Fast Travel: A Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 456 The Black Actress Turns the Table

In the end, most of the humans with hidden mermaid blood entered the country as overseas trainees, and only the six with the best grades entered the country as members of Qu Jie's clan, and directly participated in the management of the company.

The three major last wishes of the original body, to make Qu Ya and those sailors receive the punishment they deserve, have been fulfilled.

The reorganization of the entertainment industry is also basically done.

It only needs to be improved a little bit in the follow-up.

Therefore, what Qu Jie is doing now is undoubtedly to fulfill the last wish of the original body, which is to revive the mermaid clan in the South China Sea and rebuild the Nanming Cave.

Although this last wish is actually barely fulfilled.

For example, there are many more humans with merman blood and merman who cannot become humans. The total number of people in the group has increased, and it is no problem to revive the merman family.

Another example is that although the Nanmingdongtian has not been rebuilt, Qu Jie has built several large ocean cities on the seabed for those mermaids who cannot become humans. In terms of scale and safety, those few cities are powered by fusion nuclear energy and built The submarine city under the submarine decompression energy cover is much more advanced than the original Nanmingdongtian.

But after all, the current mermaid clan lacks heritage, and it is relatively difficult to pass it on. In addition, there are still so many people in the entertainment industry relying on her for food, and it is impossible to have no heir, so naturally Qu Jie can't leave immediately.

She intends to wait until the human beings with merman blood have a firm foothold in the company, and can completely take over from her in charge of the company, continue to develop according to her ideas, and then leave.

If possible, it would be even better to establish diplomatic relations with Xia, which has always followed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

It is precisely because of holding these ideas and plans.

As soon as the selected six people entered the company, Qu Jie began to delegate authority, allowing them to gradually take over the work of various departments of the company, giving them a chance to experience themselves.

Of course, this does not mean that she is idle, because she puts more energy on remotely manipulating the machinery to mine in other countries' sea areas, and then transports those precious minerals to the country without any scruples.

If Qu Jie spent a lot of effort to smooth out the traces when he brought the gold in, or to forge clues and evidence, without careful investigation, it can barely be justified.

Then there is no scruples now.

Anyone who is not stupid knows that she must have a problem.

Of course, this was Qu Jie's intention. As Qu Jie transported more than 2000 tons of gold into the customs again, no matter whether it was the customs department, the mineral resources department, or the security department, no doubt they couldn't sit still.

In addition, Qu Jie did not hide her identity.

So soon someone contacted her to ask what happened.

Then, Qu Jie turned into a mermaid in front of those people, and told them in detail about the situation of their mermaid tribe in a half-truth.

Submit an application for the establishment of diplomatic relations and cooperation.

In fact, the main thing is to erase the part related to practice, and change it to the mermaid race that has always lived on the bottom of the sea, and has developed technology. The level of technology is not low, but the overall development direction is slightly different from that of humans.

Even for some technologies that humans have not yet researched, such as fusion technology, or brain wave information transmission technology, etc., mermaids are ahead of humans, but some technologies that cannot be used on the seabed, or mermaids cannot use them The technology is relatively poor.

Or not at all.

Generally speaking, it clearly shows that their mermaid clan is not weak, so don't try to bully them.

Then Qu Jie changed the subject, saying that in recent years, humans have been exploring the seabed more and more, and the pollution of the ocean has become more and more serious. The mermaids think that they will be discovered by humans sooner or later, so they want to communicate with them in advance. It feels good to establish diplomatic relations between human countries.

And Xia Guo is a country that they think is more suitable for establishing diplomatic relations and cooperation after careful observation.

The reason is also very simple. For example, in the history of Xia Kingdom, it rarely invaded other countries on its own initiative, and its current actions are basically inclined to live in peace. Although it polluted the ocean a lot in the past few years, it has changed in recent years. They even took the initiative to solve the problem of ocean pollution, all of which made the sharks feel good.

That's why I choose to engage with them.

Qu Jie's statement undoubtedly exceeded the scope of the staff who asked her to communicate, so it was natural to report it layer by layer, and after several hours of meetings and negotiations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came forward and followed Qu Jie from the South China Sea Take the deep-sea shuttle and enter the underwater city, and prepare for the initial contact between the two sides.

The underwater city that Qu Jie spent two years building is naturally not that small in scale. As for the shortcomings, it is nothing more than a little less number of mermaids.

In order to avoid showing timidity in this regard, and also to prevent humans from seeing the small number of sharks and feeling malicious.

Qu Jie specially placed a lot of holographic projection equipment in the underwater city to simulate and model the images of various mermaids, so as to make the diplomats who come to contact feel that they have a lot of mermaids.

Anyway, looking back, those diplomats will basically not be allowed to leave the city lord's mansion and contact the outside world, so naturally there is no need to worry about those merman holographic projections being discovered.

Next, of course, is the reception of diplomats.

And in the process of reception, they showed off the technological level of their mermaids, and at the same time implicitly stated that after the establishment of diplomatic relations, appropriate technical exchanges can be carried out.

Cutting-edge technology like fusion technology.

All can communicate.

Different from the current popular silicon-based chips, bio-energy chips and other unique technologies of the mermaid race can also communicate.

In order to show sincerity, the diplomat in the name of the mermaid tribe also sent a batch of biochips with performance far exceeding one-nanometer chips, as well as some special products that humans do not have, as diplomatic gifts to human diplomats. And end the initial visit.

After the diplomat returned with his things, told in detail what he had seen and heard, and carefully inspected the things he brought back, the establishment of diplomatic relations was basically unimpeded.

However, because the Merman Race did not want to show up, the establishment of diplomatic relations was not publicized openly.

Just signed a series of cooperation agreements in private.

And conducted some technical exchanges.

For example, the bio-energy chip is provided by the mermaid clan and cooperates with Xia Guo, each holding 50.00% of the shares. Another example is fusion technology, and Xia Guo needs to pay in addition to protecting the marine environment.

The most important point is the birth of the mermaid race in the future.

They must unconditionally support the Merman Race, and first recognize the Merman Race's right to rule most of the sea.

Although theoretically speaking, the mermaids living in the sea have the right to rule the sea, but there are not only mermaids in this world, so they still need to be recognized by other people and countries.

If you really want to be the enemy of the whole world, treat them as heresies.

That's not easy either.

Therefore, it is natural to plan ahead, look for some cooperative alliances in advance, and even be willing to exchange technology, in order to increase the strength of the cooperative alliance, so that in the future, other countries will play hooligans, and they will be able to withstand it, right?

With the establishment of diplomatic relations and in-depth cooperation between the two sides.

Qu Jie soon transferred the ownership of Shark Pearl Entertainment Company to her six clansmen one after another, that is, the six people who had part of Qu Jie's gene chain in their bodies.

The six who said her child was fine.

Then he left some backhands and information for the merman race, and took the only remaining pure merman corpses, that is, the seven merman corpses that were kept in the crystal coffin, and entered the merman abyss together, and left.

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