Guozijian little cook

Chapter 128 The plan failed

Guo Yinghui's words almost knocked Lu Jingyuan away!

However, he pretended to be indifferent and nodded: "This matter really has to be handled by the patrolling battalion."

The matter of catching thieves was originally their responsibility, and places like the Chengnan Division only provided assistance when needed.

Guo Sixue watched Guo Yinghui walk away, then turned and walked towards Xiao Nianzhi's door.

Lu Jingyuan was about to go back to his room, but when he saw Guo Sixue's direction, he paused slightly, pretending that he was still thinking.

Guo Sixue didn't think much about it, after dealing with the thief, she was more concerned about what happened to Xiao Nianzhi.

After walking over, she gently knocked on the door: "Yuanniang, I'm Xueniang, how are you? Are you okay?"

Listening to the movement outside, Xiao Nianzhi was not sure if Lu Jingyuan had gone back.

But regardless of whether the other party left or not, my normal social thanks would definitely not be affected by him.

So, listening to Guo Sixue's voice, Xiao Nianzhi opened the door.

When the door was closed just now, she had already put on her clothes hastily, but her hair was not combed, and she was a little rude: "Xue Niang, I'm fine, are you okay? Are you okay, young master?"

Knowing that Xiao Nianzhi was fine, Guo Sixue felt relieved, and when she heard the other party's questioning, she couldn't help but smile boldly: "Don't worry, Yuan Niang, but she's just a little thief, and the fact that she took it away easily has already made the old man Three carried it and sent it to the patrol brothers who came to offer incense together."

Hearing what she said, Xiao Nianzhi nodded reassuringly: "That's good."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Nianzhi felt a little puzzled, that is why Aunt Yu didn't react at all when they made such a big commotion?
The other party didn't sleep deeply, and she could hear any movement outside.

The pilgrims who lived in the row opposite them all listened to the movement, and opened the doors curiously to listen to the excitement.

Before Xiao Nianzhi took the initiative to ask, Guo Sixue had already opened her mouth to explain her doubts: "By the way, don't touch the tea in the room. I will invite people from Shuntian Mansion to investigate in the morning. People have tampered with, drugged, all evidence."

After hearing this, Xiao Nianzhi took a breath, and his pupils trembled instantly.

At this time, she didn't have any acting elements.

She was really surprised! ! !
When they went to light the lanterns to pray for blessings, the doors were all locked.

After all, the pilgrims brought a lot of valuables, and everyone locked them before leaving.

Even so, he was still tampered with.

This thief's method is too dark and superb!
Xiao Nianzhi should be lucky, because there are still a lot of homemade drinks in the delicious kitchen, so after she came back, she didn't touch the pot of tea, otherwise...

Even if there were sirens, her physical instincts might not be able to resist the drug!

If Guo Sixue didn't listen to the movement and come out to rescue...

Damn it, you fucking scumbag!
If it is said that the previous thief, Xiao Nianzhi is only guessing, it may be Lu Jingyuan's handwriting.

Well, now that the matter of tea and medicine is added, she can be sure that what happened today must be a good thing done by the other party!

However, what Xiao Nianzhi didn't quite understand was that she shouldn't have much similar appearance to Bai Yueguang Yao Wan, the other party, right?

If it is really like, Aunt Yu and people around her, it is impossible for no one to mention it.

Even though she had never met Yao Wan, when she met the eighth prince before, because Xiao Nianzhi had similar eyes to him, everyone had a small discussion about who in the capital had similar looks. Eye.

Yao Wan was mentioned at the time, but no matter whether it was Aunt Yu, or the Eighth Prince and Yan Changxia, no one said that she looked like Yao Wan.

No one has mentioned this matter, which means that she really doesn't look like Yao Wan now.

If that's the case, Lu Jingyuan still wants to attack?

