I am not an artist when I am reborn

Chapter 62 Hey, Just Playing

Chapter 62 Hey, Just Playing

Chapter 60 Hey, just play

Not long after, the familiar sound of high heels colliding with the ground came over.

Look up.

"What did the one teacher say?"

"Why don't you do a question in this little time? Race against time, Aso!" Kim Taeyeon said, "I hate iron but steel".

Su Jinxing rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Hee hee." Teasing Su Jinxing, Kim Taeyeon was very happy.

"Teacher the one said yes, but he needs to meet Cui Yuna first, and he can teach if it's suitable."

Su Jinxing nodded, as expected.

When Kim Taeyeon, the most outstanding disciple, came forward, Zheng Chunyuan would be willing to give him the face.

But he didn't agree with it outright. It was completely understandable because he wanted to see Cui Yuna's "quality" out of a serious and responsible attitude.

"Did the one teacher say a meeting time?" Su Jinxing asked.

"Next week's weekend." Kim Taeyeon replied.

"There is still more than a week." Su Jinxing nodded, took out the phone, and found Cui Yuna's kakao account.

Su: Are you in the company?I have something to tell you.

"When are you going to find Choi Yuna?" Kim Taeyeon asked.

"I'll ask if she's in the company first." Su Jinxing said, raising his phone.

"Should be there, how come the trainee is not in the company at this time." Kim Taeyeon turned on the phone, looked at the time and said.

"They have only started school for a few months, so it's hard to say."

These girls are all freshmen in high school now, and they are not old-fashioned fritters like him.

"Did you not reply?" Kim Taeyeon asked.

"No, maybe I'm practicing or attending class at school." Su Jinxing said looking at kakao who was still on the phone.

"Cui Yuna is an A-level trainee, right?" Kim Taeyeon asked suddenly.

"That's right, I just said it." Su Jin replied without raising his head.

There was an inexplicable smile on Kim Taeyeon's face.

"If you don't reply to the message, just go and have a look. I'll be with you."

"You don't have a schedule?" Su Jinxing raised his head, looked at Taeyeon in surprise and asked.

"No, take a break recently."

"It's a good combination of work and rest." Su Jinxing nodded, "Let's go, go and see if Cui Yuna is in the company."

"Okay." Kim Taeyeon picked up the handbag on the table, and followed Su Jinxing to the direction of the women's practice room.


Class A women's practice room.

Deng Deng Deng!
The sound of hurried footsteps sounded in the empty corridor, and the next moment, Jin Yilin's figure rushed into the practice room.

"There is Robben, Senior Taeyeon and Su Oppa are here!" Jin Yelin shouted at the top of her voice.

The trainees who were doing their own things in the practice room all looked up at Jin Yelin when they heard the words.

"Yilin, where did you see it?" Wen Chuxi asked curiously.

"In the chief's office, I overheard them chatting with Chief Li." Jin Yelin quickly ran to Pei Zhuxuan and sat down beside Pei Zhuxuan, and replied.

"How come Senior Taeyeon and Team Leader Su are together?"

"Are the two dating?"

"No, it's five years away."

"But Senior Taeyeon is so charming, five years old is really not a problem, right?"

"I heard that Senior Taeyeon likes young people."

"Team leader Su is also a pretty boy, so it's not incomprehensible for the two of them to date, right?"

All of a sudden, various whispers sounded in the practice room one after another.

Pei Zhuxuan's expression remained unchanged, she continued to stretch calmly, but the corner of her eye quietly fell on Jin Shaoqing.

Jin Shaoqing tilted her head, looking at Jin Yelin, wondering what she was thinking.

"Here we come!" Someone yelled, and the noisy practice room immediately fell silent, as if the leader was inspecting it, and the trainees entered the practice state one after another.

Those who rested did not rest, and began to practice dancing.

A tall and a short figure came into view.

"It's really hard work." Kim Taeyeon looked at the hardworking girls and expressed the emotion of someone who has experienced it.

"Do you miss the previous training period?" Su Jinxing asked with a smile.

"I miss it very much."

"Then what if we let you go back to practice?" Su Jinxing asked again.

"Forget it." Kim Taeyeon shook her head resolutely, "I'm fine now."

Su Jinxing couldn't help laughing.

Some years really can only be used to remember.

"I saw Cui Yuna." Su Jinxing easily found Cui Yuna beside Jin Shaoqing.

The girls are all in a small group, and Cui Yuna is a "little follower" who is in love with the future captain Jin Shao, and forms a bipolar pattern with another big sister Pei Zhuxuan.

In fact, there is one person who can suppress these two and make the situation more powerful than one, but...

