Fast Travel: A Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 470 The Ending of 2 Fanwai Family and the First Birth of the Underworld [2 in 1]

Chapter 470 Extra Story - Two Endings + First Birth of the Underworld [Two in One]

The morning when Qu Jie submitted the task and left.

Zhang Han, also known as Zhang Dafool, when his father brought him breakfast impatiently, threw down the steamed buns and turned to leave, he successfully activated the special effect of the Parent-Child Curse, instantly shattering the chains on his body with terrifying force , and then hugged his father and never let go.

He still yelled Dad, don't go and so on.

But, firstly, he is relatively stupid, and secondly, this strength is obtained by taking Daliwan, and he himself does not have the ability to control it perfectly, so when he hugged his father, he used a lot of strength as a matter of course.

It can be said that in the next second, his own father began to howl in pain, his bones creaked and his internal organs were damaged.

And frantically vomiting blood.

Being tightly entwined by a giant python, that's about it. It has to be a relatively large python, otherwise it doesn't have such a huge strength. If it were an ordinary person, he would be disabled even if he didn't die at this time, but he has Qu Jie on his body. Especially the undead curse.So even though countless fractures were broken in the whole body, the internal organs were damaged, and even the spine, breathing and other aspects suffered great trauma, they still did not die. Of course, they just couldn't die.

All kinds of pain are still to be endured.

At this time, although Zhang Han's reaction was a little bit slower, he could still feel the pain of his own father through the parent-child curse, and of course he quickly let go.

Nestled next to my father who was vomiting blood in pain.


After touching for nearly half an hour, Zhang Han's stepmother came out to look for him because her husband hadn't come back so late, and when she saw what looked like a murder scene in front of her, she screamed in shock and ran away quickly. At the same time, he yelled, "killed, killed, killed".

Immediately afterwards, of course, some villagers who were relatively close came out to watch the excitement, or they were curious, and Zhang Han's grandparents also rushed over, and because the scene was too tragic, they did not dare to come closer. There were also panicked discussions.

Some people said that Lao Zhang might not survive, some said that he should report to the police immediately, some said that he already knew that the idiot in his family was a scourge, and had killed someone before, but now he even killed his own father, and some said that he could not Let this fool stay in the village again, even if he dares to kill his own father, who else he dare not kill, and he is still a fool, even if he wants him to kill and pay for his life.

As the voice gets louder, and more and more people send messages, even through mobile phones.

There are more and more people watching from afar.

At the same time, someone rushed to report the case.

Called the hospital.

After a long time, the people from the Public Security Department arrived first. After learning about the situation, they were also very distressed and didn't know what to do, because if the other party was a murderer with a normal mind, they could still communicate. Can be killed directly.

But the other party is a fool.

It is impossible to communicate at all, and it is even more inappropriate to kill them.

Therefore, we could only stand in a stalemate first, and wait until the anesthetic was delivered, used the anesthetic to put Zhang Han into a coma, and quickly brought him under control before the doctor dared to get close and examine Lao Zhang.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Zhang was sent to rescue, and the staff of the Public Security Department stayed where they were and questioned his family members.

As for results.

After seeing Lao Zhang's miserable state and knowing that he might not survive, Zhang Han's stepmother and grandparents never dared to say that Zhang Han was just a fool and asked him to be released. Instead, they actively hoped that the Public Security Bureau would Lock him up and never let him out again.

Anyway, they have new grandsons and granddaughters, so the farther away from this fatal disaster, the better.

But this was not the end. A day later, Zhang Han, who regained consciousness, unscrewed the steel bars of the cell under the influence of the parent-child curse, and rushed to the hospital to find his biological father.

And his own father in the hospital has been recognized by the doctors as a medical miracle, because they have never seen a person with broken bones, damaged internal organs, and no good place in the whole body who can maintain stable breathing.

Although it looked like he was going to die, he couldn't die all the time.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a medical miracle.

