I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 371 Destroying the Enemy

Chapter 371 Destroying the Enemy
As for the two people who were fighting, Lin Qingzao was recognized by many monks from Chiyang Immortal City, but the identity of the other golden core has not been confirmed yet, but after he vomited blood and turned into black mist just now, many well-informed monks immediately I know, this should be the magic cultivator of Lanzhou, after all, the magic cultivator likes to use this kind of method very much.

The two of them in the air stalemate for another half-a-quarter hour, Lin Qing already felt a little lack of spiritual power, so he took out a high-level spirit stone and put it in his hand to replenish his spiritual power.

The same is true for the middle-stage Jindan on the opposite side, but unlike Lin Qing, in addition to his lack of spiritual power, his spiritual consciousness has also become overwhelmed.For this Jindan mid-stage demon cultivator, whether it is manipulating Yuanpan and Gushenjing or just turning the blood into fog, he needs a lot of spiritual support. His spiritual consciousness is not as strong as Lin Qing, and he already feels a little I have a splitting headache.

He wanted to leave more than once, but Lin Qing pestered him life and death, so he had to fight Lin Qing.

"If you survive this time, I will definitely slaughter everyone in your Lin family." The demon cultivator was already extremely ruthless towards Lin Qing, so he thought in his heart.

Although Lin Qing didn't know what he was thinking, seeing his more gloomy expression, he became more serious for a while.

After a period of confrontation, Lin Qing found that although its mirror was powerful, as long as he controlled the continuous attacks of the good water drops and prevented him from shining on himself, it would be fine. this person.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing urged Yu Qiandun in front of him to replace the Vajra Bracelet, and then used the bead of good water to restrain the mirror, and then the Vajra Bracelet flew directly to Jindan Middle Stage.

Seeing such a change in the blink of an eye, Jin Dan Zhongqi, who had already seen the power of the diamond bracelet, dared to resist for a while, but he had no good means for a while.

In desperation, he took out the knife-shaped magic weapon that he had put away earlier.

Although he can only control two magic weapons at most with his spiritual sense, he can't care about that much at this time, and another mouthful of blood spurts out, and then he sucks the blood mist himself. This is because he forcibly stimulates himself, thinking Let the consciousness become more powerful.

"go with!"

After feeling that his spiritual consciousness was enough to support the use of the third magic weapon, Jindan Zhongqi showed a gleam of joy on his face, and then urged the knife-shaped magic weapon to turn into a three-foot-sized giant knife and slashed towards the diamond bracelet.


The vajra bracelet also became larger at the same time, and the two magic weapons collided with each other with a bang. The vajra bracelet remained unchanged, but his knife-shaped magic weapon was obviously cracked.

Seeing this scene, Jindan Zhongqi already showed despair, but he still didn't give up and forcibly urged the knife-shaped magic weapon to continue chopping.

Lin Qing also responded with a diamond bracelet.


There was another loud noise, the sound was so loud that it spread throughout the Chiyang Immortal City, causing many monks with lower cultivation bases to feel a lingering buzzing sound in their ears.

But after this loud noise, the knife-shaped magic weapon in the middle stage of Jindan shattered into more than ten pieces of different sizes, and fell from the sky.

As soon as these fragments fell, a group of monks below rushed to loot them.Although the knife-shaped magic weapon is not very powerful, but the magic weapon is not comparable to the magic weapon, even the fragments of the magic weapon are much more powerful than the magic weapon, so the monks desperately snatched it up.

Lin Qing didn't look down, he looked at Jindan Middle Stage opposite him strangely.

After the knife-shaped magic weapon shattered just now, the middle stage of the golden core on the opposite side suddenly bled from all seven orifices, and became silent for a while, while the mirror and the disc magic weapon also remained motionless and lost their spirituality.

"Is it dead?"

Lin Qing thought in disbelief.

Then he put the vajra bracelet on the man's head, seeing that there was no movement, Lin Qing was relieved.As for the explosion of the vajra bracelet, it was in the sky above the Chiyang Immortal City, so it was not very good, and it would be better to wait until a fire fell.

Speaking of the reason why the Golden Core died in the middle stage, it was actually because of the relationship with the divine consciousness.

He was already loaded with spiritual consciousness, but after forcibly urging the third magic weapon, his spiritual consciousness was already at a precarious point, and the knife-shaped magic weapon was blown up by Lin Qing, and under the counterattack of the magic weapon, his spiritual consciousness was completely supported If he couldn't help it, he would end up dead.

At this moment, Lin Qing took away the two magic weapons of the Golden Core cultivator, and then carried his body to the mansion below.

In the small garden of the mansion, the scene was still the same as before, but as soon as Lin Qing fell down, his brows frowned slightly, and then he sacrificed the Yuqian Shield without hesitation, and couldn't stop turning around the magic cultivator at the early stage of Jindan. with.

Lin Qing's flying needle pierced the head of this Jindan cultivator from the very beginning, but Lin Qing found that it didn't seem to be dead at this time, which made Lin Qing extremely surprised.

When Yu Qiandun was spinning above his head, Lin Qing approached and checked, and found that the man still had a breath, but it was obvious that he no longer had any consciousness. It seemed that his body had forcibly held his breath, that's all. It can be saved, but after being saved, I am afraid that it will not be much better than a fool.

Thinking of something, Lin Qing tried to use the soul search technique on him, but it might be due to the cultivation method, but it didn't work, and it was the same for another golden core in the middle stage.

Seeing this, Lin Qing didn't hesitate. After taking off the man's storage bag, he threw a fireball the size of a washbasin and engulfed him in one go.

The second golden pill was directly detonated by Lin Qing, so there were only a lot of meat strips on the ground. Lin Qing used magic to collect these meat strips, and then together with the third golden pill, a fireball technique also gave burned.

After doing all this, Lin Qing let out a long breath, and then sat on a stone bench beside him.

This battle, although there was no danger, he was exhausted enough to kill three golden pills in a row. I'm afraid no one would believe it if he told it.While resting, Lin Qing also felt fortunate that the two were dealt with swiftly and decisively from the very beginning.If they were allowed to get out of trouble, it would never be so simple today.

Maybe there is no need for three people to go out together, only two people are needed, and he will be able to bear it.

After all, the strength of this third golden core is not weak at all. If it wasn't for his strong spiritual sense to last until the end, we don't know what happened afterwards.

After resting for a while, Lin Qing took stock of the harvest this time.

Although the storage bags of the three of them were expensive in a certain sense, the things inside were very useful to Moxiu, but not to him.Lin Qing seemed a little disappointed, and suddenly thought of something, he picked up the magic weapon of the three of them to look again.

Seeing this, Lin Qing was even more disappointed.

The magic weapons of these three people were all polluted by the magic skills they practiced, so he couldn't use them at all.If you want to use it, you can only remove the magic energy little by little, but the time it takes will not last for decades, and it is not worthwhile at all.

(End of this chapter)

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