I am not an artist when I am reborn

Chapter 60 Council Concerns

Chapter 60 Council Concerns
Chapter 58 Council Concerns

Seoul Channam Golf Course.

Min Xizhen was wearing sportswear, and her excellent figure management was fully revealed under the outline of this close-fitting sportswear. Her long hair, which was originally loose, was tied into a neat ponytail.

Behind him, Park Jinyan held a parasol to shield Min Xizhen from the sun.

Adjust the angle a bit, swing.

"Su contacted Director Park." Seeing this, Park Zhenyan said in a timely manner.

Min Xizhen raised her hand, and the caddy came over immediately, and took the golf club with respectful hands.

"The kid from Pu's family in Busan?" Min Xizhen said casually after taking off his gloves.

"Nai, director Park who holds shares in the company and has participated in the board of directors."

"The shares in his hand are just enough to be eligible to participate in the board of directors, right? What does Su contact him for?" Min Xizhen asked suspiciously.

"Director Park's property in Busan has suffered heavy losses recently, and there is a tendency to sell shares, but the asking price is too high, and the directors of the council did not sell." Park Jin-yeon said.

"He doesn't want to buy shares?" Min Xizhen said in surprise.

SM company's board of directors must hold at least 80 shares (①), occupying at least 5.00% of the shares to become a permanent director, and the shares need to be higher than 16%, that is, [-] shares to be eligible to nominate director candidates .

Director Park of the Pu family in Busan holds only [-]% of the shares, and has just passed the ranks of directors.

SM's board of directors has a total of 25 directors, including chairman Lee Soo Man, president Kim Young Min and five permanent directors, and [-] directors including Min Hee Jin.

Among them, Min Xizhen's shares are the most among the [-] directors, but it is still a little short of the five points of the permanent directors.

Among the [-] directors, only [-] actually work in SM company, and the other [-] are all parties like Director Park.

SM has always been a company with the most complex composition, and it is very difficult to have the 51 or even [-] or [-] shareholding situation in TV dramas.

Li Xiuman is now the first shareholder with a shareholding of [-] (②), serving as the chairman of the board of directors.

It is not so easy to become a director of SM company, the shares must be recommended by the current director and approved by the board of directors.

The board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders are two different things.

The former requires approval, and the latter theoretically all shareholders can participate.

"Is there any other news?" Min Xizhen asked.

"There is no news about the shareholding change for now." Park Zhenyan knew what Min Xizhen was asking, and immediately gave an answer.

Min Xizhen nodded.

Su Jinxing has no reason to contact Director Park, the only reason is the shares.

But where did he get the money?
Royalty fees haven't...? !

"Give me the phone." Min Xizhen thought of a possibility and said immediately.

Park Jinyan took out Min Xizhen's cell phone from her pocket and handed it to her.

Find Su Jinxing's number and dial it.

Not long after the bell rang, the phone was connected.

"Good morning, Director."

"You want to buy shares?" Min Xizhen cut straight to the point.

"Yes, we have almost talked with Director Park." Su Jinxing's tone on the other side of the phone was not too surprised.

"What did you get for it? The copyright of "Roar"?" Min Xizhen couldn't think of where Su Jinxing got so much money, so the answer was only the most valuable thing in his hand: the copyright.

"It's not the copyright, it's the annual income from Roar." Su Jinxing explained.

He is not an idiot, how could he exchange the copyright of "Roar" that can provide for the elderly in exchange for equity.

When "Roar" distributes the money, it can also buy shares from retail investors to get this figure.

"A year's income." Min Xizhen's face softened a little, as long as he wasn't so stupid, "How much did you change?"


"It's okay." Min Xizhen nodded, this kid is not stupid, he knows the commercial value of "Roar".

Using the income from "Roar" for a year to replace Director Park's [-]% stake in SM Company is undoubtedly a blood loss, but from a long-term perspective, it is not a loss-making deal for Su Jinhang.

Even if [-] of the equity is not enough to become an SM director, the remaining [-] can be collected from retail investors.

Among other things, the fans of the company group have a lot of equity in their hands.

The most famous one is the fan of SJ, holding more than 5 shares in his hand.

It is unrealistic to buy [-]% from retail investors, but with Director Park's [-], it is not too difficult to buy another [-].

This is also the reason why both Min Xizhen and Su Jinxing thought the transaction was a loss, but not that much.

"Cui Yuna, Jin Shaoqing, those girls you brought to the company, are they for the new girl group?" Min Xizhen's tone was a little amazed.

If she still can't guess Su Jinxing's purpose now, she won't be able to do it now.

"Inside." Su Jinxing admitted it frankly, the third step of the first five-year plan was completed ahead of schedule, and he also relaxed a lot.

The first three steps of the first five-year plan are to collect Dragon Ball GFriend, get admitted to Seoul National University, and get shares in SM.