Su Jinxing glanced at Jiang Seqi who was squatting in the corner not knowing what she was doing, and shook her head helplessly.

It is unrealistic to expect this true senior to come forward to suppress everything.

When they came to the door of the practice room, they clapped their hands.

The trainees who had been paying close attention to the movements of Su Jinhang and Kim Taeyeon outside immediately stopped practicing when they heard the movement here.

Kim Taeyeon laughed from the bottom of her heart watching this scene, the children really don't know how to pretend, doesn't this reveal that you are not concentrating in practice?
"Cui Yuna, please come here, others continue to practice." Su Jinxing said.

The trainees looked at Cui Yuna one after another, and Cui Yuna herself was a little confused, she didn't expect that Su Jinxing came to find her.

"Go quickly." Jin Shaoqing urged Cui Yuna gently.

Cui Yuna came back to her senses and trotted over quickly.

After Cui Yuna, Su Jinhang, and Kim Taeyeon disappeared outside the practice room, the quiet practice room sounded again.

"Oni, what do you think Su Oppa is looking for Cui Yuna Oni?" Jin Yelin lay on the sofa, pouted her buttocks, and asked with her upper body in front of Pei Zhuxuan.

"Maybe something happened."

Jin Yelin was speechless, what nonsense literature.

Son Seungwan slapped Kim Yerin's ass.

"Oh Mo, what are you doing?!" Jin Yelin jumped up like a cat with fur, rubbing the place that Sun Shengwan took a picture of, her eyes full of anger.

"Slightly slightly!" Sun Shengwan made a face at Jin Yelin.

"Ah!" Jin Yelin yelled, and was about to pounce on Sun Shengwan, but was pulled back by a force that was not too big but had a mysterious and suppressing aura.

"Go to practice, don't fight."

"Inside!" x2.

Pei Zhuxuan glanced at Jin Shaoqing, who looked like a normal person, feeling a little puzzled.

[Why doesn't she respond? ]
Unable to figure it out, Pei Zhuxuan felt that there was a wall between herself and Jin Shaoqing, which was the barrier gap in cognition of things.

the other side.

Cui Yuna came out of the practice room nervously, and followed Su Jinxing and Kim Taeyeon until they reached the blind spot of the practice room before stopping.

"Yu Na, teacher The One will come to assess your vocal music on weekends next week, and perform well." Su Jinxing didn't go around in circles, and went straight to the topic, and let Cui Yuna prepare as soon as possible after speaking.

"Teacher the one?!" Cui Yuna raised her head in shock, but lowered her head the moment she met Su Jinxing's gaze.

"This is the opportunity Team Leader Su has won for you, so you have to work hard." Kim Taeyeon chimed in from the side, taking out her own role and giving it all to Su Jinxing.

"Thank you, Team Leader Su!" Although Cui Yuna is young, she is not stupid. The one Zheng Chunyuan's individual assessment is definitely not an ordinary opportunity.

Immediately bowed deeply to Su Jinxing to thank him.

"Work hard and strive to become a great lead singer like your senior Taeyeon." Su Jinxing cheered.

Cui Yuna couldn't help but look up.

A big lead singer like Senior Taeyeon?

Is Team Leader Su's expectations of himself too high?
Can she do it?
Kim Taeyeon stood aside with a smile, and gave Cui Yuna an encouraging smile when she looked up.

"Try to stay in the company during the weekends next week, and the one teacher will come to you." Su Jinxing repeated again.

"Okay, you go back." Su Jinxing said.

"Leader Su, goodbye Senior Taeyeon." Cui Yuna bowed and left.

"You just passed the credit to me?" Su Jinxing looked at Taeyeon and asked.

"It was originally your credit, and Cui Yunaxi's opinion is irrelevant to me." Kim Taeyeon smiled casually.

"My expectation of her is beyond yours." Su Jinxing joked.

"If you can do it, go ahead." Kim Taeyeon said with a light smile.

Su Jinxing also laughed.

Just kidding.

Choi Yuna will be the lead singer of the girl group Miaozi, but she wants to surpass Kim Taeyeon...

Su Jinxing thinks he doesn't have this ability.

"How's your lyrics going?" Su Jinxing suddenly thought of the solo song and asked.

"I'm about to tell you about this. I've almost prepared it, but I don't know how to write it."

This is the first time for Kim Taeyeon to write lyrics so seriously, and it’s not like she hasn’t written before, but this kind of complete writing of the lyrics of a song, and writing lyrics for Su Jinxing’s song, it’s too high at once. Taller.

Now producer Su's name is well-known in the entire South Korean music industry, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is famous all over the world.

