Guozijian little cook

Chapter 484 Lively and delicious food

Flower cake?
The difficulty of making this is not very high. If it weren’t for the fact that this way of eating is not popular here, the royal chefs would actually be able to learn it.

However, Xiao Nianzhi only had osmanthus jam in hand, not the most classic rose jam for making flower cakes, so the taste may be slightly different.

For this reason, she specifically told Aunt Yu.

Aunt Yu nodded after hearing this: "Anyone is fine, just a different attempt."

What she likes is the texture and taste. It doesn't have to be rose, other flavors are quite good.

Aunt Yu didn't mind, so Xiao Nianzhi was ready to go and do it.

When the ingredients were brought back, Xiao Nianzhi and others went directly to the small kitchen, opened the fire, and started working.

For today’s main course of meat, Xiao Nianzhi chose pork ribs.

There are so many ways to eat pork ribs, including grilling, grilling, and stewing them in soup.

As long as the craftsmanship is good, everything will be delicious.

After thinking about it, Xiao Nianzhi decided to have hot pot pork ribs.

It's spicy, spicy, and very tasty.

It is very suitable for eating at the beginning of spring after winter.

For Xiao Nianzhi, there is no technical difficulty in dry-pot pork ribs.

When the pork ribs are blanched to remove the fishy smell, you naturally cannot save on the ingredients. Otherwise, the taste and texture of the pork ribs will be affected if the fishy pork ribs are not removed properly.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi put in spices such as ginger slices and star anise according to his discretion.

The blanched ribs are then marinated with cooking wine and soy sauce. This time does not need to be too long, just about a cup of tea.

While marinating the ribs, Xiao Nianzhi signaled Isatis to cut the sauerkraut.

Cutting the sauerkraut into fine pieces and then soaking it in water will remove the astringent texture and improve the texture and flavor of the sauerkraut itself.

The clearly layered pork belly was also processed by Xiao Nianzhi in a timely manner.

Not all sliced, of course.

She deliberately left a small piece, about one or two pieces, which needed to be chopped and used to stuff winter melon.

Aunt Yu is currently peeling winter melon, and Yan Xingxuan is shredding potatoes.

One winter passed, and Yan Xingxuan's knife skills also improved.

Today's shredded potatoes are much better than before.

Although it is not as good as the chefs with amazing knife skills, it is already very good.

At least it was even, and the thickness was good. Xiao Nianzhi thought it was good, and Yan Xingxuan insisted on cutting it, so Xiao Nianzhi couldn't object.

You have to involve the other person so that you can feel a sense of accomplishment when you eat.

Making flower cakes requires water-oil skin and pastry, which is a slightly complicated process.

Of course, for novices in the kitchen, this is something that many chefs can do easily.

Others were still busy, so Xiao Nianzhi started to rub it himself.

Laishun looked from the side and realized that he was finally able to help, so he came over.

The slightly technical difficulty of flower cakes lies in the fact that when rolling out the dough at the end, you need to roll out the crispy texture.

However, there is no rush in this step.

The reconciled oil skin and pastry need to be relaxed.

Xiao Nianzhi asked Laishun to help adjust the fillings. Now she only has dried osmanthus and osmanthus sauce.

Osmanthus sauce can be used as a filling just by taking it out directly.

Rice flour and roasted flour also need to be added for seasoning to enhance the taste.

Otherwise, too thick osmanthus sauce will make the taste sweet.

This step is not difficult. As soon as Xiao Nianzhi mentioned the ratio, Laishun immediately remembered it and went over to do it.

After finishing all this work, the ribs were almost marinated. Xiao Nianzhi went back and started frying the ribs slowly over low heat.

This step is to make the dry pot pork ribs taste better.The pork ribs need to be fried until golden brown on both sides and the aroma is released, then you can take them out and put them aside for later use.

Just as Isatis finished his work, Xiao Nianzhi asked him to cut onions again.

This layer of onions serves as the bottom of the dry pot, so after cutting, place it directly into the prepared iron pot.

Xiao Nianzhi asked the inner court to help make this some time ago.

I didn't expect to use it at this time.

After the onions are laid out, you can start frying the base.

As for the dry pot spareribs, you can tell right away that they are spicy!
Of course, it just doesn't have to be spicy, it has to be fragrant.

Therefore, the frying of the base material is very important.

A batch of peppers have been harvested in the greenhouse, and the yield is very good. Your Majesty is quite pleasantly surprised.

Recently, the palace has been able to eat some from time to time.

Xiao Nianzhi also divided a lot here. She dried part of it and specially reserved part for seed.

Nowadays, the stir-fry base ingredients, dogwood and dried chili peppers can be used, and together with the red oil sauce prepared by yourself, the strong aroma of the small kitchen can be pushed to the highest point in an instant.

Aunt Yu and the others were still busy at first, but then the strong aroma wafted over.

It has a bit of a domineering tone, giving no chance to refuse at all, just passing it on step by step, moving forward swiftly.

It floats freely as one pleases, but it can make people fall for it in an instant, and then they can't stop.

Even people who can't eat spicy food feel that they may not be able to resist when they smell this smell!

Aunt Yu was originally peeling the winter melon, but now she had no idea. After thinking about it, she put it down and went to Xiao Nianzhi's side to take a look.

As a result, I choked on the spicy taste and couldn't help but shed tears.

This made Aunt Yu take a step back subconsciously, and then she was hit by the strong fragrance again.

This fragrant and spicy taste is really unexpectedly fascinating!

Aunt Yu wanted to step forward again, but also wanted to retreat.

For a moment, there was still some embarrassment.

The potatoes were not shredded yet, but Yan Xingxuan had no intention of cutting them.

He also came over and was hit by the spicy smell. He didn't care, wiping his tears, he moved forward and sniffed.

This rich, gourmet, and fascinating taste.

Yan Xingxuan felt that the smell was really overpowering!

Just by smelling it, you will know how delicious it will be when it comes out of the pan.

He couldn't wait, but when he thought that the potatoes had not been shredded yet, he turned around reluctantly and continued working.

Hot and sour potato shreds?

It still smells good!
After the base ingredients are fried, add the fried ribs and soaked dried shiitake mushrooms, stir-fry over medium heat until the flavor is fragrant, and then put it into an iron pot with green onions on one side.

Although there are no alcohol blocks nowadays, they do have charcoal blocks, which can also be set up, lit with a dry pot, and slowly simmered to add flavor.

However, we haven't started eating yet, so we're not in a hurry.

After finishing the dish, Xiao Nianzhi turned around and stewed the sauerkraut, pork belly and vermicelli.

This soup takes time to stew, because if you want it to taste better, the cooking time will definitely not be shorter.

So, simmer this first, then stir-fry the others.

After experiencing the aroma of fried pork ribs in a dry pot, Aunt Yu and the others felt that no matter how strong the other aromas were, they would probably not be able to surpass this.

Everyone resumed their work with peace of mind.

As a result, as soon as Yan Xingxuan's potatoes were cut into shreds, Xiao Nianzhi's side burst out with a strong meaty aroma!

Second watch at 19:[-]

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