Corresponding to the praise from the common people, the court and the circle of scholars and literati had great opinions on the two princesses, and even had a lot more opinions on Emperor Jing'an. Although it would not be possible to directly call him a fool, various discussions and resistance continued.

Some vassals even showed signs of being ready to move.

It seems that as long as he establishes the crown princess.

You can directly raise troops and calm down.

The vast majority of officials, nobles, gentry, and even clan vassals were unwilling to see the birth of the Empress.

Even the empress who usurped the throne didn't want to see her.

Not to mention the orthodox succession of the empress.

Once this is done by Emperor Jing'an, it will undoubtedly mean that there will be a law to follow from now on, and ambitious princesses in future generations will inevitably join in the future struggle for the throne.

Now seizing the heir is already very cruel, if the princess is added, how cruel will the future be?
Will there be women's imperial examinations next?

Even female county magistrates, female phases and the like?
The power in the world is limited, once there are women fighting for power and profit, it will be men like them who will lose in the future, and the impact of this matter will definitely be extremely far-reaching.

So they have to stop.

All in all, Emperor Jing'an hadn't said that he wanted to establish an empress dowager, but he had already encountered unprecedented opposition and resistance just because those officials and dignitaries noticed his intentions. Even a large part of the officials he single-handedly promoted opposed.

There are not many, although there is no superficial support, but they also express support secretly, mainly the harem concubines, the uncles of the princesses, after all, the uncle of a princess and the uncle of an empress are absolutely two completely different concepts, the difference is worlds apart.

But even they didn't dare to express their support openly. At most, they could only keep silent, not to oppose, or to give some other support in private.

After all, they are also afraid of failure and being liquidated later.

In addition, there are quite a few people who are interested in the emperor's husband. In the past, being a son-in-law might have the connotation of being a son-in-law. Many people are not willing to have their promising descendants become the emperor's husband.

Give it a try, maybe you can push a child with your own bloodline to the throne, even if you will definitely change your surname, that doesn't prevent the prince's bloodline from your own son!
Of course, such people are in the minority after all.

It can even be said to be very few.

There are more objections, such as resigning from office, opposing the court, opposing the temple, crying Taizu Taizong's mausoleum, countless scholars kneeling in the Confucian Temple, and so on!

It's called an uproar.

For a moment, Emperor Jing'an felt like everyone was the enemy, and he couldn't help but feel a little retreat in his heart.

At this time, he finally realized the terrifying resistance that Tang Zhongzong Li Xian encountered when he vainly tried to make his daughter Princess Anle the empress dowager. You must know that before Li Xian ascended the throne, he had just emerged as an empress who had ruled the world for decades.

But in the end, it turned out that someone raised troops to force the palace.

Tang Zhongzong, Empress Wei, and Princess Anle all died.

Although Emperor Jing'an felt that he had done a good job as an emperor in recent years and had a good grasp of the inner court of the palace, he really couldn't guarantee that no one would be able to kill him.

And recently, as far as he knows.

His two daughters have already been assassinated and murdered no less than a hundred times. If it weren't for Emperor Zhenwu's protection, they would have died a long time ago.

So he was really worried, and finally went to the secret room, burned incense and prayed in front of Qu Jie's statue, and raised his concerns while asking for advice, and until he got Qu Jie's promise, he would definitely save the lives of his family, and she would even show up to help when necessary.

This is like taking a reassurance pill. Not only is she completely relieved, she also becomes more motivated, and decides to use the rest of her life to pave the way for her daughter, and to remove most of the obstacles and opposition for her daughter as much as possible.

Lest the daughter take over a mess.

With Qu Jie's promise, Emperor Jing'an, who had enough confidence, quickly disregarded the obstruction of all officials and officials, and revised the treatment of the princess, directly raising the treatment of the princess to the same level as the prince, and the treatment of the princess to the same level as the king of the county.

They are allowed to inherit the titles of their ancestors.

That is, the granddaughter needs to change her surname to Huang's.

But compared to a title, what is changing your surname?

This is just the beginning, and the same is true for the honorary circle. For those without children, the title can be inherited by the daughter, granddaughter or granddaughter, and the granddaughter will continue to spread out.

So far, anyone who knows a little bit can basically understand Emperor Jing'an's ultimate goal, but because Emperor Jing'an didn't think about which daughter he would inherit the throne.

So there has never been a crown prince.

Of course, those opponents did not do nothing during this period. There were more and more assassinations against the eldest princess and the second princess. There were even thousands of people killed. There were also many poisons in the palace, and many eunuchs and maids were bribed, murdered the young princess, and even tried to kill the king.

Then the clan will elect another emperor.

Fortunately, Qu Jie specially mobilized a lot of particle robots to monitor the entire capital, so everything could not escape her control. Under Qu Jie's teaching, Liu Taiyu actively acted as Emperor Jing'an's sword.

To arrest those behind-the-scenes murderers who tried to conspire against the king one by one, ransacking their families and exterminating their families, although their reputation has deteriorated a lot, their status in Emperor Jing'an's heart is getting higher and higher.

Emperor Jing'an even promised that as long as he succeeds, he will definitely change his family's title into a hereditary title before his death.

In addition, Emperor Jing'an himself actually attracted many other nobles, especially those nobles who should have no sons, and they actively approached them. At the same time, the two princesses also fought for alliances among the people, and even brought some talented women into their ranks.

Become a real official above the court.

But no matter what, as long as Emperor Jing'an survived for a day, and no one formally established the Crown Princess, no one would have a reason to rebel openly, so although all kinds of plots were endless, it would not mean that the whole world rebelled.

The overall situation is still tending to be stable.

However, the power of Emperor Jing'an and the two princesses continued to expand step by step. In addition, newspapers and other public opinion propaganda tools gradually appeared under the guidance of Qu Jie, and the overall public opinion was softening.

Many talented women joined and made use of newspapers to speak out.

It further suppressed the dissatisfaction of the gentry.


Five years later, the two princesses returned to Beijing after their tour.

Emperor Jing'an specially invited them into the palace to discuss with them the matter of setting up the empress dowager, and asked them many questions during the process, and even Qu Jie acted as a staff officer and so on.

In the end, Emperor Jing'an preferred the eldest daughter.

The second princess took a step back knowingly.

The next day, Emperor Jing'an officially conferred the eldest princess as the empress dowager, and the second princess as Zhenguo Pingyang Princess.

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