I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 331 Arrangement Failed

Chapter 331 Arrangement Failed
Seeing what Lin Qing said, Master Broken Bag smiled: "Hehehe, you are too worried. The person who injured me is indeed not weak, but he will not come to your Yunzhou. He has not controlled our Lanzhou for a hundred years. Totally impossible."

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing asked strangely.

Master Pobag glanced at Lin Qing, shook his head and said, "Although I don't know why you have a golden pill in this remote place, but I don't mind telling you a little bit, the world of cultivating immortals is divided into nine states, do you know?"

"I've heard a little bit about this." Lin Qing replied, because of Endless Sea, he has never been to other states, but he has also heard that the world of cultivating immortals is actually divided into nine states, and Yunzhou is only one of them.

"That's good. Let me simply say that I come from Lanzhou, which is separated from your Yunzhou, but even though the two states are adjacent, it took me to fly for more than half a month. Leaving aside these things, although our Lanzhou is not as good as The most powerful Zhongzhou in the world, but it is also powerful, as for your Yunzhou, it is far behind us, you don’t even have a Nascent Soul, it is really barren.”

Although Master Broken Bag never talked about the topic, Lin Qing was willing to listen to it, and he was also very curious about other states.

Master Broken Bag did not continue: "Okay, to put it simply, there was a conflict between us in Lanzhou, and the righteous forces I belonged to were lost for a while and were completely wiped out. I was the only one who escaped." , and those demons will not spend time on me, so you are satisfied with the answer?"

Looking at Master Broken Bag, Lin Qing didn't say a word, and then asked a question: "Orthodox devil? What is righteousness? What is evil?"


Master Broken Bag never expected that Lin Qing would ask this question. He gave Lin Qing a meaningful look, and then said, "Don't worry, I'm definitely not a demon, otherwise I would have slaughtered your Lin family group. As for why?" Is righteousness, what is demon? Those who practice the decent skills are naturally righteous, and those who practice the magic skills are naturally demons. There is nothing to say. But as far as I know, it seems that there is no decent magic sect born in Yunzhou, but It might be too barren."

Lin Qing nodded, that's true. In Yunzhou, there are only some magic skills circulating, and there is no real magic school.

At this time, although he didn't fully believe the words of the broken bag master, Lin Qing finally relaxed a lot, but there was a new question that made him feel strange.

"You said you are from Lanzhou, so is Lanzhou adjacent to my Lin family?"

It's no wonder Lin Qing asks this question, after all, if they are adjacent to each other, the danger is still great.

"Hey hey!" Master Broken Bag let out that kid-like laugh again.

"You think I'm a three-year-old kid. Let me tell you. In fact, Lanzhou is adjacent to the Xiayunzhou you call yourself. You are really strange. It is really ignorant to divide a Yunzhou into upper, middle and lower. No. Having said that, when I arrived in Xiayunzhou, although I was sure that those demons would not come after me, I was also cautious, and went directly to your Shangyunzhou, which is opposite to Xiayunzhou, and then came to your Linjiaji, which is the most remote place. , and not far from the sea, if something happens, I can escape, you understand? There are so many problems."

"I see!"

Lin Qing was finally relieved after hearing what the broken bag master said at this time, but Lin Qing still felt uneasy about a Jindan mid-term living in his own Linjiaji like this.

"What's the matter, I paid the rent. If you want me to go, I don't mind a fight. I just don't know, which one of us is better."

Lin Qing didn't answer. This is really difficult. Although this person is injured, it may not be easy to come across the sea. Although his strength has improved, he may not be able to beat him.And if they really want to fight, Lin Jiaji will suffer.


Lin Qing took a breath, "Fellow Daoist, I hope you don't do stupid things, otherwise I will never let you go in my life, I hope you understand."

"Hey, don't worry."

Seeing that Lin Qing's tone softened, Master Pobag said with a smile again.

Lin Qing glanced at Master Pobag again, knowing that this was the only way to go, and smiled at Master Pobag, Lin Qing went back the same way.

Seeing Lin Qing leave, Master Broken Bag heaved a long sigh of relief, and then his face froze, his injury recurred, it was not so easy just now.

In the next few days, after thinking about it several times, Lin Qing didn't get a good result. The bag-breaking master didn't want to leave, so he really couldn't do anything.

And the broken bag master seems to be seriously injured, and he won't leave by himself in a short time.

"It seems that there is only one way to restrain the soul to defend against the enemy, and now there is only one way to restrain this person." Lin Qing thought in his heart, and this is the only restriction placed in front of him.

Fortunately, after so many years of hard work, he is also quite confident that the arrangement will be successful.

A month later, Lin Qing's face was gloomy in a fringe area of ​​Lin Family Mountain.

Looking at the originally blue demon pill in his hand, but now it has become scorched black all over, Lin Qing sighed a long sigh, but the arrangement of the restraint to lead the soul to defend against the enemy has failed.

Everything went well at the beginning, with 12 years of experience gained from full-time research, and his own consciousness comparable to that of the middle-stage Jindan, everything went smoothly.

When using the demon pill to integrate into the restriction, it was over in one fell swoop.

Not only was the demon pill scrapped, but all the materials that had been arranged also lost their spirituality and could no longer be used.

Now that he calmed down and thought about it, Lin Qing also somewhat guessed the reason.

It's not his problem, but it should be the problem of this demon pill.When he was in Hanshuiyuan back then, Lin Qing felt that the octopus demon did not seem to be cultivated to the golden core by himself, but should be spawned by others.

But at that time, after killing the octopus demon, Lin Qing also forgot about it when he saw that there was a demon pill inside.

Now it seems that this demon pill looks fine on the surface, but in fact there is a big problem.And it's not surprising that using such problematic demon pills to set up restrictions failed.

Lin Qing looked at the demon pill in his hand and wanted to throw it away, but he still took it.

At this time, thinking of the prohibition of pulling the soul to defend against the enemy, Lin Qing will definitely arrange it again if it fails this time.

All the materials for setting up this restriction need to be collected again.

For other materials, it's okay to mobilize the younger generations of the family to search. With the current scale of the Lin family, although some materials are equally precious, they can barely find them all.But as the main material, the demon pill of the golden core monster is hard to find.

There are no golden core monsters in Shangyun Prefecture, and there are only a few in Zhongyun Prefecture, so it is difficult to see them.And to kill one to get the demon pill, even Lin Qing felt overwhelmed.

This time the restriction arrangement failed, thinking of Taoist Tiansa, who was already an enemy, and the addition of a potential enemy, Master Bag Breaker, Lin Qing became in a bad mood.

After a long time, Lin Qing sighed, and could only do his best to search for materials in the future.After all, he is very familiar with the soul-drawing and anti-enemy restraint, and there is a certain success rate in setting it up. Other restraints, not to mention the time spent, even the materials are not much easier than the soul-defending enemy restraint.

(End of this chapter)

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