Chapter 339
Speaking of the ancestors of the Lin family, looking at the entire Shangyun Prefecture, everyone knows who doesn't know, even the entire Yunzhou, even a little bit of strength knows it.

Now it is the [-]th birthday banquet of the ancestor of the Lin family, and at the same time as the birthday banquet, there is also a special junior exchange meeting, all monks below the Zhao Guozi Mansion can sign up to participate.For this junior exchange meeting, the Lin family took out a lot of magical artifacts as rewards.

These birthday monks, just hearing the names of some rewards, were all yearning for them, and thought in their hearts that if they got some, they would be of great help to their cultivation, so how could they not be happy.

But today's Linjiashan has already arranged a festive scene to welcome many monks who came here.

Speaking of the [-]th birthday banquet, Lin Qing actually didn't want to hold it so big, thinking that it would be enough for the family to have a meal, but because of other considerations, he decided to make it big.

One of them is to hone the junior monks of the Lin family.Now that the Lin family is getting more and more powerful, there is no threat around them, and some younger generations of the Lin family are lax in their cultivation. Lin Qing also wants to use the name of the birthday banquet to hold an exchange meeting for younger generations, so that the younger generations of the Lin family can hone their skills. There is no shortage of masters, presumably after this exchange meeting, the juniors will also gain some experience.As for the rewards given out, to the Lin family, they are just superficial and nothing.

Another reason is that today's descendants are more and more prosperous. As the ancestor of the Lin family, Lin Qing also has to consider the marriages of many of his single descendants.He wanted to use the birthday banquet to hold a blind date meeting. Whether it was a younger generation marrying a female cultivator or recruiting a male cultivator into the family, it would be a good thing for the Lin family.

With these two considerations in mind, the birthday banquet was naturally bigger.

At the same time as these casual cultivators came, all the forces in Shangyunzhou sent people to celebrate their birthdays, and there were also some in Xiayunzhou in Zhongyunzhou, and Lin Qing received them properly.

Five days before the birthday banquet, the junior exchange conference will be held first.

Lin Qing didn't pay too much attention, but heard from Lin Xuqing and the others that the strength of all the cultivators who came to power was generally relatively strong, which made Lin Qing think that after so many years of stable development, Zhao Guoxiu's world has fully recovered to its previous level , I am afraid that some aspects are stronger than before.

Then the day before the birthday party, the top ten and one hundred winners were selected, and each of them was rewarded with a lot of money.

Among them, the descendants of the Lin family accounted for more than half of the quota, which was intentionally controlled, but Lin Qing didn't expect it. It seems that the strength of the descendants of the Lin family is not so weak.

Speaking of which, although the Lin family has not produced a genius monk like Lin Yuanwu in recent years, many juniors with good qualifications have also emerged.And what is different from before is that the Lin family pays more attention to all-round development. Now the descendants of the Lin family have a lot of contact with the skills of cultivating immortals, not only talismans and alchemy, but also some descendants have begun to try to raise spirit beasts on a large scale, which has never been done before.

If this development continues, the strength of the Lin family will only become stronger and stronger.

After the Junior Exchange Conference was held, it was Lin Qing's birthday banquet. Needless to say, the excitement of the birthday banquet, as the protagonist, Lin Qing, although his strength had not yet reached the mid-Golden Core stage, but now he was at the third level of the Golden Core, and he was at the upper level. Yunzhou is already invincible.

After the birthday banquet in the daytime, at night it was the blind date meeting for the juniors, which was held in a huge square with bright lights.

Lin Qing will definitely not participate, but looking at the juniors participating in the blind date meeting from a distance, whether they are shy or fiery and with various expressions, makes Lin Qing feel a little happy in her heart.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Lin Qing's eyes again.

In the past few years of retreat, Lin Qing had already forgotten about Master Pobag, but watching the blind date meeting of the juniors today, he couldn't help but think of Master Pobag.

In Lin Qing's mind, Master Broken Bag should only be her pseudonym, but he still doesn't know a thing or two about her real name until today.

But now Master Pobag is still living in the Lin family center, and seems to be still recovering from his injuries. Although Lin Qing has thought about it a lot, he has no intention of looking for it.


Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind, and Lin Qing went back to look.

It was Ling Xueqing, and what was different from before was that Ling Xueqing's belly had grown bigger.

Seeing Ling Xueqing, Lin Qing showed a gentle smile for a moment, stood with Ling Xueqing, stroking the child who was about to be born in a few months, Lin Qing's thoughts moved away from Master Pobag.

It has been more than 20 years since I married Ling Xueqing, but as Lin Qing knew before, with the improvement of strength, it will become more and more difficult to produce offspring. He and Ling Xueqing have worked hard for so long. There was movement, which made both Lin Qing and Ling Xueqing extremely happy.

Ling Xueqing was even more cautious, and even stopped practicing, after all, this child was not easy to get.

"Why did you come out? The weather is a bit cold today." Lin Qing asked with concern.

Ling Xueqing smiled: "Husband, to us cultivators, what is this coldness? Look at those junior monks, how happy they are."

Ling Xueqing also looked at the blind date meeting in the distance and said with a smile.

Lin Qing nodded, took out a piece of cloth and put it under his body, then sat down with Ling Xueqing and looked at it.

Looking at all kinds of juniors in the blind date meeting, Ling Xueqing thought of something, smiled, and then put her pillow on Lin Qing's shoulder, Lin Qing also felt the tenderness without moving.


As for the Zijin Toad, Lin Qing had already thrown it aside from his shoulders, and was just dancing on the ground, just croaking from time to time.

The bright moon in the sky was emitting a bright white light, Lin Qing only felt that he and Ling Xueqing were the only two left in the sky and the earth, and everything around seemed to have disappeared.

He even thought of a poem, and read it slowly: "When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky for wine. I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is it..."

As Lin Qing read out the poems, Ling Xueqing's eyebrows became more moving. When Lin Qing read a sentence, she repeated it in her heart.

The way the two are entangled, if it gets out, I don't know how many people who are separated will be envied.


While he was thinking, Lin Qing suddenly noticed a wave of spiritual consciousness drifting by, but he didn't care about the excitement of righteous thoughts, and when he finished reading, this spiritual consciousness disappeared. care.

"Husband, this poem is really good, especially the latter one. I hope that people will share the beauty for a long time. It is a quatrain." Ling Xueqing looked at Lin Qing and said with admiration in her eyes.

Lin Qing felt a little embarrassed, because he borrowed from his predecessors to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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