On the occasion of rebirth Zhou Sui

Chapter 173 The Great War Begins

Chapter 173 The Great War Begins

Although it is said that the troops are divided into eight groups and attacked Nanchen from three directions: Jingzhou, Huainan, and Shu, there is no doubt that Yang Guangguang's army, which is stationed downstream and directed directly to Chenducheng Jiankang, is the top priority.

Yang Jian also placed high hopes on Gao Jiong.

In the eighth year of Emperor Kaihuang (588 A.D.), on the second day of November, only a few days after the edict was issued to attack Chen, Yang Jian personally sent off Gao Jiong, Wang Shao and others, and he walked all the way to Tongguan before stopping.

Outside Tongguan, Yang Jian held Gao Jiong's hand and urged:

"Military affairs are all appointed to Duke Dugu, and the strategy of the army can be decided by the Duke."

Gao Jiong's father, Gao Bin, was a general of Dugu Jialuo's father Duguxin. According to the Western Wei practice, he was given the surname Dugu.

In the past, Yang Jian still called Gao Jiong by his surname Gao, but today he called Dugu Gong, which has his own deep meaning, as if the two of them removed the righteousness of monarch and minister, and Gao Jiong was also his wife's natal family.

When Wang Jian destroyed Chu, he had to ask for land and give up, so as to relieve Yingzheng's suspicion. He was also a soldier who ruled over the country.

And the implication of this sentence by Mr. Dugu is as clever as Gao Jiong, so why can't he hear it, he said movedly:
"Your Majesty is not trustworthy, so how can I have today, and how dare I not put my heart and soul into repaying your kindness!"

Gao Jiong's words really came from his heart. Although his ancestors pretended to be the Bohai Gao family, they were from Goguryeo in the Northern Wei Dynasty. This is also known to the world.

In this era where family status is valued, he can achieve his current glory thanks to Yang Jian's favor, so how could he not be grateful for it.

After drinking the farewell wine, Gao Jiong bid farewell to Yang Jian. He boarded the carriage, and with Yang Jian's ardent expectations, he went to Huainan to meet Yang Guang.

At the same time, as the envoys were detained and Yang Jian issued an order to attack Chen, the Southern Chen monarchs and ministers, no matter how deceiving themselves and others, knew that a war was coming and the survival of the country was at stake.

The reason why Nan Chen reacted so slowly is that he had to mention the deceitful tricks of the emperors and ministers of the Sui Dynasty.

Cui Che once suggested buying dozens of dilapidated warships from Nanchen, making Nanchen mistakenly believe that the Sui Dynasty lacked naval forces and that he believed that the Yangtze River was the world, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Gao Jiong suggested that the climate in the north of the Yangtze River was cold, and the paddy fields were harvested later, while the temperature in the south of the Yangtze River was higher, and the paddy fields were harvested earlier. Therefore, he proposed to recruit troops during the harvest season in the south of the Yangtze River, falsely claiming to attack Nan Chen. When they cheered up and prepared to deal with the Sui army going south, the Sui army had already disarmed and went back to busy with the autumn harvest.

There are still many such strategies. The Sui Dynasty's war preparations lasted for several years, and the Southern Chen Junchen was like a villager who was used to hearing "wolf is coming".

The wolf is really coming.

It's just that Chen Shubao didn't panic. His historical experience gave him enough confidence.

He calmly said to his ministers:

"The spirit of the emperor is in the south of the Yangtze River. The Qi army invaded three times, and then the Zhou army invaded twice. They were all defeated. What do the Sui people have to fear?"

Concubine Kong Gui's sworn brother Kong Fan flattered and said:

"The Yangtze River has been separated from the north and the south since ancient times. Now the Sui people can fly across it. The border generals are eager to make meritorious deeds. This is why they falsely claim that the Sui army is strong. I have always worried about my humble official position. I wish the Sui army would come to attack, so I can take advantage of it." Their heads have established meritorious deeds, and they may all be crown princes."

Chen Shubao laughed out loud when he heard the words, he also knew that the second half of Kong Fan's words were just jokes, but he also felt that the so-called Sui army was strong, it was just lies of the frontier generals.

