Guozijian little cook

Chapter 123 You Are Everywhere!

Chapter 123 You Are Everywhere!
A pilgrim was so greedy that he walked over quietly. When he got closer, he found that this was actually the young lady of General Guo's residence.

Seeing them, the visitor was a little hesitant, for a moment he didn't know whether to ask or to retreat.

At this moment, Guo Yinghui squinted his eyes contentedly, then shook his head.

At this time, the young master lost his composure and arrogance, like a child, shaking his head while eating.

Even if he was indulging in delicious food, he didn't lose the most basic etiquette, so even if he shook his head, it wasn't too big, but rather cute.

The visitor's original hesitation was much less when he saw this scene.

Without him, only greedy!
The man took two steps forward, and when he reached Xiao Nianzhi's table, he coughed lightly: "Excuse me, may I ask if this meal is..."

The visitor originally wanted to ask, is this food made by your servants?

As a result, I looked up and looked around, and found that these four people did not bring a servant.

So, not a minion?

Do they do it themselves?

The visitor hesitated again, he didn't know what to say next, and the sudden silence made him feel so embarrassed that he was about to tap his toes on the ground.

Guo Yinghui had just swallowed a mouthful of small glutinous rice balls covered in brown sugar juice, and was savoring the sweet, soft, sweet and icy taste, when he saw a middle-aged man standing by their table with a troubled expression on his face.

He looked up, and after realizing that he didn't recognize her, he turned to look at his sister.

The way his sister eats is not as elegant as many noble girls in the capital, but rather heroic.

Sensing her younger brother's gaze, Guo Ruxue finally raised her head from the food and took a look. After realizing that she didn't know this person, she turned her gaze back to her younger brother.

The siblings looked at each other, and after realizing the blankness in each other's eyes, they both turned to look at Aunt Yu.

Aunt Yu swallowed the food gracefully, and turned her head to look at the person: "This is made by my apprentice. Is there any problem?"

Aunt Yu recognized the person who came, but the other party didn't take the initiative to introduce, so she didn't mean to say more.

After the man heard the voice, he turned his head to look, only to find that Aunt Yu was there too?

Aunt Yu's apprentice?

Originally, the man thought that if he was a domestic servant, he might be able to ask for a bowl if he said some good things and some benefits.

But Aunt Yu's apprentice...

Then it is estimated that Her Majesty the Queen Mother and others have such a good fortune, right?

The man who reacted smiled mischievously and waved his hand: "No, no, excuse me."

While speaking, the man has already retreated in embarrassment.

After the person walked away, Guo Sixue asked in a low voice, "Who is this person?"

Aunt Yu had already withdrawn her gaze, and lowered her head to eat again: "The husband of County Lord Ganqing."

Lord Ganqing?

Guo Sixue said that this character is unfamiliar to her.

Since Guo Yinghui was young, she didn't understand even more.

Although the courtiers and military commanders in the court and the generals are not clear-cut, the relationship is not considered close.

If it was the generals, Guo Sixue might still know each other, but most of the civil servants did not know her.

Aunt Yu didn't intend to explain too much, she seemed to be afraid that the voice would be too loud, and it would be bad for others to hear and talk about other people's affairs in front of them.

Xiao Nianzhi is even more unfamiliar.

She had read the whole plot, and it was even more impossible for her to know about the characters not mentioned in the plot.

Moreover, food is more important than these unimportant strangers.

The four happily showed off their small glutinous rice balls.

Guo Yinghui almost licked the bowl at the end of his meal.

However, considering that this was outside and he still had to worry about the face of the Guo family, his last rationality allowed him to control it.

At this moment, he felt a little pity, why isn't this at the border?
Put it in the border, he must lick the bottom of the bowl clean!

What a pity that the sugar juice that the spoon didn't dig up was just thrown away!

Guo Yinghui put down the bowl reluctantly, keeping her eyes glued to it.

Xiao Nianzhi was also very satisfied with the meal, and thought: It must be Aunt Yu.

Today's ice-cold glutinous rice balls lack brown sugar or sweet-scented osmanthus honey, so the taste is not so refreshing.

Sugar and honey are small luxuries, and ordinary people only eat a little occasionally.

However, these things belong to my aunt, so it doesn't seem so extravagant.

The icy sweets in summer bring people a comfortable and pleasant experience and feeling.

It's just that this joy was discounted when I left the dining hall.

the reason is simple……

As soon as Xiao Nianzhi and the others walked out of the fasting room, they bumped into Lu Jingyuan who happened to come to the dining hall!
She seriously suspected that the plot was targeting her!

Why is it Lu Jingyuan everywhere?
She even suspected that Lu Jingyuan couldn't enter the Imperial College, otherwise, would she still meet each other peacefully every morning and evening?

Xiao Nianzhi is not familiar with the other party, and Aunt Yu is not going to pay attention to her.

On the contrary, Guo Sixue greeted the other party politely.

When Lu Jingyuan was able to enter the Chengnan Division, he followed the path of a general.

He didn't know how many years he would have to suffer for studying, so he chose a path that was barely a shortcut.

Although he was not the champion of martial arts, he was still in the limelight and showed his strength, and because of this, he was appreciated by a head of the Ministry of War.

The Ministry of War is the superior department of the Wucheng Bingma Command Department. The head of the Ministry of War is not a high-ranking official, and his rights are limited, and he is only admiring.

Therefore, with the help of the other party, Lu Jingyuan also went up the ladder, and then he entered the Chengnan Division.

In the beginning, he was just a low-level official, but within half a year, he climbed up to the position of deputy commander.

According to the plot, it can be known that the opponent can climb up soon, but the opponent's goal is the command position in the east or west of the city.

It's just that most of these two departments are people from the prince's faction.

It was not easy for Lu Jingyuan to get in, and he failed in the end. Instead, he pushed his current boss away.

Most of the Chengnan Division are members of the Three Princes' faction, and they are not obviously standing in line. They are just low-ranking officials, just showing their attitude in order to make their lives easier.

The current commander in the south of the city is the third prince's man. After being pushed away by Lu Jingyuan, he was transferred to another department, and the two of them got married.

The reason why Xiao Nianzhi remembered it so clearly was because the conductor had an affair with Lu Jingyuan, and when he got angry, he turned around and took it out on the original owner.

Xiao Nianzhi:.

She couldn't help but focus on the knives in the delicious kitchen.

So, which one is better for boning and de-fleshing?
After Guo Sixue said hello, she was about to leave, but the middle-aged woman standing in front of Lu Jingyuan smiled and said, "This is the big girl of the Guo family. I haven't seen you for a long time, and she has grown a lot taller." , last time..."

The woman wanted to say something, but Guo Sixue didn't want to listen, she just nodded: "I'm really sorry, I have something to do here, so I can only excuse you, Mrs. Lu."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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