Then Zhang Han went on a rampage all the way, rushed into the emergency ward where his father was, knocked away all the doctors who were operating on his father, and gave his father a loving hug again, although he couldn't make him kiss him Dad died on the spot, but it also made him hurt more.

Chaos undoubtedly followed.

The final result was that Zhang Han was anesthetized again, and after a detailed physical examination, he was locked in a cell made of one-meter-thick stainless steel. The next thing he needed to face was imprisonment and proper cooperation with research.

After all, such a superhuman physique, even if I am a fool, is quite valuable for research.

On the old man Zhang's side, fractures and the like are easy to deal with, they just need to be spliced, but they can't do anything about internal organ damage, they can only repair it properly, and then re-sew it up like a tattered doll. From now on, he can only look at himself.

After returning home, the person he hired last couldn't take it anymore after serving for half a month. He filed for divorce and asked for half of the family property to be divided, otherwise he would fight for the custody of the child.

The child's mother is in bed with a seriously injured person, and there is basically no future biological father competing for custody of the child.

Old man Zhang basically has no chance of winning. They probably also asked the lawyer, but finally had no choice but to agree. Then of course, old man Zhang’s parents who are over 70 years old can only take care of him, and they are only two or three years old by the way. His grandchildren dare not get sick even if they are really sick.

His parents couldn't stand the process, or they couldn't do anything about it. The little wealth left in the family was going to be passed on to their young grandchildren. At the same time, they were also worried about taking care of their son as much as possible, which would easily shorten their lifespan. If their grandchildren die when they are underage, then the grandchildren must be very miserable.

Even if they died, and their son who was paralyzed on the bed was still alive, then the grandchildren would definitely be in a worse situation and unlucky, so they quickly started to slack off, or deliberately did not take care of old man Zhang carefully.

That is, their own son.

I hope their son will die soon so that they can worry less and concentrate on taking care of their grandson and granddaughter.

As for poisoning or strangulation, that's not enough. They just hope that old man Zhang will die from some sequelae due to poor care. In this way, even if people from the Public Security Bureau come to investigate, they can't find anything. After all, they are so Is it normal to not take good care of someone at an older age?

But, old man Zhang just can't die.

It’s okay if you don’t change clothes for a few days, it’s okay if you don’t turn him over for half a month, and the most frightening thing is that if you don’t give him water or food for a week, he’s fine.

There is still a breath.

That tone can never be broken.

To be honest, his parents were really scared. While they were panicking, they also felt that their son might not be a human anymore. After all, how could a person be seriously injured to such an extent that he neither ate nor drank for seven days in a row? , still can't die?Not to mention seriously injured and paralyzed patients, even healthy living people who do not eat or drink for seven days should be completely dead.

Frightened, they simply sealed old man Zhang's house completely, sealed the door and windows with cement, and said to the outside world that old man Zhang had been sent to a nursing home, and then the old couple took the old man with him. The grandchildren just moved away and left here.

Old man Zhang was sealed in the house and lay on the bed.

There is nothing to eat, nothing to drink, and nothing to die.

It was not until his soul was completely exhausted a few years later that he died, and his bones were not found until more than ten years later when the old house was demolished and excavators pulled down.

But who can be held accountable?
His parents had already passed away by then.

The villagers who guessed what happened, at most they only sighed cruelly, or muttered that it was too scary, which aroused heated discussions in the local area and then disappeared.

Let's talk about composers.

The couple didn't have any accidents at the beginning, and even relied on the daughter's bride price and the 10 yuan claimed after her death to make a loan, and directly retired early to provide for the elderly. A more comfortable future.

Yes, they really are not very patriarchal.

Because in their view, their children are the same, they are all tools to make their lives more comfortable in the future. The only difference is that the daughter will marry someone, which is a one-time transaction. In the future, they want their daughter to help them all the time. Money is more difficult for them to provide for them.