The third step is completed ahead of schedule, and Su Jinxing can officially start preparing for the concept construction of GFriend.

And Min Xizhen, if she is willing, will be Su Jinxing's greatest help.

Min Xizhen was surprised by Su Jinxing's plan.

Does this child not know what kind of resources are needed to support the establishment of a girl group?
Even if he is now a permanent director of the company, this unprecedented dual girl group model will not be approved by the board of directors.

"The company has already approved the plan of Red Velvet, and your idea of ​​a new girl group is going to fail." Min Xizhen reminded Su Jinxing to stop losses in time.

The idea is unrealistic.

"I don't want to compete with Red Velvet, I plan to launch a new girl group in 15." Su Jinxing revealed some of his thoughts.

Not at the same time, but changed the impossibility to a slight possibility.

"I have my own complete plan regarding the new girl group, the director please keep it secret for me."

"I can keep it secret, but are you sure you want to do it? Even if you enter the council, I will not support you because of our relationship."

This is ridiculous, she can't sacrifice her own interests to help Su Jinxing promote a new girl group.

After all, Red Velvet is her painstaking effort, how could she help other girl groups torment her children.

"I understand what the director means." Su Jinxing laughed.

"Since you've already made up your mind, let's do it this way." Min Xizhen knew that this kid was a stubborn ass, so she didn't continue to persuade him. It's good to stumble and hit a wall.

Besides, when Su Jinxing fails, he will understand her good intentions, and will cooperate with her honestly in the council.

After hanging up the phone, thousands of thoughts appeared in Min Xizhen's mind.

Although she does not agree with Su Jinxing's idea of ​​a new girl group, it is of great benefit to her to help Su Jinxing become a director.

Her faction has everything she wants, and her only weakness is the right to speak on the council.

She is the only one in the entire faction on the council, even if she is the largest shareholder other than those seven people, she is still alone.

Su Jinxing's becoming a director is of great benefit to her.

"Director, do you need to check Team Leader Su's recent actions?" Park Zhenyan asked.

"No need." Min Xizhen shook her head slightly, "I really want to see how far this kid can do it, just let things take their course."



On the other side, after finishing the call with Min Xizhen, Su Jinxing also let out a long sigh of relief.

He had planned to use the whole year's income of "Roar" to replace the shares, but the plan was a plan, and there were still too many uncertainties in the actual implementation.

Originally, Su Jinxing was ready for a protracted war, but he didn't expect that Director Park had some problems and wanted to sell part of his shares.

This is undoubtedly a timely help for Su Jinxing.

Even if the price is high, Su Jinxing doesn't mind.I am not afraid of high prices, but I am afraid that if I have money, I will not be able to buy it.

Signed a transfer agreement with Director Park, which delayed Su Jinxing's plan to buy a house for a year, but it was not a big problem.

Anyway, I live in a dormitory now, and I am not in a hurry to buy a house.The real low point of housing prices in Seoul was between 14 and 16. During this time period, Su Jinxing had plenty of money.

Besides, with so many shares, Su Jinxing also gets dividends, but compared to the income of "Roar", it is a little less, but it will not be much less.

The perfect deal is one in which both parties are satisfied and think they have made a profit.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Su Jinxing lost a lot in this deal, but only he knows that even if it is the two years' profit of "Roar", he will trade it.

Don't find some external recruits to become a director, and follow the promotion step by step. When Li Xiuman is sent in, whether Su Jinxing can become an SM director through formal channels is a matter of opinion.

"Now I can be regarded as officially entering the attention of all parties."

In the past, he was just an excellent laborer, but in Su Jinxing, the shares of director Park were replaced. The 25-member SM company council will lack one director, and there will be 24 members. Such a huge change, Su Jinxing will naturally Will be exposed to the eyes of these top layers.

The current Su Jinxing is just a little sheep, and he is still in the novice period (observation). Waiting for a while, the welcome ceremony for newcomers will come.

"Time is running out." Su Jinxing murmured.

[-] percent, and...

College entrance examination.

Another key node of the plan is coming, what Su Jinxing has to do is to do his best and move forward.

①: Shamao currently sells 600 million shares, and Manmanzi accounts for 14.8, which is the largest individual shareholder. I have used the 5.00% of the permanent directors I found, so let’s take it as empty. I really didn’t find this kind of data .

②: Nonsense, I only found out that it was 14.8 recently, so I set it to 10.4, which has not yet annexed Kim Young-min.

Note: The transfer of shares is not one plus one, so I’ll just mention it without explaining. It is impossible for Li Xiuman to get all of Jin Yingmin’s shares. Even if he retreats to the second line, he still has shares in his hands. The faction is not a good baby, just watch you take it like this.

(End of this chapter)

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