I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 358 Belonging to the Lin Family

Chapter 358 Belonging to the Lin Family
"Sect Master Qin, have you discussed it?"

Three days later, the four elders of Tongshan came on time and said to Sect Master Qin unceremoniously.

At this time, Sect Master Qin seemed more confident than three days ago, smiled slightly, then shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, after our discussion, we decided to find another powerful sect, our sect is too small to accommodate you." No fewer than a few."

"Hmph, I think you are old and confused."

The Zifu was a little surprised in the middle stage, and then his whole expression changed, and he said fiercely.

"Our Tongshan Four Elders are willing to join your Qingfeng Sect to give you face, let you discuss it and give you a step down, you have lived for so long, why are you so ignorant, let me tell you, the four of us must join, you agree Whether you disagree or not, it’s all the same!”

After saying this, the four elders of Tongshan looked at Sect Master Qin together, as if if Sect Master Qin said no more, they would rush forward.

"Oh, what if Lin says he disagrees?"

At this moment, a person came out from behind the screen in the house, it was Lin Qing.

Seeing Lin Qing who appeared suddenly, Sect Master Qin showed a slight smile, while the four elders of Tongshan looked at each other in blank dismay. When they entered the room where they were talking, they had searched with their spiritual sense, and there was no one else there.

Among them, the cultivator in the later stage of Zifu seemed to think of something, and his face changed suddenly, but he was unwilling to give up so easily.

"If I'm not wrong, this is the Patriarch of the Lin family, Senior Lin. Senior Lin is powerful, so we naturally dare not say anything more, but we also want to join the Qingfeng Sect, and we don't mean to offend the Lin family. I don't know why Patriarch Lin Don't let us join?"

Lin Qing smiled: "In the past, of course I wouldn't ask, but now Qingfengzong has belonged to our Lin family. As the head of the Lin family, of course I can't say it."

"Belongs to the Lin family?"

The late Zifu looked at Sect Master Qin viciously, how could he not understand that Sect Master Qin was responsible for these three days.

I wanted to say more, but Lin Qing let go of his spiritual consciousness. Although he is now at the sixth level of Golden Core, his spiritual consciousness is no different from that of the late Golden Core with his golden finger.Under the oppression of powerful spiritual consciousness, the Tongshan Fourth Elder dared not say anything, and immediately left Qingfengzong, not daring to stay for a moment.

Lin Qing watched the backs of the four leaving, and sat down on the chair.

Two days ago, Sect Master Qin found him and said that he was willing to give Qingfengzong to his Lin family. Lin Qing was taken aback at the time, but after hearing Sect Master Qin's words, he also understood the reason.

As for the Qingfeng sect to belong to his Lin family, of course he agrees. In this way, except for some small cultivating families, the whole Zhao country will belong to his Lin family. , Lin Qing can still keep it.

"Senior Lin, please."

Sect Master Qin poured a cup of tea for Lin Qing himself.

Lin Qing smiled, took the tea and drank it.

After a period of time, all monks and monks in Zhao State knew that the Qingfeng Sect belonged to the Lin family, and that the suzerain and Lin Xutai, a monk from the Lin family, served as the suzerain.

Who dares to object to this, but many monks are sighing, in the current situation of the invasion of the evil way, the integration of these various forces is coming faster and faster.

It seems that some kind of signal has been activated. After the Qingfengzong belonged to the Lin family, the remaining forces in the entire Yunzhou began to integrate, and the major forces changed frequently for a while.As far as Lin Qing knew, the powerful Thunder Sword Sect in Zhongyun Prefecture had somehow reached an agreement with the Heavenly Sword Sect in Dali, and the Heavenly Sword Sect was completely merged into the Thunder Sword Sect.The Mountain Beast Sect in Dali was also merged into a Beast Sect in Zhongyun Prefecture.

Others, such as the Xingyue Sect of the Hehuan Sect, have various relationships with forces from Zhongyun Prefecture.

This is not a bad thing, at least it can better integrate forces and have more resistance to the magic way.

However, when the forces in Yunzhou were changing frequently, there was no movement in the Lanzhou Demon Dao, and it seemed that it was really going to be in such a stalemate.This makes many monks who live in peace feel happy in their hearts, but it also makes many monks who cherish Yunzhou feel sad.

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed, and five years have passed since the invasion of the evil way.

In the past five years, except for the war at the beginning, both sides remained calm afterwards, and in the past five years, the entire Xiayun Prefecture has changed greatly.

Dali Chu Kingdom, which was originally close to Zhongyun Prefecture, is now completely occupied by various forces in Zhongyun Prefecture, and those monks from Dali Chu Kingdom who originally wanted to enter Zhongyun Prefecture did not know whether to laugh or cry after such a change. .The Kingdom of Wei and the Kingdom of Yan have also become the world of monks in Zhongyun Prefecture, that is, the Kingdom of Zhao. Because of Lin Qing, the middle-stage Golden Core, and the lack of resources, he barely resisted the pressure.

As for Ruyue, Lin Qing didn't let her be exposed, and kept hiding it very well.

Although the Lin family resisted the pressure, the Lin family's Chiyang Immortal City now accommodates nearly 2 casual cultivators. The Lin family has no reason to reject this. After all, this is a gathering place for casual cultivators. Block out the door.

Because Chiyang Immortal City is close to the junction of Zhao Guoyan and far away from the magic way, even though there are so many casual cultivators, the number of monks is still increasing.

For this reason, the Lin family has made many changes.

Originally Chiyang Fairy City was divided into the inner city and the outer city. The inner city was a separate residence with high rent, and the outer city was a crowded self-built residence.Now that there are so many people, there is no distinction between the inner city and the outer city, and all of them have been built into unified houses for rent. Not to mention such a transformation, they can accommodate these monks, and the rent has tripled.

With the gathering of a large number of monks, Chiyang Immortal City is unprecedentedly prosperous.

Auctions of various sizes are held almost every month, and various shops are lined up in the city. Chiyang Immortal City, which was originally looked down upon by some big forces, is now investing a lot of money to open up the market.

In the Immortal City, not to mention the third-order magic weapon, even the talisman was sold at an auction, and the prosperity can be seen.

On this day, a person walked in from outside the city, with his chest exposed and his belly exposed, looking at the fierce appearance, a monk used his spiritual sense to probe, but he couldn't find the realm, he was shocked.

And when this person walked into the city, seeing the almost crowded scene, a strange expression appeared on his face.

"It's such a large scale, but it's a bit difficult to handle."

This person thought in his heart, but he walked through the city patiently, showing a more thoughtful expression.

"Forget it, leave him alone. Anyway, he is using money to do things, and he has an old grudge, so if he doesn't do it, he has to do it. Besides, with the diamond bracelet, he is afraid that he will fail."

The man revealed a hint of ruthlessness, and immediately flew towards the center of Chiyang Immortal City.

(End of this chapter)

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