I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 345 Li Danxin passed away

Chapter 345 Li Danxin passed away
Although he knew that he was deceiving himself and others, he still didn't dare to see each other from time to time. Every time he saw Li Danxin getting older day by day, his mood would be hard to calm down for a long time.

At this moment, when he came to the cave, there was a formation at the door, Lin Xuqing played a spell, and the formation automatically opened up a passage for him.

"Auntie, look at me, am I pretty!"

Before seeing Li Danxin, Li Dan'er's voice reached Lin Xuqing's ears.

Lin Xuqing didn't know what to think of, a trace of joy appeared on his face, but there was a touch of helplessness in this joy.

Li Dan's childhood is still the same as before. His whole mind is about the same as that of fourteen or fifteen years old. He is always innocent and innocent, as if he has no troubles.

Lin Xuqing walked into Li Danxin's room, when Li Dan'er saw him, a blush immediately appeared on his face, and he quickly took off the hairpin on his head.

But Lin Xuqing was a little startled, he asked: "Your cultivation has improved again?"

"Hee hee, I've already reached the third level of Zifu." Li Dan'er replied to Lin Xuqing with a grin.

Lin Xuqing nodded, Li Danxin did not break through the Purple Mansion after becoming the Foundation Establishment, but Li Dan'er successfully broke through the Purple Mansion, and the progress of her cultivation was not slow.

"Xuqing, you're here."

Li Danxin, who was sitting on the bed and reading a book, saw Lin Xuqing coming in, and said with a smile.

Lin Xuqing nodded, although he wanted to show a smile on his face, but he couldn't.

Seeing him like this, Li Danxin said like a teacher teaching a student: "Xuqing, I have told you several times, why can't you smile when you see me? I know I won't live long now, but What does it matter?"

Li Danxin could see it, but this sentence could not convince Lin Xuqing.

Looking at Lin Xuqing who remained the same, Li Danxin knew that it was difficult for her to convince him, so she stopped talking.

Lin Xuqing came to Li Danxin's bed. Compared with the last time, he realized that Li Danxin had less than half a year to live, and he felt a twinge in his heart again. A feeling of soreness from nowhere spread all over his body.

He is not a person who is easily moved by emotion, but when this kind of emotion is moved, it is with deep and sincere affection, which outsiders cannot understand.

"What book are you reading?" Lin Xuqing asked suddenly.

"This," Li Danxin picked up the book in his hand, and showed it to Lin Xuqing, "it's not a big book, it's just a medicine knowledge notebook left by my grandfather, which records the identification methods of common elixir."

"I see, but why do you read this kind of book?"

Lin Xuqing took it and glanced at it. The elixir inside was of the lowest level. This kind of book is very common. Basically, every Qi training monk has a copy to prevent the elixir from being recognized.

But hearing Lin Xuqing's question, Li Danxin said with a smile: "Actually, I remembered when I was young, my grandfather wanted to train me to be an alchemist, so he asked me to learn a lot of alchemy knowledge, but At that time, I didn't want to be an alchemist at all, so I didn't learn much, and then my grandfather stopped teaching me. But a few days ago, I accidentally discovered this book that my grandfather asked me to read through. Somehow, I I fell in love with this book right away, and it didn’t feel boring when I was reading it, but I found it interesting, and all kinds of elixir seemed to come alive and squeezed into my mind.”

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Xuqing didn't quite understand.

For him, when he was learning alchemy, he learned to identify elixir, but his aptitude is very good in this area, and he basically only read it once and remembered it, so he didn't care about this kind of book.

"That's right, I didn't even think of it myself. If I were to compare the present to the beginning, maybe I could become an alchemist." Li Danxin said again.

"Auntie, look."

When Li Danxin and Lin Xuqing were talking, Li Dan'er found a hairpin from somewhere, stuck it on her head, and whispered to Li Danxin.

Li Danxin showed a smile, and Li Dan'er was immediately overjoyed.

But seeing this scene, Lin Xuqing showed a greater helplessness.

Seeing Lin Xuqing like this, Li Danxin suddenly put away the book, looked up and said feelingly: "Xuqing, the stars in the sky will always fall, and the people in the world will always leave. It is true that cultivating immortality can transcend life and death, but never From ancient times to the present, few people seem to be able to do it. I think you and I will meet again one day, the temporary separation is not a big deal, look at these herbs, life and death, life and death, isn’t it the same as us.”

Lin Xuqing was silent after listening.

Then Lin Xuqing came out of the cave as if uncontrollable, looking at the scenery outside, his expression remained unchanged, but his expression became more dignified.

In the past six months, Li Danxin passed away in one night, and Lin Xuqing buried her with his own hands.

For the current Lin family, Li Danxin's death will not cause any changes in the Lin family in terms of strength, because there are too many foundations in the Lin family today.In terms of family relationship, Li Danxin and Lin Xuqing's descendants also grieved for a few days, but they still had their own lives afterwards.

But Lin Xuqing seemed to lack something in his heart from now on, and he couldn't help feeling a little empty.

He often looks up at the starry sky, often thinks about what Li Danxin said to him that day, often keeps silent, and often bows his head in thought.

One day, he also picked up many low-level alchemy books to read. After reading it, he seemed to gradually understand Li Danxin.

Lin Qing also knew about Li Danxin's death.

However, Lin Qing didn't know much about Li Danxin, she just felt relieved that she was willing to follow her family's Lin Xuqing wholeheartedly.

On this day, Lin Qing was on the way to practice when he received a summons suddenly, and his expression changed drastically.

After that, he immediately found Kisaragi.

"Yue'er, the younger generation in the family sent me news that Xiayun Prefecture was attacked." Lin Qing said.


Ruyue was startled for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "Have you been attacked? But Lanzhou's magic way is not successful, and this came too fast."

Lin Qing shook his head: "I don't know if it's Lanzhou Demon Dao, but it's true that he was attacked. Since a few years ago, some family children were deliberately sent to various places in Yunzhou to take root, and these family children often sent back various news. However, what can be passed on to me is probably the true news that has been verified several times, and this matter will never be false."

After thinking for a while, Ruyue said with certainty: "From what I think, it should be the magic way of Lanzhou, except for them, who will attack Yunzhou. Even this speed is too fast. According to my original thought, even if they beat us, the righteous way of Lanzhou , It also takes a hundred years to cultivate, I didn't expect to come to Yunzhou in just over forty years, it seems that their strength is stronger than I imagined."

(End of this chapter)

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