Therefore, Chen Shubao was still intoxicated in singing and dancing, passively preparing for the battle.

In December, the 52 troops of the Sui Dynasty came to Linjiang, and urgent reports were sent from border towns in Nanchen.

At this time, two lucky ministers are in charge of the secret, Shen Keqing and Shi Wenqing.

The two knew that the border was in an emergency, but they didn't want to present it to the emperor, but suppressed the report, making Chen Shubao really think that the border was all right, so they continued to play music and dance.

He even ordered that the two sons of Nanping Wang Chenyi and Yongjia Wang Chenyan, who guarded Jiangzhou (ruled in Jiujiang, Jiangxi) and Nanxuzhou (ruled in Jiangsu Zhenjiang), rush back to Jiankang to participate in the Yuanhui next year.

The old father missed his son, but Chen Shubao also asked Chen Yi and Chen Yan to take away the warships from Jiangzhou and South Xuzhou, which made the two kings enter the dynasty and made the Nanchen Jingzhou navy come back again. No reinforcements.

For Yang Su, it was like dozing off. Someone handed him a pillow, and taking advantage of Chen Jun's warship to go east, Yang Su immediately led the navy out of the Three Gorges and fired the first shot in the battle against Chen.

When the navy of the Sui Army arrived at Liutou Beach (northwest of Yichang, Hubei today), General Chen Qi Xin was ordered to lead more than [-] Qinglong warships and thousands of soldiers to guard Langwei Beach ahead.

Langwei Beach has steep terrain and fast-flowing water, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Yang Su got in touch with Liu Renen, the governor of Jingzhou who was stationed in Jiangling. The two cooperated by water and land, and attacked Langwei beach at night. Qi Xin was defeated, and the Sui army was able to continue to advance eastward.

Chen Huiji, the governor of Jingzhou in Southern Chen, learned that the front line was defeated, and immediately sent Lu Zhongsu, the prefect of Nankang, to guard Qiting (now the mouth of Xiling Gorge on the Yangtze River).

Lu Zhongsu drilled holes in the rocks on both sides of the river, and tied three iron cables across the river to stop the warships of the Sui army.

In order to stick to the gorge, Lu Zhongsu donated all his private property and rewarded the soldiers under his command, so Chen Jun's fighting spirit was high.

Yang Su divided his forces and cooperated with Liu Renen to storm Chen Jun's camp on the shore. Lu Zhongsu resisted in danger. The two sides fought fiercely for more than 40 times.

Chen Jun cut off the noses of the fallen soldiers of the Sui Army in order to ask for rewards, which undoubtedly angered the Sui Army.

You know, before the battle at Langweitan, the Sui army treated the prisoners of the Chen army without killing or humiliating them, and released them all.

In doing so, it was to attack their hearts and let these captives spread the power of the Sui army everywhere.

Secondly, it was also because Yang Jian had set the tone for this battle early on. The reason why the Sui Dynasty attacked Chen was because of Chen Shubao's absurd deeds, which caused anger and resentment. Therefore, the Sui army who attacked Chen must be a righteous army.

Torturing prisoners of war and looting civilians are naturally strictly prohibited.

It is precisely because of this comparison that Chen Jun's practice of cutting off the noses of the fallen soldiers of the Sui Army aroused the same hatred among the Sui Army.

Yang Su also used this incident to boost morale, and the soldiers of the Sui Army fought desperately, and finally made Lu Zhongsu abandon the camp and leave.

As for the captured Nanchen soldiers, Yang Su still did not punish them, but let them go.

After Yang Su destroyed the chains blocking the river, he continued to advance eastward. Lu Zhongsu retreated to Yanzhou in Jingmen (now in the middle of the Yangtze River near Zhijiang, Hubei), trying to stop the Sui army's navy again by virtue of the dangerous terrain of Jingmen Mountain.

While Yang Su's troops were fighting bloody battles, Cui Che's Yang Jun army was fighting a very trendy war:
Sit-in war.

 Today is gone. The weather here in Yiyang has changed. It was too hot yesterday. I wore short sleeves, but today the temperature suddenly dropped, so I caught a cold.
(End of this chapter)

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