Fast Travel: A Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 398 Nian Wang 8 Year Turtle

Chapter 398 Millennium King 8 Year Turtle (End)
By the time Yu Shaobao and Liu Taiyu, the disaster relief officials and soldiers who followed up with them, rushed to the disaster area for a month, the large-scale peasant uprising and the ravages of refugees in the disaster area had calmed down.

They only need to clean up the few people who have become bandits and carry out normal disaster relief.

And all thanks to this.

Of course the credit goes to Qu Jie.

The appearance of the million-foot-long white jade tortoise is enough to frighten most ordinary people, and the rain can give hope to the people who are unwilling to leave their homes. Explaining the cause and effect, and pointing out that the deposed emperor is dead, can even eliminate the resentment in the hearts of most people.

As for the last [-] tons of nutritional supplements, Qu Jie used particle robots to distribute them quickly and fairly to every victim, which was definitely enough for most of the victims to settle down temporarily and quietly wait for the court's disaster relief.

Unless the imperial court's disaster relief money is delayed.

So when Shaobao and Liu Taiyu hurried over, they took over a disaster area that was easy to deal with. The only thing that made Yu Shaobao feel uncomfortable was that many people were still working hard to build the Zhenwu Temple even though the disaster had not passed and they had neither food nor money.

Or at least ask a Xuanwu statue to go back.

But after he understood what happened before, and that this white jade turtle who claimed to be Emperor Zhenwu not only rained, but also gave him a hundred thousand tons of strange and full food, he couldn't say anything more.

I can only remind you not to be too extravagant.

Ordinary sacrifices are fine, people still have to rely on themselves.

Then, of course, there will be all-out disaster relief, and along the way, strict investigations into corruption and lawlessness, a large number of land annexations, and a series of things that will happen in the disaster area.

As for some things that must be done as a last resort.

I can only turn a blind eye and ignore it.


At the same time, the most lively event in the capital was no longer the appearance of the four former emperors and the killing of the deposed emperor.

This is the hot topic of discussion at this time.

It has already been transferred to the household department.

In the past month, the household department really shouldn't be too lively, it can almost be said that it is noisy every day, every day.

Those officials who were transferred to the household department, Xungui, tried their best to review all the past accounts of the household department. It didn't matter if the accounts were burned.

Recalling memories can basically restore seventy-seven eighty-eight.

The most important thing is that Emperor Jing'an is on their side.

After that, of course, they dug deeper and deeper, and more and more criminal evidence was dug. At present, they have not only basically recovered the gold and silver assets that disappeared after their homes were ransacked, or at least figured out where they went, but also dug up the corruption problems of the past few years, and even the corruption problems of the late emperor.

It was stopped in time by Emperor Jing'an.

It is estimated that they can dig up more information.

Of course, the process was not smooth. Previously, the household department did not expect Emperor Jing'an to be so ruthless, so they just set fire to the accounts that had been raided a while ago. The other accounts were done well at the beginning. In addition, they didn't think they would go deep into it. This matter alone can be discussed for a long time, even until the end of the year.

So not all were destroyed.

By the time they realized what Emperor Jing'an wanted to do, it was already too late. Most of the people were arrested and imprisoned. After that, although they used all their connections, they wanted to set fire to it and destroy the remaining accounts. However, Emperor Jing'an, who had already suffered a loss, was unprepared.

Previously worked in the household department.

Those who were later transferred to other departments were also arrested.

It may be an exaggeration to say that the entire household department is not clean from top to bottom, but it is not an exaggeration to say that [-]% of it is not clean, and it can even be said to be modest.

Emperor Jing'an had always felt that although he ascended the throne in danger, he was a little bit dishonest after all, and he didn't dare to let go of his hands and feet when doing things.

Do what you want.

For some corruption issues, we can only turn a blind eye and close our eyes. If someone raises it, we will investigate it, and if no one raises it, we will ignore it.

But now it is different, now he is an emperor recognized by the four previous emperors, although he himself knows that it is fake, but others don't know, so no matter who comes now, he can't deny that his throne is justified.

Therefore, in the case of conclusive evidence, he took it for granted that he carried out a major cleansing of the household department. Ninety percent of the officials in the entire household department were taken down, some were exiled, and some were ransacked and executed.

Afterwards, Emperor Jing'an seemed to have tasted the sweetness, or felt that this method was good. After finally using fresh blood and officials borrowed from other departments to refill the household department, he ordered the various departments to interleave with each other for a month's thorough investigation.

It also mixed some officials with minor crimes but minor ones, and asked them to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. As long as they can find out enough problems, they can be exonerated directly.

Avoid their inaction, compromise and fool each other.

Then, of course, many officials were dumbfounded. Some of them knew that once their crimes were found out, they were likely to be ransacked and executed. They even planned in private whether to kill Emperor Jing'an in order to save their lives.

At this time, Qu Jie was still counting on Emperor Jing'an to promote her reputation for her, so that she could completely become the true martial emperor in this world. Naturally, Emperor Jing'an could not be allowed to be poisoned to death like this, or killed, so it was only natural to protect him all the way, and watched him helplessly, and completely cleaned the court.

After replacing with fresh blood.

Another drastic reform was carried out.

Even Qu Jie couldn't help feeling that she misjudged the person at the beginning. This guy really wasn't muddy enough to support the wall, but he didn't dare to do what he wanted to do because he thought that his throne was not orthodox, and then he was worried that too many people's interests would be assassinated.

Until Qu Jie eliminated his two worries.

Only then did he officially reveal his minions and ideas.

Although the overall reform still had some limitations, it was much better than before. Qu Jie didn't want to be so tired of running into modernization and starting the industrial revolution. Therefore, he didn't have a good teacher to guide him. He just honestly guaranteed the life of Emperor Jing'an, and by the way, he helped predict the timing of large-scale natural disasters across the country.

The rest is left to Emperor Jingan, and even his ministers. They just have a gap in technology, and their IQ is not bad, as long as they are dedicated to the people.

There is also Qu Jie who helps predict natural disasters and the like.

The days never get worse.

However, within five years, the world barely reached the ancient prosperity standard, and ten years later, there was even a slight tendency for all nations to come to court, and the world was prosperous.

And Qu Jie also completely replaced the original statue of Zhenwu Emperor because of various meritorious deeds. Not only did most of the original Zhenwu Xuanwu believers converted to her and replaced the statue with her, but even the Daoist sect specially revised the Taoist scriptures, changing the contents of the scriptures, including but not limited to image names, and even legends, to Qu Jie.

The identity and background of Emperor Zhenwu.

It was originally the son of Queen Shansheng of Jingle Kingdom.

Changed to the daughter of Queen Shansheng of Jingle Kingdom.

It's just... pretty good at catching up with trends!
Although Wanquhou's family did not announce their relationship with Qu Jie, they were protected by Qu Jie and favored by Emperor Jing'an. They gave their family many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. Liu Taiyu did not disappoint those opportunities, and basically succeeded in completing them, and finally got promoted.

From Wanquhou, he was promoted to Anguogong.

Five generations do not descend.

(End of this chapter)

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