Chapter 327
Whether it's the death of his nephew or the destruction of his magic weapon, he and Taoist Tiansa have almost become life and death enemies.

But thinking of something, Lin Qing's expression relaxed.

Now he has not only refined the good water beads, but also obtained the Yuqian shield. There are already many methods. After returning this time, he will start to practice hard. Presumably with his own aptitude, he can hope to reach the middle stage of the golden core in at most 30 years , when that time comes, what does Taoist Tiansa count?

With this thought in mind, Lin Qing brought Ling Xueqing back to Linjiashan in less than seven days.

As the middle period of Zifu, and even a cultivator in Zhongyun Prefecture, Ling Xueqing was not too surprised to see the scale of Linjiashan, but her eyes were full of tenderness when she looked at Lin Qing. Lin Qing's understanding is deeper, and her heart is even more determined for Lin Qing.

But Lin Qing was overjoyed when he saw Lin Jiashan. After all, it took a whole ten years to fetch water.Although he wasn't that worried about Lin Family Mountain, he was always worried. Seeing that everything in Lin Family Mountain was in good condition, he was naturally happy in his heart.

When he landed in Lin Family Mountain, he immediately took Ling Xueqing to meet Xiao Wei.

"Husband, why have you been away for so long?" Seeing Lin Qing, Xiao Wei asked worriedly at the first sentence.

Lin Qing smiled: "Weier, there was an accident on the way, but fortunately everything is fine. By the way, let me introduce you, this is Xueqing, and she will join our Lin family in the future."

Lin Qing introduced Ling Xueqing to Xiao Wei while he was talking. It was the first time they met, and they couldn't help but look at each other. Then Xiao Wei seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "My husband is willing to marry again, I am very happy .”

"I've met Sister Xiao." Ling Xueqing didn't insist that her cultivation was far superior to Xiao Wei, but called her sister kindly, which made Xiao Wei smile.

When the two women were talking to each other, Lin Qing's heart moved, and she called the descendants of the family who are now in Linjiashan.

Because of the inconvenience of too many people, Lin Qing only called the main ones.

Lin Xuqing came first, and seeing Lin Qing's joyful face, he said, "I've seen you, I'm so glad you're back."

Lin Qing nodded, but said in surprise and joy: "Xuqing, I didn't expect you to have advanced to the middle stage of Zifu."

Lin Xuqing smiled, and he himself was also very happy: "Father doesn't know something, it's thanks to the pills and recipes that dad brought back from Baibaolou. I only took one bottle of pills, but through the recipes I successfully refined a kind of elixir, which can improve the cultivation of Zifu, and with this elixir, I reached the middle stage of Zifu half a year ago."

"Okay, you are in the middle stage of advancement, and it will only be more helpful to our Lin family in the future." Lin Qing replied with a smile.

"Father, who is this?" Lin Xuqing noticed Ling Xueqing at this moment, and he was shocked when he saw that Ling Xueqing's cultivation level was comparable to his.

"This is your Aunt Xueqing. When I come back with my father this time, I will..."

Lin Qing introduced Ling Xueqing and Lin Xuqing to each other. When Lin Xuqing heard that it was a female cultivator who came back with his father, how could he still not understand what was going on, so he hurriedly said hello.Ling Xueqing did not dare to neglect Lin Qing, the son of the middle stage of the Zifu, and hurriedly returned the gift.

At this moment, apart from Lin Xuqing, Lin Xuqian, Lin Xuming, Lin Xutai, Lin Zhidan, and Lin Zhiqi all rushed over.Among them, Lin Yuanwu happened to be in Chiyang Immortal City and couldn't come back for a while, but according to Lin Xuqing, Lin Yuanwu's cultivation had reached the middle stage of Zifu, and Lin Qing was also very happy.

The descendants of the Lin family who came were also very happy for Lin Qing's return, and Lin Qing also introduced Ling Xueqing to all the descendants.

After ten years, seeing his many juniors again, Lin Qing felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. Seeing that the cultivation of his juniors had improved, he felt extremely relieved.

Among these juniors, Lin Zhidan has also reached the middle stage of the Purple Mansion, while Lin Zhiqi is the newcomer to the Purple Mansion in the past ten years, as for Lin Xuqian, Lin Xuming, and Lin Xutai are still the Foundation Establishment.Among the three, Lin Xuqian gave Lin Qing the most unique feeling. Ten years later, Lin Xuqian seemed to have changed into a different person, with a calm expression and a completely different temperament from before.

What Lin Qing didn't know was that Lin Xuqian had given up on breaking through the Purple Mansion in the past ten years and looked down on his cultivation, which is why his whole talent has undergone such a big change.

After meeting with the main descendants of the Lin family, Lin Qing immediately started retreating.

Time flies so fast, two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two years, Taoist Tiansa did not follow him, but Lin Qing had broken through to the second level of Jindan, and his strength had increased a lot.

However, although he has reached the second level of Jindan, it takes at least ten years of hard work to reach the third level of Jindan, so Lin Qing did not continue to retreat, but decided to study it. The forbidden jade obtained from Master Qiongshan's cave simple.

After all, after becoming a golden core, although his Lin Jiashan's third-tier top-grade formation, the Sword and Water God Formation, is considered powerful, it is already somewhat out of Lin Qing's eyes.

Besides, this sword and water god array can't stop the golden core.

Therefore, it is imperative to replace with a more powerful prohibition.

Picking up the jade slips at this moment, Master Qiongshan is worthy of being the number one master of restraints in Yunzhou, and there are nine kinds of restraints in this jade slip.

However, unlike the formation, there are many restrictions, but Lin Qing didn't think about making all of them.

Because the materials required for each restriction are expensive, and they are suitable for different places, Lin Qing mainly arranges the restriction for Lin Jiashan himself, and only needs to choose the most suitable research.

In the jade slips, Master Qiongshan also divided the levels for the restriction.

Different from the first-order, second-order and third-order in the formation, the restriction is simply divided into four levels: low-level, middle-level, high-level, and top-level.

Among them, the only ones that can be used in Jindan are low-level and intermediate-level.

In the Jade Slips, there are three restrictions for defense, among which is the five-element restriction that Lin Qing has seen before, which is a low-level restriction.

It stands to reason that although it is low-level, it is good to be able to break the five-element restriction. After all, to crack it is something that Tian Yanzi and Xingyue Taoist can gather the entire Purple Mansion of Shangyun Prefecture. Relying on this prohibition, it persisted for five years.

But Lin Qing immediately put the restriction aside, no matter what, he would not arrange this formation.

Just because thinking of Tian Yanzi's methods at that time, Lin Qing would never have arranged this formation on his Lin family mountain. Although the relationship with Tian Yanzi is not bad now, but in case of falling out with Tian Yanzi in the future, If the family arranges the restrictions that Tian Yanzi has already broken, wouldn't that mean digging a hole for him to jump into?And when Tian Yanzi faced this restriction again, he might have other means to break it more easily than before.

So this restriction looks really extraordinary, but Lin Qing doesn't think about it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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