I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 383 Treasure in the Sea

Chapter 383 Treasure in the Sea
If you compare Zijin Toad with it, Zijin Toad is not that big.

The pure spiritual energy hung upside down for only a moment, and the vortex above Zijin Chan's head gradually disappeared, which made Zijin Chan look at the top of his head with some disappointment, as if he wanted more.

Looking at Zijin Chan, Lin Qing was overjoyed at the moment.

Zijin Toad's aura has already reached Jindan, that is to say, it is a Jindan monster. The most advantageous point is that there will be no other Jindan monsters coveting this Zijin Mountain in the future, and it will only be safer.

Although breaking through the golden elixir was successful, Zi Jinchan was not in a hurry to come to Lin Qing's side.

Because after he broke through, many gold core monsters sent him a message to say hello, it seems that monsters are also like human monks in some respects, and they also know how to build a good relationship.

Zijin Chan could speak in the later period of Zifu, let alone after Jindan, he greeted each other with these monsters.

After doing this, Zijin Chan was also recognized by the surrounding Jindan. If there is no accident in the future, no other Jindan monsters will break into this water area. Of course, if there are human monks who dare to set foot in the endless sea, Zijinchan will I also have to do my part.

Regarding this point, Zi Jinchan thought of his master, but smiled.

"Master, I broke through."

After communicating with all the surrounding monsters, Zijinchan happily entered the island and said to Lin Qing.

Both Lin Qing and Ruyue were very happy, but Lin Qing was most concerned about one thing at this time. He said, "Xiao Jin, let me see if you can transform into form."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Xiao Jin was also a little curious about his transformation, and immediately changed.

However, this disappoints both Lin Qing and Xiao Jin. Unlike the Jiaolong, which can only change in the early stage of Jindan, Zijin Chan is not good at this aspect. After changing, the body is human, but the head is a human. It has a toad head, and its limbs have not completely changed, which looks extremely weird.

After Zijin Chan changed, he also changed back to his own shape. It was too difficult for him to transform into a human being. I am afraid that it will not be better until the later stage of Golden Core.

"Xiaojin, do you have any new abilities?"

Suddenly, Lin Qing asked again.

Hearing asking about his ability, Xiao Jin enlarged his figure a bit, and then spat out a red inner alchemy the size of a fist.

"Master, this is my inner alchemy, that is, the golden alchemy. Now it contains poisonous and fire energy. After refining it in the future, its power will be worthy of the magic weapon."

"I see."

Lin Qing nodded, but thought in his heart that this might have a lot to do with that Jiaolong.

At this time, Lin Qing sized up Xiaojin again, showing an undisguised joy. Xiaojin is also the Empress of the Zijin Chan Golden Alchemy. Not only is the island here safe, but it will also be safer for his Lin family in the future.After another calculation, the Lin family, he and Ruyue, together with Lin Zhidan and Zijinchan, had four golden elixirs at once. This made Lin Qing feel happy and unreal at the same time. It's something he never thought of before.

"Master, I will still be here on the island in the future, and I feel that this place is especially suitable for cultivation." Zijin Chan said.

Lin Qing nodded with a smile: "As long as you want, you can practice as long as you like."

Ruyue also showed a smile on the side, but just when the few people were about to say something, suddenly there was a change of spiritual energy from a distance, which made both Lin Qingruyue and Zijinchan look surprised.

"This seems to be a bit similar to your breakthrough just now. Could it be that there is another monster breaking through the golden core?"

Feeling this abnormal movement of spiritual energy, Lin Qing said to Zijinchan in disbelief.Although there are many Endless Sea Monster Beasts, Gold Core Monster Beasts are not everywhere. Now that the Zijin Toad has just broken through, why is there another breakthrough? Could it be that the breakthroughs are all clustered together.

"This aura is somewhat similar to the breakthrough just now." Kisaragi also said on the side.

But Zijin Chan hesitated for a moment, looked into the distance and said, "It's not like a breakthrough, because the spiritual energy in it is too mixed, such a mixed spiritual power monster can't break through at all, I think it's like some kind of treasure in the seabed born."


When Lin Qing heard this, she was startled, the treasure under the sea?

"Husband, back then the ancient monks and monsters fought in the endless sea, and many treasures fell into the sea. It is said that many monks had obtained them before, but in the past thousand years, there has been little news about such treasures. There are many." Kisaragi said on the side, there are indeed treasures in the sea.

"If that's the case, Xiao Jin, go and see if there is a real treasure."

Lin Qing said to Zijinchan that if there is a real treasure in the world, he certainly doesn't want to miss it, but he also doesn't want to expose himself easily, so he just let the breakthrough Zijinchan go.

Hearing Lin Qing's words, Zijin Chan, who had just broken through and was unable to vent his spiritual power, immediately flew into the distance.

Different from before, after becoming a golden core monster, Zijin Chan can also fly out of thin air, of course, the speed is not that fast, he is not the kind of monster known for its speed, like a bird monster that is born to fly , after becoming a golden core, each one is as fast as lightning, and it is extremely difficult for human monks to get rid of.

After the Zijin Toad flew away, the spiritual power in the distance changed more and more, Ruyue said in surprise on the side:
"If the treasure is alive, this kind of movement, it seems that the treasure is not ordinary."

"Yes, this kind of spiritual power is almost several times the size of the Purple Golden Toad's breakthrough just now. How can an ordinary treasure have such a movement? It must not have been left by the monk Yuanying. I heard that compared to the magic weapon of the Jindan monk, Yuan Cultivator Infant has a more powerful treasure, they all call it a spirit treasure, could it be that there is a spirit treasure?" Lin Qing couldn't help thinking boldly.

Kisaragi smiled: "If that's the case, it's really amazing. However, Lingbao is extremely rare even for Nascent Soul cultivators. Generally speaking, only one's own natal magic weapon is cultivated continuously during the Jindan stage, and only after breaking through the Nascent Soul It may transform into a spirit treasure, one spirit treasure is almost worth ten magic weapons, the average Nascent Soul cultivator would be great if he had just one, and most of them use magic weapons just like us."

Hearing what Ruyue said, Lin Qing thought of his own treasures, and immediately became curious about the possible treasures.

Although his treasures are not weak, but if he can have a spirit treasure, it must be a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he can compete with one or two.

After Zijin Chan flew away for a long time, he sent a message to Lin Qing: "Master, this treasure is coming out of the bottom of the sea, but it is not fast enough to see clearly. There are already four golden core monsters around me. Now you Don't come here."

Hearing Zijinchan's words, Lin Qing put away his intention of going there immediately, and waited for the treasure to actually appear in the world, to see its value, and then decide whether to expose it or not.

But Zi Jin Chan was surrounded by four golden core monsters on the sea three hundred miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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