I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 337 Successful Arrangement

Chapter 337 Successful Arrangement
After returning to the Lin Family Mountain, Lin Qing sensed with his spiritual sense that the Bag Breaker was still gathered at the Lin Family and did not leave.But he didn't intend to look for it again. After all, it's not good to look for it at this time, so let's pass some time.

What's more, with the demon pill at this time, restrictions can already be arranged, and Lin Qing has another big discovery, which is his golden finger.

[Congratulations to the host, feel the harmony of heaven once, ban experience +3]

[Forbidden Master: Low Level (342/1000)]

Lin Qing thought, as he expected, Goldfinger is related to people.

After doing this with Master Broken Bag, a monk in the mid-Gold Core stage, Goldfinger has added prohibition experience. Although it is not much, it also confirmed his conjecture.

Speaking of the current experience of 342 points, he has obtained 17 years of research on prohibition, but only one-third of it in 17 years. From this, it can be seen that the way of prohibition is very difficult.And adding three points at a time, on average, it can be said to save two months of effort.

In an ideal situation, now that you have the demon pill, instead of rushing to arrange it, you can use the golden finger to pile up the prohibition experience to the intermediate level, so the success rate will only be greater.

But Lin Qing shook his head as soon as he thought about it. He felt that it might be more difficult than setting up restrictions.

Lin Qing didn't think about it for a while, and after returning to Lin Family Mountain for a day of recuperation, he began to try to set up restrictions.

Because of the previous experience, it was easier to arrange it. It was said that it was about to succeed last time, but it failed only because of a problem with the demon core.This time, it was a genuine golden core monster, and it was still in the middle stage of the golden core, so there was no problem at all with the demon core.

In the next month, Lin Qing kept flying around Lin Family Mountain, using all kinds of precious materials one by one.

One month later, Lin Qing was sitting on the edge of Linjiashan, with the crab demon pill floating in front of him. Lin Qing stared at the demon pill with a serious expression, then opened his mouth and spit out a stream of pill fire.

It was at this step that I failed last time. When I spit out the pill fire to further condense the demon pill and other materials, it was scrapped in one fell swoop.

This time Lin Qing was concentrating, but luckily there was no problem.

The Yaodan wrapped in the pill fire slowly fused with other materials, and Lin Qing's pill fire continued until three hours later, when he breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything about the restrictions placed by the spiritual investigation is exactly as described in Master Qiongshan's jade slips.

"Let me see the power of your restraint against enemies."

With this thought in Lin Qing's mind, the restriction was immediately activated, and a light golden grid pattern first appeared in the sky above Lin Family Mountain.

Lin Qing knew that this was a no-fly restriction that came with the ban on holding souls against enemies. After it was activated, the Lin Family Mountain had a radius of [-] miles. Whether it was a flying magic weapon or a golden core flying out of the air, it would be restricted, and the closer it was to the Lin Family Mountain restriction. bigger.

Now that this phenomenon occurs, it proves that this restriction is successful.

Lin Qingyi was delighted, and continued to verify. After the light golden lines, a thin protective shield wrapped around Lin Jiashan appeared. Regardless of the thinness of this protective shield, if you push it with all your strength, it will be extremely difficult to break even at the later stage of Jindan, isn't it? Baibaolou's tolerance and five-element prohibition are comparable.

The most powerful thing is still a mist faintly emerging on the surface of the shield. This mist is nothing but the effect of the demon core.

Speaking of which, the most powerful aspect of the soul-drawing and enemy-defending restriction is that it is mainly based on the demon pill, which can defend against attacks on its own, without the need for human prompting, which can be said to have liberated the combat power.

In addition to this function, this prohibition also has the ability to attack, but it is not easy to experiment at this time, so I have to let it go.

After closing the restriction, all the scenes that appeared just now disappeared in a short time. Lin Qing, who had been busy for a month, was relieved at this moment. Although he was very sure of this, there was still a chance of failure.

If he failed, he didn't know where to find another demon pill.

Fortunately, everything is going well. With this restriction in Linjiashan in the future, it can be said that he will be safe and sound in Shangyun Prefecture in the future. Even looking at the entire Yunzhou, there are not many people who can have this restriction.

After setting up the restraint, Lin Qing returned to the residence and took a nap first.

This sleep was extremely sound and sweet, sleeping for a full day and night, washing away the busyness of this month.

After waking up, another worry came to Lin Qing's mind.

It is the master of bag breaking.

To tell the truth, after returning, Lin Qing has not seen goodbye to the master of the bag because he was busy with the restraint, and the master of the bag has been staying in the Lin family.Although both of them intentionally forgot about this matter, no matter from which aspect, Lin Qing felt that he should clarify many things with Master Pobag.

Of course, there is another ideal situation in Lin Qing's heart, that is, Master Pobag is willing to become a Taoist companion with him.

It is rare to see a female cultivator with a strong cultivation base like Master Broken Bag. If they form a Taoist couple, firstly, the golden finger will be sure in the future, and secondly, it will also greatly enhance Lin Jiashan's strength.

If the broken bag master really entered his Lin family mountain, Lin Qing dared to say that relying on the strength of the two of them, as well as the restraint of the enemy, there are very few people in Yunzhou who can threaten his Lin family.

But thinking about it again, Lin Qing felt that this matter was too difficult.

When he first met Master Broken Bag, they were hostile to each other, and the relationship didn't get any better after that, until the crab monster happened.Lin Qing asked himself, if he was in the position of the broken bag master, he might not have a good impression of himself.

Even, it is extremely resentful.

Lin Qing thought a lot for a while, but after much deliberation, Lin Qing still felt that no matter what, he should have a real meeting and conversation with Master Broken Bag. It was useless for him to think so.

So Lin Qing made a decisive decision and headed towards Linjiaji.

It was still the same shop, but what Lin Qing didn't expect was that the shop was tightly closed. He knocked a dozen times in a row, but there was no movement inside.

"Don't knock, the door hasn't been opened for a month, maybe it's moved away." A monk from the next shop came out and said, he didn't know Lin Qing.


Lin Qing shook his head, in his perception, Master Bag Breaker was clearly inside.

"It seems that I don't want to see myself." Lin Qing thought in her heart, she was a little disappointed, but she didn't knock any more.

But if she just gave up like this, Lin Qing would be a little reluctant. She thought about it, and suddenly thought of something.

The last time I invited Master Bagbreaker to help out, I promised to use elixir as compensation. After I came back, because of the restriction, I forgot about it for a while.Wouldn't it be a good time now, with the name of this elixir, to meet the broken bag master.And the bag-breaking master didn't take the crab material last time, so he just gave it to him this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing immediately went to the family treasure house and brought a lot of healing elixir, this time he did not knock on the door, but said via voice transmission: "Master Broken Bag, I know you don't want to see me, but you agreed I brought you the reward. They are all good healing elixir. They must be of great help to your injuries. You didn’t take the ingredients for the crab last time. Please open the door. I will take these elixirs. and materials to you."

(End of this chapter)

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