The two songs that were released were all big hits, especially the recently released "Roar", which lifted EXO into the ranks of top groups in one fell swoop, and even appeared the voice of a new generation of Korean wave groups.

This resume is too luxurious, so luxurious that Kim Taeyeon's psychological pressure can be imagined when writing lyrics.

"Did you bring it?"

"Always carry it." Kim Taeyeon raised the handbag in her hand.

"Then go to my place and have a look." I haven't been to the work station for a long time, and I don't know if there is mold.

"Okay." Kim Taeyeon nodded, but the pressure in her heart was even heavier.

I went to the production department to read my lyrics... so many producers.

Su Jinxing didn't know the burden in Taeyeon's heart, and after hearing that Taeyeon agreed, he took her to the production department.

When I came to my workstation, it was clean and tidy, and there was no sense of mess when I didn't sit there for a long time.

"Taeyeon xi, Team Leader Su." Pu Chenghao looked at the two rare visitors from the production department in surprise.

"Brother Cheng Hao, is my workstation cleaned?" Su Jinxing touched the table, it was very clean, and asked involuntarily.

"I cleaned it for you, you don't need to thank me." Pu Chenghao said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, I will treat you to dinner next time." Su Jinxing said with a smile.

"It's easy to talk about." Park Sung-ho waved his hand, "You brought Taeyeon here, is there something to do?"

"Well, you are busy with the solo song." Su Jinxing said, "Isn't Sister Jin here?"

"No, her son is holding a parent-teacher meeting today, so let Taeyeon sit in her chair." Park Sung-ho said, pulling Producer Kim's chair over.

"Thank you." Kim Taeyeon thanked politely, pulled the chair beside Su Jinxing and sat down.

"In it." Taeyeon opened her handbag, took out the USB flash drive and handed it to Su Jinhang.

"Your bag is pretty. My mom's birthday is coming up. I'm going to buy a bag for her. Do you have any recommendations?" Su Jinxing asked while plugging in the USB flash drive.

"Hmm...does Auntie have a favorite brand?" Kim Taeyeon put her legs together, sitting in a ladylike posture, elegant~

"LV, don't women buy LV bags?" Su Jinxing asked suspiciously.

The female artists he knew in the company, from Kim Taeyeon and Lim Yoona to Koyanagi, were all LV bags.

"There are also Hermes, Chanel, etc. Of course, bags are not only LV."

"I know this, but I think the company's female artists are all LV." Su Jinxing clicked on the folder in the USB flash drive, "Where is it?"

"This." Kim Taeyeon stretched out her arm, pointing to a folder on the screen, the warmth from Kim Taeyeon's arm made the distance between the two quietly closer.

"The company's artists are all LV bags because the company has a cooperation with LV, and it can be cheaper to buy from the company." Kim Taeyeon explained.

"Well, then help me go to LV to get a bag, about 2000 million."

"Okay." Kim Taeyeon agreed, isn't this a trivial matter, anyway, she often goes shopping for luxury goods, just pick one at random.

"You are also a luxury brand, why do you have such a shallow understanding of bags?" Kim Taeyeon asked suspiciously.

Su Jinxing wears Fendi on his upper and lower body today, and the clothes of this brand are also very unpopular.

"I don't have a girlfriend, and I haven't bought a bag for my mother, so I don't know much about it." Su Jinxing opened his eyes and said nonsense.

It's not nonsense, the package bought by singer Su Jinxing in the previous life has nothing to do with my producer Su?

"That's it." Kim Taeyeon nodded suddenly, "So, Wuli Aso is still a mother's solo (①)?"

Su Jinxing raised his eyebrows, a look of "embarrassment" appeared on his face, and then nodded.

The smile on Taeyeon's face suddenly became stronger.

①: The term “mother-fetal solo” seems to be transliterated from Korea. I’m not sure, but it’s what Han Zong said, and it doesn’t look like our language habits this time.

Is there any big hands to help buddies clear up the confusion?
ps: Let’s post the data of the shares in the previous chapter, some book friends want to read it.

The author of "Roar" now earns more than 50 (RMB) from the copyright of "Roar" every year, and the income of the songwriter cannot be found. From the release of "Roar" in the second half of 2013 to the end of the year, a total of more than 5000 million (RMB) was generated for SM , coupled with the fact that the income in the first year is generally the highest, and the income in the article is for a whole year, I think it is still feasible to replace [-]% of SM shares that were still at [-] or [-] (RMB) shares at that time , From a price point of view, there is still a bit of a loss.

 Thank you for the reward of Sun Shengwan, the book friend of the northern hemp bandit, who gave the starting point of 1000 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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