Guozijian little cook

Chapter 335 Which step went wrong?

Fortunately, they were not tempted for too long, otherwise they might lose control of each of them.

The fire on both sides is almost ready, Xiao Nianzhi once again made a big fusion, allowing the Chinese herbal medicine and salty milk tea to blend and collide, stimulating each other's deeper fragrance.

In this way, the final product will taste better.

When the rising heat dissipated and the rich aroma of milk and medicine dissipated in the air, the lingering fragrance slowly floated out.

Faint, superficial, it won't surprise you when you first smell it, but after sniffing it carefully, you can't help but want to explore more.

The first bowl Xiao Nianzhi poured out was naturally for Yan Xingxuan.

Whether it's a generous response to the other party's emotional preference, or because the raw materials are provided by the other party, or among the people present, the other party's status is the highest.

In short, no one has any objection to pouring the first bowl to the other party.

At most, Yan Changxia and Wei Zhiqiu swallowed uncontrollably.

Looking at the big bowl full of milk tea with a faint herbal fragrance in front of him, Yan Xingxuan squinted his eyes in satisfaction, but soon, he turned his head and looked in Xiao Nianzhi's direction, with a gentle and soft voice: " Thank you for thinking about it, it’s hard work.”

Regarding this, Xiao Nianzhi waved his hand: "No, it's the result of everyone's hard work."

It was indeed everyone working together, Xiao Nianzhi hardly did any heavy work except ingredients and guidance.

Burning Fire Yan Changxia and Laishun made it, and Yan Xingxuan and Wei Zhiqiu made it.

Xiao Nian weaving off-site guidance, relaxed and at ease.

Therefore, it is a bit embarrassing to say that she has worked hard.

Yan Changxia's mouth was already drooling, so he didn't have the heart to wait for the two of them to finish talking, so he saw the gap and cut in directly: "It's my turn, it's my turn!"

Wei Zhiqiu almost knocked on the bowl regardless of her manners, but she tried her best to control it.

Xiao Nianzhi quickly poured wine for the two of them, and finally poured another bowl for himself.

She cooks so much that Laishun and the guards can share a bowl.

So, after Xiao Nianzhi signaled that it was all right, Fang Fang couldn't wait to run over, took the pot away with two guards.

Yan Xingxuan:?

No, I want another bowl, so I can't drink it, right?
He was directly annoyed and laughed, but the faint aroma of herbs and milk lingered in front of his nose, and he didn't care about other things.

He thought, there are still a lot of ingredients, so it’s a big deal to cook again.

Well, he thinks that after he has accumulated experience once, he will definitely look at the pot again very well!

Everyone is already familiar with it, so naturally there is no need to give in now.

And everyone has a bowl, so what?

Yan Changxia felt that if he didn't drink any more, he would starve to death! ! !
So drink!
Wei Zhiqiu felt that she was pretty much the same, obviously she wasn't a glutton when she was in Jianghu before?

This is strange.

Wei Zhiqiu couldn't figure it out, so he simply lowered his head and started drinking.

Regardless of that much, let's talk about it after today.

After cooking, they let it cool for a while, so drinking it now is just mild and not hot.

Even so, Yan Xingxuan reminded Xiao Nianzhi in a low voice before starting to drink: "Think about it, slow down and iron carefully."

Xiao Nianzhi was about to stick his mouth to the bowl, after hearing this, he raised his head and responded: "Yes, brother too."

The soft voice tempted Yan Xingxuan's soul more than the fragrant milk tea.

His brows and eyes were originally smiling, but now his expression softened even more.

He replied with a deep voice, then lowered his head, savoring today's surprise.

The strong-flavored milk neutralizes the astringency of tea leaves and herbs, making the whole milk tea more refreshing, smooth, and fragrant.

The combination of thick milky aroma and herbal aroma brings an unexpected and magical taste.

Is it bad to drink?

That's not true!
But it’s so amazing that it’s delicious?

That didn't work either.

There is a very novel and weird feeling, but it also makes people want to try more.

Yan Xingxuan felt that it tasted a little strange, so take another sip?
One mouthful after another, billion mouths after billions.

Okay, the bowl is almost bottomed out.

Laishun also took the pot away, so there was no way to continue the bowl.

Yan Xingxuan:.


Blame him for drinking too fast!
Xiao Nianzhi felt that the taste was not bad, it was almost the same as the ones made in modern times, almost a similar restoration.

After taking a sip, there is an illusion that I am drinking traditional Chinese medicine, but the milk tea has not stopped.

In short, the overall sense and taste are good, Xiao Nianzhi nodded in satisfaction.

Wei Zhiqiu also suffers from bruises every day. After all, since he was in elementary school, injuries are inevitable.

Therefore, herbs are not much different from water to her.

Moreover, the honeysuckle platycodon is not bitter, and it tastes refreshing and moist.

In contrast, Yan Changxia almost had a bitter face.

No, it doesn't taste right!
It smelled delicious before, what step went wrong?

The taste that came out at the end...

Hey, I remembered the horrible experience of being drugged when I was a child.

But it's not good to drink, right?
It was against her will, but she couldn't lie if she said it was delicious.

Yan Changxia thinks this is somewhere between good and bad.

She doesn't hate it, but said another bowl?
That's not possible, really not!
But when she raised her head and saw the reminiscing look on Uncle Wang's face, and seeing the similar reactions of the little sisters, Yan Changxia couldn't help but began to doubt life.

This is……

Does she have a problem with taste?
The little girl had great doubts in her heart, but everyone was enjoying milk tea, and no one could explain her doubts, so she could only fall into thinking by herself.

While a few people were enjoying milk tea, the students of the Imperial College were just finishing school, discussing in a low voice: "Did someone ask? Is Miss Xiao coming back today?"

"I haven't heard of it? Why don't you ask Aunt Yu?"

"Then I dare not, but I asked Master Shui at noon, and he said he didn't know."

"Hey, are you all stupid? Ask brother Xiao."

"I asked, but brother Xiao didn't know either."

"I have first-hand news here, do you want to listen?"

"Say it quickly, you're still playing tricks, be careful, we'll surround you and hate you!"

"Hey, hey, don't, but my news is only to keep the wild, not the truth. I heard that Miss Xiao is at the official kiln?"

"What is Miss Xiao doing over there? If you want a vase or something, just tell us and let's buy it!"

"I heard that you are going to burn glass?"

"Hiss... Liuli? Is it true?"

"Hono is not faithful."


Tonight was another day when all the students couldn't help but sigh because they couldn't eat a delicious supper.

On the other side, Xiao Nianzhi who was in the official kiln, because the glass was finally fired successfully, so she had a good night's sleep tonight.

The next day, the weather was fine, but the north wind was slightly cool, showing the chill of early winter.

However, none of this can stop everyone from looking at the glass.

Although it will take about twelve hours for the real finalization, and the time has not come yet, but this does not delay everyone to watch it together!

Second watch at 19:[-]

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