"I, the Wuxin Sect, agree to set up the Mysterious Heavenly Dao Formation!"

"On behalf of the Shenying Sect, I agree with Sect Master Jiang's suggestion."

"I, the Bing Xin Sect, agree with Sect Leader Jiang to arrange the Mysterious Heavenly Dao Formation."

Under the shock of Wan Shen Dao Lord and Shen Ruyan, the top of Wuliang Mountain fell into silence at first,

Then, there were voices of approval one after another.

In the end, even those sects that were worried had to take advantage of the situation and agree.

Jiang Chengxuan's idea of ​​arranging the Mysterious Heavenly Dao Formation was unanimously approved by the sects present.

It can be said that this moment is the most cohesive moment in the Tianhong Realm in these thousands of years.

And everything is because of Jiang Chengxuan's prestige, or his charisma.

"Okay! On behalf of all the sentient beings in the Tianhong Realm, I would like to thank you all for your righteousness. Jiang Chengxuan will definitely go all out for this matter!"

It was only then that Jiang Chengxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a warm smile on his face.

He knew that his trip here would be worthwhile after all.
The great catastrophe that had troubled him for so long finally took a turn for the better.

Later, after Jiang Chengxuan gained the absolute right to speak, this negotiation became extremely simple.

Regarding the layout details of the Xuanji Tiandao Formation, he was quickly assigned to each sect in turn.
Who prepares what resources, which sect has which monks who are good at deduction, all have been carefully arranged.

And the place where the Mysterious Heavenly Dao Formation was arranged was finally decided in the Haoran Sect.

Naturally, other sects would not object to this. In the Tianhong Realm, I am afraid there is no place where
It can be safer than Haoran Sect.

After all, it was the only sect with three great masters of enlightenment.

And just when everyone was relaxing because of the gradual implementation of the mysterious Tiandao formation,
Somewhere in the Tianhong Realm, in a barrier, huge terror is quietly brewing.

The dark and red evil energy is constantly surging and rolling,
This barrier place has completely lost the aura of Tianhong Realm.

Both Taoism and spiritual power have been transformed into existences similar to the Demon Abyss.

And in the thick and evil evil energy like molten lava, in the churning void,

Faintly, one can actually see the existence of human figures.

They stood upright and bathed in the evil spirit, lifeless, like a human-shaped tombstone.
Completely cover this hellish scene.

If there are people from the Tianhong Realm here, they will find that those sects and their monks who disappeared and evaporated out of thin air.

It’s all here!

However, these monks at this time have all become puppets!
Their bodies still have Tao principles and fluctuations of power, but they are extremely evil.

Obviously, they have all been transformed into something like demonic energy.

A total of six super sects have evaporated in Tianhong Realm, so there are hundreds of thousands of monk puppets here!
Such a force is already such a terrifying existence in the Tianhong Realm.

And what kind of existence has the ability to create such a terrifying scene!

At this moment, in this world, an extremely ferocious and sinister laughter suddenly sounded, echoing endlessly.

In an instant, countless demonic figures appeared out of thin air, wandering among the monk puppets.

Their appearance is extremely strange, and there is a supernatural and terrifying aura emanating from them.

When these demonic figures passed by the monk puppets, they all put their heads close to each other.
He inhaled his nose deeply, as if he was enjoying something, and then, an invisible howl of pain sounded in the void.

"Wait, wait, wait, until the wall of this world is completely loosened, that's when my true body will arrive."

"Jie Jie Jie!!!" In this demonic realm, an impatient voice sounded, extremely evil,
I don’t know if it is a human, a ghost, a beast or a demon, but it sounds like the voice of a legendary demon.

Time passes, and decades pass again in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the tense atmosphere in Tianhong Realm still did not ease in any way.

However, amid this tension, there was no despair. On the contrary, each sect was filled with expectations.

Preparations for the mysterious Tiandao Formation are in full swing.

Finally, on a cloudless day, groups of monks from other sects arrived,

They all appeared under Haoran Sect’s Yunwu Peak.

Countless disciples of the Haoran Sect were watching from a distance, although they did not know why so many sects came here.
But from the attitude of those people towards them, they could sense the importance of Haoran Sect in this matter.

"Everyone, I kept you waiting for so long!"

On the Yunwu Peak, a voice came out, and then, the figure that everyone was looking forward to,
Finally, he slowly emerged from the misty clouds.

These are naturally Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan.

They looked at the teams wearing various colors of robes under Yunwu Peak, and felt a little nervous in their hearts.

Finally, after waiting for so long, they finally took the initiative to take action against the great calamity of the world.

"Sect Master Jiang! It's been a long time!"

"Sect Master Jiang, we have prepared all the resources and are just waiting to set up the formation!"

When the two landed, countless high-level officials from the sect immediately saluted and said respectfully.

In response, the two of them returned the favor one by one without any arrogance.

"Let's go, without further ado, follow me to the place where the formation is set up."

This time, there was no unnecessary greeting, and Jiang Chengxuan led all the sects to the Haoran Sect.

Along the way, these sect monks looked at each other with the surrounding Haoran sect disciples.
In their hearts, they all have thousands of thoughts.

The disciples of the Haoran Sect felt curious and proud. Those senior members of the sect,
You have to be shocked by the current strength of Haoran Sect.

Soon, under the leadership of Jiang Chengxuan, monks from various sects arrived at a huge Taoist temple.

This is exactly the place Jiang Chengxuan repaired to set up the Xuanji Tiandao Formation.

Just the place where the formation was set up contained many arrangements and foreshadowings by Jiang Chengxuan.

When monks from various sects walked into it, they all felt an extremely mysterious feeling, as if the resonance of heaven and earth was instantly a hundred times stronger.

Especially those monks who are good at deduction and come from all over the Tianhong Realm.

This feeling is extremely clear. This place contains a lot of understanding of the power of cause and effect.

After some feelings, they who were still a little worried about this matter were instantly convinced and full of admiration.

No matter who set up this formation,

His attainments in deduction techniques have probably reached an inhuman level.

Just a simple arrangement can achieve such an effect. The knowledge of this deduction method is already beyond their understanding.

"Master Haoran, you are so terrifying." (End of Chapter)

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