Guozijian little cook

Chapter 111 The first day without supper

Chapter 111 The first day without supper

When Zhou Yuxing gritted his teeth angrily, the roast duck was already the third person in line.

The other party followed suit, but the voice was relatively low, and people looked more cautious: "Aunt Ye has worked hard, Miss Xiao has worked hard."

Seeing him like this, Aunt Ye smiled and nodded: "Oh, no hard work, no hard work."

Listening to the voice, Xiao Nianzhi raised his head and nodded politely in response.

The movement of the hands still didn't stop, but it was only the effort of two people saying hello, and the second duck was already more than half out.

The students behind couldn't help gritting their teeth: The fuck is it rolled up?
It was enough to tell Xiao Nianzhi about hard work before, but now even Aunt Ye is counted?

The student standing in fourth place couldn't help but sighed softly, but when it was his turn, he still followed suit.

Thirty roast ducks were almost enough for the students, and the rest were reserved for the masters who came first.

After the ducks are divided, the duck rack is also free, which can be used for cooking soup.

Those students who didn't eat the roast duck drank a bowl of nutritious and fragrant duck rack soup after the meal, which barely made up for the regret that they didn't eat the roast duck.

Some students are already preparing to write letters to their masters, and they want to eat too! ! !

Isn't it just learning, isn't it just a game?
They can too, come back a million times! ! !

It's just that there is no need to worry about the matter of writing to Master, after all, it also involves the college's meal budget.

Now they are only looking forward to some surprises in the supper at night, so that they can really make up for their wounded hearts.

At this time, they still don't know that there are no surprises in the supper tonight, only fright.

After Xiao Nianzhi finished his work, he had a simple meal and went back to the backyard.

Aunt Yu has already entered the palace and cannot come back for the time being. Aunt Fu told her to come to the cafeteria for dinner, and the two of them will go back to rest after eating.

Aunt Ye was originally the one who settled down, but Aunt Fu was worried and said that she wanted to come and live together, Aunt Ye joked a few words, and then she didn't come with her anymore.

At noon, the other party is still busy in the cafeteria, so there is no way to come over for the time being.

After Xiao Nianzhi came back, she first went to see the growth of the flowers in front of her and Yu's aunt's room.

Now the seedlings are growing well, and the sun has been sufficient these two days, Xiao Nianzhi thought about the essentials of planting tomatoes and peppers, watered some water, and then went to wash and take a nap.

In the afternoon, she had nothing to do, so she simply stayed in the delicious kitchen, and continued to fool around with experience.

When it was time to eat dinner, using the only ingredients and vegetables picked from the garden, I successfully fooled a lot.

[Delicious kitchen experience points +6, and 126 experience points are needed to upgrade. 】

One step closer to upgrading!
Xiao Nianzhi nodded in satisfaction, and after she came out, she tidied up the room again, then checked the time, and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

The roast duck at noon made the students want to eat it.

Those students who didn't eat, after seeing Xiao Nianzhi in the cafeteria in the evening, all of them were so excited that they almost jumped up.

They were well-informed and already knew that Aunt Yu had entered the palace.

They were afraid, Xiao Nianzhi also followed.

Seeing that people are still there now, I am naturally excited.

After dinner, Xiao Nianzhi and Aunt Fu went back to the backyard to rest together.

When it was time for supper, the students rushed over excitedly to have a look...

Hey? ?

What about people? ? ?

Wei Changting and Su Guiyu rushed to the front, and the other students were not far behind.

After rushing over, they didn't see Xiao Nianzhi, they thought it was because they came early and it wasn't time for Xiao Nianzhi to start working.

Wei Changting couldn't hold back, and asked Aunt Cui in a low voice: "Auntie, when will Miss Xiao come over?"

Aunt Cui is making noodles, there is no Xiao Nianzhi for supper tonight, maybe plain noodles will become a bestseller again, so she has to make preparations early.

Hearing Wei Changting's question, she replied with a smile: "Miss Xiao has been busy all morning, and for the next three days, she will rest and won't go to work."

Wei Changting:?

Other students: ? ?

no? ? ?

Wouldn't it be a bit too extravagant to take a break?
Those students who were determined to try to seduce Xiao Nianzhi with their beauty, even carefully dressed up and changed into a new student uniform.

At this time, the carefully dressed students, like eggplants beaten by frost, lost their energy in an instant.

The news that Xiao Nianzhi would not come to work for supper for the next three days swept the entire academy like a gust of wind.

At this time Xiao Zhou was walking on the road, he just heard that Aunt Yu had entered the palace, he was not sure what Xiao Nianzhi would do at night, so he was going to come and have a look.

Along the way, he even thought about it, if Xiao Nianzhi was in the backyard by himself, which aunt would he ask for help, and be with his sister for two days.

Aunt Fu and Aunt Cui are the most kind to talk to each other. Aunt Ye's words are chattery, and sometimes, once the words come out, she can't control them. Xiao Zhou is afraid that the other party will disturb Xiao Nianzhi's rest.

Aunt Gu was cold and not talkative, and Xiao Zhou was afraid that the little girl would not get used to it.

So, in the end, it was still a choice between Aunt Fu and Aunt Cui. Xiao Zhou put his private money on purpose, and was going to take care of it. He couldn't let others work hard, right?

As a result, I heard the news before I even got to the cafeteria.

Xiao Siye happened to come over at this time, and when he saw him, he nodded: "Think about the rich sister-in-law over there to help, don't worry, go back and study after supper."

When Xiao Zhou heard that Xiao Nianzhi was accompanied, he felt relieved.

After bidding farewell to Xiao Siye, Xiao Zhou didn't eat supper and went back to study directly.

The reason why he was in a hurry to go back was that he didn't have the habit of eating late at night, and whether he ate or not had no effect on him.

The other one is...

He is also one of the members of the top class. Today, he took the test in class and took the seventh place.

He was almost in the top five, but he didn't have too much obsession with roast duck, and when Xiao Nianzhi went back home, he could ask his sister to cook some.

What makes him obsessed is... grades!
How did he rank seventh?
This doesn't work!
You have to read more books!

At this time, Xiao Nianzhi and Aunt Fu had already washed and washed, and were chatting while lighting wormwood in the yard.

There are many mosquitoes in summer, smoke the wormwood first, and then light some mosquito coils, so you can sleep more peacefully.

Aunt Fu can't keep her mouth shut. While pulling the wormwood in front of each house, she also told Xiao Nianzhi about the queue for roast duck today: "The first person to greet you today is the one from our capital city. A well-known talented man, the second son of the Marquis of Yong'an, Mr. Meng Yinze, he is the ideal husband-in-law of many girls in the capital."

Xiao Nianzhi had some impressions of that young man with peach blossom eyes. Hearing what Aunt Fu said at this time, he uttered in response to the other party's curiosity: "Really? Then he is very powerful!"

Someone responded, and Aunt Fu was very excited when talking about gossip: "No! A few years ago, a female envoy from Fanbang fell in love with him, intending to recruit him as a son-in-law, and then brought him back to Fanbang. At that time, the entire Meng family was frightened. Enough."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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