Xiao Nianzhi couldn't think of it, if it wasn't him, who else could it be?
Looking at Xiao Nianzhi's constricted pupils, Guo Sixue hurriedly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, just don't move, aunt may have moved, that's why she slept so deeply, when the people from Shuntian Mansion come tomorrow morning good."

To investigate such a matter, you have to report to Shuntian Mansion first.

In fact, what Guo Sixue didn't say was that it wasn't the tea that went wrong, but...


It's just this matter, thinking about it carefully, Xiao Nianzhi's face turned pale with fright, Guo Sixue felt that she should stop being scary.

After investigation in Shuntian Mansion, everything will come to a conclusion.

Xiao Nianzhi quickly adjusted her mood, and nodded to Guo Sixue: "I see, thank you Xueniang."

After saying a word, Xiao Nianzhi was worried, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to invite a doctor for my aunt?"

In contrast, Guo Sixue shook her head: "No, the doctor is here, just pouring water and pouring medicine. Instead of making trouble like this, why not call the doctor when aunt wakes up early tomorrow morning."

Seeing the hesitation and worry on Xiao Nianzhi's face, Guo Sixue thought for a while, then pointed to the door of Aunt Yu's room: "I'll go and have a look."

Xiao Nianzhi was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

Guo Sixue said succinctly: "The rear window."

Xiao Nianzhi:.

Guo Sixue quickly went in and out again, so fast that Xiao Nianzhi was still thinking, and the other party had already returned: "Don't worry, aunt is a heavy sleeper, go to sleep."

Knowing that Aunt Yu was fine, Xiao Nianzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not far away, Lu Jingyuan hadn't left yet, and she didn't intend to expose her strong ability or strength in front of the other party.

Because that would make the other party cling to me even more!

Therefore, the matter of amoxicillin had to be given to Guo Sixue in private and quietly.

Seeing that Xiao Nianzhi's complexion recovered, Guo Sixue nodded reassuringly: "Go back and rest."

After he finished speaking, he was not at ease, and after thinking for a while, he asked softly, "Shall I ask for some Anshen Xiang and come back and light it?"

Hearing her question, Xiao Nianzhi raised his head and looked at her suspiciously: "Huh?"

Being looked at by a pair of eyes similar to her own, Guo Sixue felt a little strange, and there were some subtleties that could not be expressed. She smiled embarrassedly: "I really don't have this thing, but there are many in the opposite row." Watching the excitement, I'll knock on the door and ask."

Guo Sixue's words made Xiao Nianzhi laugh, this night, Guo Ruxue smoked the spinning top for a long time, with a murderous look all over her body, if she really went to knock on the door, she must scare the people over there enough.

Thinking of such a scene, Xiao Nianzhi felt a lot more relaxed.

Regarding Guo Sixue's proposal, she shook her head: "No, I sleep well."

After hearing this, Guo Sixue felt relieved: "Close the door and go to sleep, I will watch you go in before leaving."

These words were warm and appropriate, Xiao Nianzhi pursed his lips, thanked him again, then closed the door, took off his coat, and lay back on the bed.

People who practice martial arts have relatively sensitive ears, so Guo Sixue heard the general movement and knew that Xiao Nianzhi was lying down, so she turned around and went back to her room with peace of mind.

As for Lu Jingyuan who was not far away, who was still observing in secret.

There is someone else?
After Guo Ruxue went back, she realized that Lu Jingyuan hadn't left yet?
But, who cares?
After tossing for a long time, she is still tired.

If she hadn't had to wait for the younger brother to come back, she could have just fallen asleep!

When Lu Jingyuan heard Guo Sixue say that there was a problem with the tea, his complexion was as dark as water.

If it wasn't for the darkness of night, Guo Sixue and Xiao Nianzhi didn't look at him, then he would have shown abnormalities.

Originally, he had prepared another hand, but now it seems that this hand will not be used anymore.

This made Lu Jingyuan's eyes darker, and there seemed to be darkness and frost surging inside.

However, no one saw it.

The second shift is at 15:19, and the third shift is at [-]:[-]

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