Fast Travel: A Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 458 Fanwai is compatible and accepted, and the shark clan belongs to it

AD 2075, June 7th.

Because human technology is getting more and more powerful, and ocean pollution is getting worse and worse, which has threatened the lives of the mermaids, the mermaids are forced to make an official appearance.

One side condemns countries for expanding ocean pollution.

While starting to control ocean pollution.

And adhering to the principle of who pollutes, directly collect the pollutants in the ocean, push them all to the inland seas of those countries with major marine pollution, and set up energy-driven waves to ensure that the pollution will only stay in the inland seas of those countries and will not pollute to other places.

The result is mainly in two points.

First, the whole world was in an uproar. Unaware countries were shocked. The government discussed how to deal with it. The people wondered what the mermaid looked like and whether the legend was true or false.

The second is that the sea areas and ocean fishing grounds of the major ocean polluting countries used to be transported to the global sea area by ocean currents, and all the pollutants that shared the pollution for themselves have all gone back. Either the coasts have become garbage dumps, or they are full of various radiations. Inland sea area.

Before those big ocean-polluting countries who reaped the consequences of their own evils protested or started to target the Yuren, the Yuren clan announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Xia Kingdom and formed an alliance. It was not a loose alliance, but a whole, two systems, An alliance that is basically indistinguishable from a country in other respects except for its autonomy.

Immediately afterwards, the Shark tribe made public the relationship between Shark Bead Entertainment and them, and put nine artificial suns into the sky, and released two [-]-meter humanoids and countless holographic projections. Zhu Entertainment made a mythological drama.

It can be said that such a series of operations is over.

Most of the trending searches that day were dominated by the mermaids.

[The amount of information is too much, so take your time! 】

[How many things have the bosses of our country kept from us? Is it really reasonable that the mermaids appear? 】

【When was diplomatic relations established? 】

[I just read the notice carefully. Does the content mean that the sea area occupied by the mermaids also belongs to our country in name? If we understand it this way, wouldn’t our country directly add 2 more by including the mermaids as a minority? A sea area of ​​more than [-] million square kilometers?
Counting the area of ​​the ocean, that’s not half the size of Blue Star? 】

[Although the ocean is not comparable to the land, if such a large sea area is really recognized, my God, I can't even imagine how many resources there will be! 】

【Why didn't I understand why the Shark Race suddenly pointed out the relationship between Shark Pearl Entertainment and them, and then said that they are helping Shark Pearl Entertainment to film a mythological drama?

But their technology is really powerful, Toka Hengkong looks real, I have never seen such a real holographic projection.

Do you have to support this mythological drama in the future? 】

[Is the one upstairs stupid?You are really being sold and you have to pay the number of people. How can the mermaid tribe be making a movie? He is clearly deterrent by force, understand?

There is still a difference between holographic projections and real things. Holographic projections are just projections, which are virtual, and hands can pass through them, but real things are real. Didn’t you see when the nine suns came out? , the sea water boiled rapidly, countless mist flew up, and even the surrounding space was vaguely distorted.

This is the performance of extreme high temperature!

Therefore, those nine suns are clearly artificial suns, and they should have restrained themselves a bit. The artificial sun that has not released its full power, no matter which country can stop the nine artificial suns from cruising around.

And those two giants, flying on the waves and destroying the island are all real. Although I don't know if they are real living giants or simulated mechanical humans, but no matter what kind, they all represent extremely terrifying technology, okay?

What kind of mythological drama is this? It's clearly a deterrent, and it's just a matter of slapping each of the other big countries to make them understand something and stop looking for death! 】

[The words upstairs are not rough! 】

[But the Mermaids are so powerful, why are they willing to merge with us? Although they still have autonomy, it can be regarded as a different kind of submission, but their strength is completely enough to directly rule the entire world? 】

[Uh... Is it possible that people don't want to rule the world at all, and no one stipulates that they must rule the world if they are powerful. If it weren't for some countries going too far and causing serious ocean pollution, which directly threatens their living environment, Maybe people don't want to come out, maybe people just love peace. 】

[It's reasonable, it's because the mermaids love peace, and we also love peace, that we can form a family. 】

[In recent years, the country seems to have spent huge sums of money to manage the marine environment, and it feels that it is also related to the formation of an alliance between the mermaid race and us. Sure enough, every move the country makes is not unreasonable. It is really far-sighted! 】

[In other words, I really didn’t expect Shark Pearl Entertainment to be a company founded by Shark Beads. I still remember that many people praised the founder of Shark Pearl Entertainment, Yun Jiao, for singing very well. 】

[Wait, I just checked carefully. Several cutting-edge technology companies that have been born in recent years seem to have a shark in their names, so is it possible that those companies are all related to the shark race? They are far ahead of us. I feel strange for some reason. It feels like they are doing charity.

Could it be that Yunxie's status is very special.

Is it because she was raised in our orphanage and has feelings for us? 】

[It seems really possible. For example, the merman royal family was in chaos, and then the merman princess was lost. The waves swept to the coast and turned into a human baby. After many years, she was found to be grateful to the human beings. It feels logically quite logical. 】

[So the reason why Yunxie resigned from the throne, could it be that he went back to inherit the throne?Is it so outrageous? 】

[Is this really reasonable? 】

【I think it's quite reasonable. If it wasn't for this reason, then I would have a conspiracy theory. I wonder if the mermaids have some ulterior motives, or even want to take advantage of us...】

[Everyone, don't talk nonsense, and don't make wild guesses, so as not to damage the relationship between the two parties, and trust the country. 】


At the same time, the Merman Imperial Capital.

In the council of elders, after all, some elders couldn't help but ask the chairman of the council, who is now the patriarch, why they did this, as if they were inferior.

Obviously their weapons can shock all mankind.

"This is the order of the ancestor Yunxie.

And this is also the best choice. After all, the number of mermaids is still too small today, with a total population of less than [-]. Even if there are many powerful weapons, so what? Get the best out of it.

Moreover, some weapons are too terrifying. Once used, our living environment will be polluted and it is difficult to escape, so it is not appropriate to break out any conflicts for the time being.

At this time, it is the best choice to cooperate with Xia Guo.

With the strength we have shown now, coupled with the strength of Xia Guo itself, it is enough to ensure that no country dares to attack us, because once it is done, it may lead to the end of the world, and the next thing we need to do is to fully support the development of Xia Guo aerospace technology.

If a planet with aura can be found in the future.

That's when we break away from humanity.

Now we are not much stronger than human beings, and our bodies are also very fragile. There is no need to fight for dominance, as long as the race can continue to develop peacefully.

Understand?We can't afford to lose now.

The population of more than 1 is too small, and there is no way to develop aerospace technology on our own. We must rely on human help. This is the plan set by the ancestor of Yunyu. "

Since it was the plan made by the ancestor Yunyu, and it sounds reasonable at the same time, the elders of the mermaid tribe present naturally had no objection, at most they lamented, considering the current level of technological development, they may not see each other until they die. Until the day when the aura planet is found.

Then, of course, continue to implement the original plan, and use this deterrence to formulate brand-new rules for the sea area.

From then on, the rules of the sea should obey them.

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