study it, and the progress was not slow, and he had already reached the sixth way.

"So it is, so it is!"

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Qing was overjoyed that he finally found the last two materials.

I saw these two kinds of materials on one point of spiritual consciousness. After a short time, all the materials disappeared, and the stars that started to emerge appeared again, which was still very shocking.

But different from the beginning, there are a few more light yellow rays of light in these little stars, which seem to enclose something.

Lin Qing counted five in total, one in the shape of a jade slip and one in the shape of a magic weapon. It seems that it is the treasure left by Master Qiongshan after passing the test.

Lin Qing was very happy in her heart, but suddenly another problem appeared.

How to get these things.

Don't think that the star is close in front of your eyes, but it is out of reach with your hands. Lin Qing had no choice but to try to grasp it with his spiritual sense. What he didn't expect was that the jade slip closest to him was easily grasped.

Lin Qing was overjoyed, and immediately pulled her to him with his spiritual sense.

Then Lin Qing looked at it, and his face became more smiling. It was the restraint experience left by Master Qiongshan. From the restraint mastered by the first Jindan to the restraint of the later Jindan, it was introduced. This thing is very useful to Lin Qing.

He originally thought of waiting for this to act, and then tried to study the restriction on his own after returning home, but with this jade slip, he saved ten times the effort.

Put the jade slip into the storage bag, and looked at the stars again. The one closest to the jade slip was a light in the shape of a small shield. Lin Qing tried to grab it with his consciousness again, but found that it was a little bit worse anyway. .

Lin Qing's heart turned cold, there were five rays of light, he only caught the first one, and the second one was frustrated, it seems that there is no need to think about the later ones.

This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable. After solving the problem, I saw the treasure.But the treasure right in front of him could not be obtained, not only Lin Qing, no matter who it was, it would not be in a good mood.

But with the jade slips, Lin Qing is not a dissatisfied person, and knows that he has gained a lot.

But for this second ray, he is still a little bit reluctant, his consciousness is about to touch it, it can be said that it only needs a little bit to catch it, but this little bit is like the end of the world.

If you are in a safe place, you can practice slowly, and you must increase your spiritual consciousness by raising your realm, and then you can catch it smoothly.

But here, there are all golden elixirs around, and they are all cracking. In Lin Qing's mind, the other golden elixirs are stronger than his spiritual sense. If the cracking is successful, the second light will undoubtedly be caught .

Thinking of this, Lin Qing was reluctant to part with the treasure that was about to be obtained, and he looked up at Ling Xueqing.

Although he can't use the method of increasing his cultivation to increase his spiritual consciousness in a short time, he has another way.

Not too much, as long as there is a little more spiritual consciousness, it is enough.

Looking up and looking around, the stone gate is also considered hidden, it will not be discovered by outsiders, and it has a sound insulation function.

Lin Qing showed a satisfied smile, and put Zijin Toad into the spirit animal bag again.


Seeing Lin Qing put Zijin Chan in the storage bag, Ling Xueqing hadn't reacted yet, but when Lin Qing spread a thin quilt on the ground, Ling Xueqing seemed to realize something.

But she also had this intention, blushed and smiled, and started to get up with Lin Qing in this stone gate.

[Congratulations to the host, feel the harmony of heaven once, the primordial spirit +0.1, the body of heaven and water +1]

【Prime Spirit: 1011.7】

[The Body of Tianshui: Low Grade (7/1000)]

After the two times, Lin Qing, who felt the same, wiped the sweat from his forehead, got up from the limp Ling Xueqing, and began to try to get the treasure again.

Still so close.

"Not yet?" Lin Qing stared, and had no choice but to look at Ling Xueqing again.


Seeing Lin Qing's gaze, Ling Xueqing looked at Lin Qing strangely.

Not long after, Ling Xueqing showed a look of surprise: "Husband, I didn't expect you to..."

After half an hour, Lin Qing took a breath and stood up slowly.

try again,

"God, you want my life, it's still a bit short, is this taking treasure or taking my life." Lin Qing didn't know what to say anymore, his spiritual consciousness was even a little bit short.

He wanted to take a break, but thinking of the time it had taken and the other golden pills, how would Lin Qing go to rest.

Besides, we have come to this point, today is not a question of whether to take the treasure, it is a must to get this treasure, otherwise the previous work was in vain.

"I am a Golden Core cultivator. It won't take long for my body to make up for the damage and recover. But if you miss the treasure, you will miss it. There will never be a chance to get it again."

Thinking of this in her heart, Lin Qing was full of fighting spirit again.

"Husband, you!"

Before and after Lin Qing went up again, Ling Xueqing showed surprise and worry.

Lin Qing said, "Don't worry, did you forget that you were in the Cold Water Abyss?"

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Ling Xueqing felt relieved, besides, her husband is a Golden Core cultivator.

long time has passed
[Congratulations to the host, feel the harmony of heaven once, the primordial spirit +0.1, the body of heaven and water +1]

【Prime Spirit: 1011.9】

[The Body of Tianshui: Low Grade (9/1000)]


Seeing Goldfinger's increased consciousness again, Lin Qing was overjoyed, but her tone trembled uncontrollably.

Reluctantly getting out of Ling Xueqing's arms, Lin Qing dragged himself to the under the stars, and then released his consciousness, so that Lin Qing finally caught the second treasure.

"Hey, it's done."

Lin Qing heaved a long sigh, if he still can't catch it, then today is really going to kill him.

After getting the second treasure, Lin Qing saw that it was a shield-shaped defensive magic weapon. This magic weapon was left by Master Qiongshan, and it should be extremely powerful.

As for the next three treasures, Lin Qing only glanced at them and stopped thinking about them, they were beyond his reach.

Unless he really wants to die.

Holding the shield-shaped magic weapon in his hand at this moment, Lin Qing looked carefully, and there were two ancient characters on the half-palm-sized shield.

"Yu Qian!"

"Could it be that this thing is called Yuqian Shield? It's a good name." Lin Qing immediately thought of the meaning of the handwriting, and at the same time decided to call it this name in the future.

The Yuqian Shield is made of unknown material, its whole body is jet black, and it is extremely extraordinary at first glance.

Lin Qing's heart moved at this moment. Although there are good water beads now, no one can have too many magic weapons, especially this kind of finished magic weapon that has been refined.

Before Tian Yanzi discussed with Lin Qing about the magic weapon, in Tian Yanzi's opinion, it was because he was not good enough, and Lin Qing also thought so.But that is just a magic weapon that is searched for materials for oneself and carefully refined. After all, even a Golden Core cultivator has limited energy. It is extremely difficult to refine several magic weapons, and even if he succeeds, the gain will outweigh the loss.

But if it has already been refined, there is no such trouble. This kind of finished magic weapon does not need to be refined, and can be used as long as it is simply refined. Although it cannot exert [-]% of the original power, [-]% is still no problem. Monks are very helpful.

(End of this chapter)

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