I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 356 The Uninvited Guest of the Qingfeng Sect

Chapter 356 The Uninvited Guest of the Qingfeng Sect

It was that Taoist priest Mu Bai, the middle-stage Jindan cultivator whom I saw in Master Qiongshan's cave, no one thought that he could resist the demonic way by himself.

Of course, this is not complete, it should be because of the restraint in his hand.

When the magic way has already occupied two-thirds of the area of ​​Zhongyun Prefecture, and Yunzhou's Jindan has fallen by four or five.This cultivator, who had advanced to the late stage of Golden Core and had not shown up before, suddenly appeared, trapping the five Golden Cores of the Demonic Dao in one fell swoop.

The five Golden Cores who were trapped, and one late Golden Core, were also trapped by him, and he killed three of them in a row before they escaped.

After being hit by this blow, Lanzhou Demon Dao didn't dare to act rashly again for a while.

Lin Qing was also overjoyed when he heard about it, and later learned that this was the opportunity that Master Qiongshan got in his cave.

Daoist Mubai had a strong spiritual sense, and after solving the problem of the formation, he took the last two treasures into his hands.One of these two treasures is Master Qiongshan's natal magic weapon, and the other is actually the prohibition of Master Qiongshan's refinement.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this restriction cannot be moved after it is set up, but Master Qiongshan is really worthy of the name of Yunzhou's first restriction master. He even refined an intermediate anti-enemy restriction into a portable restriction disk.

Although it has been refined to be portable, it is not easy to play a role.

Daoist Mu Bai had been studying this thing before, and when the magic way immediately occupied the entire Zhongyun Prefecture, although he didn't fully comprehend it, he couldn't care less about it, so he immediately used it. Who would have thought that the effect would be so good.

But with this restraining plate and his own cultivation, unless Yuan Ying shows up, the ordinary golden elixir of Lanzhou can't do anything to him.

After learning this, it was a lie that Lin Qing was not envious. After all, the treasure was right in front of him at the beginning. Although he got the inheritance of prohibition and the shield of Yu Qian, it was still a little worse than what Taoist Mu Bai got.

But Lin Qing just thought about it, he is not a greedy person.

After Daoist Mubai showed his supernatural power, the Demon Dao did not dare to enter again for a while, and the monks in Yunzhou also urgently needed to cultivate, and the two sides became deadlocked again for a while.

And the last time the Demon Dao took possession of Xia Yunzhou, it only took two months to launch an attack, and no one knows how long it will take this time.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, and Mo Dao never made another move.

It seemed that they would be satisfied after acquiring most of Yunzhou, or they might not be able to find a way to deal with Daoist Mu Bai for a while.

Seeing that there has been no movement for a year, many Yunzhou monks have an idea in their hearts. Yunzhou is more than self-preserving now, and it is difficult to fight back. It seems that the magic way will not recede. In the future, Yunzhou may form a confrontation between good and evil pattern.

Since there will be no changes in a short time, these monks began to make some moves.

Shangyun Prefecture, which was originally looked down upon by the monks of Zhongyun Prefecture, became a favorite because it was far away from the battlefield, and a large number of monks poured in.

For example, in Dali Chu State, not only casual cultivators entered, but also some sects in Zhongyun Prefecture competed with each other for territory.Some of these sects still exist, and some have been destroyed because of the evil way. Whether they want to leave a way for their own sects or rebuild their sects, they are fighting fiercely in Dali Chu State anyway.

As for the sects of Dali Chu State itself, they have no resistance at all now, and each family has shrunk their territory to make way for these forces in Zhongyun Prefecture.

Due to the poor resources of Wei Guo, Yan Guo and Zhao Guo, these sects will not care about it for a while, but various casual cultivators pour in.

The sheer number is staggering.

All kinds of squares and markets have also become more prosperous than ever before. For example, Xuanyufang controlled by the Lin family has soared to more than a thousand people in just a few months, and the previously rebuilt Qingmu Collection has gathered two to three hundred casual people. Xiu, the Lin family has increased their defenses in these places.

As for Linjiaji and Chiyang Immortal City, let alone, the number of people more than doubled in an instant.

Just relying on the rent, the Lin family made a lot of money.

In such a situation, another year has passed in the blink of an eye, and even Wei Guo and Yan Guo have small and medium sects coming.Because of Lin Qing's Golden Core in Zhao Guo, those small and medium sects still dare not intervene, and Lin Qing has not heard of any sects coming.

However, the Lin family didn't dare to come because of his golden elixir, but after learning about some forces in the Zhao state, they set their sights on Qingfengzong.

After all, it can be seen clearly that the Qingfengzong is only two Zifu, and its strength is not strong, but it has a third-order spiritual vein, and it also occupies a large territory in the Zhao country.

On this day, several uninvited guests came to Qingfengzong.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted to see the master of Qingfeng Sect.

"Several seniors, our suzerain is not easy to see people nowadays. If you have anything, you can tell me first, and I will inform the suzerain." A Qingfeng sect monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment said to the four people in front of him.

"What can you say as a foundation builder? We Tongshan Four Elders are willing to come here to give your sect face. Why is your suzerain not even willing to meet?" said the leader of the four, and the other three remained silent, but All of them stared at the disciple coldly.

"It's definitely not, it's just our suzerain." The disciple wanted to explain something, but suddenly a voice came, and he immediately relaxed.

"Okay, you step back, and I will personally receive the fellow Taoists."

It was none other than Qingfeng Sect Master Qin who spoke.

Hearing what his suzerain said, the disciple immediately left. Qin suzerain looked at these four people, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Although he had never heard of the names of the Tongshan Four Elders before, these four were not weak. One was in the late stage of the Purple House, two were in the middle stage of the Purple House, and one was in the early stage of the Purple House. You must know that he was only in the middle stage of the Purple House.

"Fellow daoists, if you don't dislike it, the sect has spirit tea for you, so please fellow daoists." Sect Master Qin said politely.


One of the Tongshan Four Elders snorted coldly, and then walked in unceremoniously.

If it was said that he had the idea of ​​treating each other with courtesy before, after seeing Sect Master Qin, this idea disappeared in smoke.Because Qin Zongzhu is only a middle-stage Zifu, and one can tell at a glance that he has not lived for a few years. There is nothing terrible about this kind of person.

Sect Master Qin also flashed a hint of helplessness. His cultivation base has long been unable to increase, and even he can live to this day because of his good relationship with the Lin family. He bought a purple jade peach from the Lin family earlier, otherwise he would have died long ago. In the end, how can I live to this day?

Sitting down in a magnificent hall inside the sect, with disciples pouring tea beside him, Sect Master Qin sat down with the four elders of Tongshan, and asked, "I don't know what is the purpose of several fellow Taoists coming to my Qingfeng Sect. A few of them are very strange."

"Of course we're strangers. The four of us originally practiced in Tongshan, Zhongyunzhou, and you are in Zhaoguo, Xiayunzhou. We are so far away. Can we be familiar without strangers?" said Zifu Zhongqi, one of the four elders in Tongshan, The other three remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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