Sons are more practical. No matter according to the law or the tradition since ancient times, it is a matter of course that sons are responsible for their pensions.

They feel that they have worked hard enough, and it is quite reasonable for their sons to take care of them after graduating from college.

Only children can earn money earlier.

They can enjoy it sooner.

If it weren’t for the fact that the salary would be slightly higher if his son went to university, maybe they didn’t really want Qu Yan to go to university. In addition, the reason why Qu Yan was actively working to earn money was not because he wanted to become self-reliant or experience life earlier, but because he had to. , Parents don't give money, he doesn't want to find a way to earn some money by himself, so what can he do?

Because of this, the couple are living a pretty good life now. They don't have to go to work, don't spend money lavishly, and don't have to take care of their grandchildren.

Although the age is less than fifty, it is much more comfortable than many retired old men and women in their sixties and seventies.

However, under the influence of Qu Jie's spell, they may not see any difference in a year or two. After three to five years, even if they don't have any troubles in their daily life, they will be in a relatively happy mood, and they should age more slowly than ordinary people.

But also because of the double lifespan consumption.

Older than your actual age, so is your body.

At this time, two incidents in succession brought them two heavy blows respectively. One was that they asked their son who had already graduated from university to find a job quickly, and after remitting 3000 yuan to them every month for the elderly, they would not be able to afford it. Within a month, they could no longer contact Qu Yan.

After many inquiries, I found out that he had gone abroad.

As for when to come back?have no idea.
Or whether to come back or not, in fact, I don’t know.

If this news made them quite afraid and worried, worrying that their son would just run away and not come back at all, and ignore them, the other thing that hit them was the kind that hurt their hearts.

Can it even be described as the sky falling?

That is, the intermediary who received them 60 yuan and acted as an intermediary for lending and collecting money for them has lost contact. You know, it is all their savings, plus their daughter's bride price and compensation.

At the beginning, they were worried, and only took out 1 yuan. For several years, the interest was paid to the account on time every month, and then they added funds one after another. It was not until a year ago that they took out all the funds in their hands. , and also received interest for the year.

I didn't receive the payment until this month, and I wanted to call to ask about it, only to find out that the middleman had gone away.

Is there any need to talk about what happened after that?

Of course it feels like the sky is falling.

It can be said that overnight, the spirits of the couple completely dissipated. Immediately afterwards, they were no longer comfortable and comfortable before, but began to make contact with each other, find relationships, report to the police, and even cried until they couldn't get through. The phone yelled, please, I don’t want interest anymore, just return my principal to me.

Apparently nothing happened after that.

The couple didn't get back a penny, and they had already spent all the interest returned by others. After all, the interest was credited to the account every month. If you can't spend it this month, you will have money next month. to the account.And there is still so much principal, so there is no need to save anything.

So at this time, although they can't say they are penniless, they do have little money, and they are very old, they are in their early 60s, and they look like they are about 80 or [-] years old. Who wants them? ?

Even if they want to set up five-guarantee households, they can't do it.

Because they still have a son, even if the son went abroad and did not come back, but there is still there.

Does not meet the standard.

Of course, even though this is the case, it is not enough to starve them to death in this era. At most, life is not as good as before, and there is no money in hand. The monthly income can only basically maintain food and clothing, and it is hard to save some money. , they tried to find ways to contact their son, trying to get him back to take care of them.

I even found some program groups to do mediation!

But Qu Yan didn't show up at all, maybe he had changed his name, the program team could only make some appeals at most, and of course there was still nothing to say.

Ten years later, they were in their early seventies, and looked like they were in their 90s. After 20 years, their physical functions were completely old and unable to walk, and they lived in a small local nursing home, paralyzed with pain, wearing adult diapers, etc. Clean it up once a day, and if there is a problem at other times, just rely on adult diapers to take care of it.

30 years later, 40 years later.

Even though their bones are so brittle that they could break with a little effort, their internal organs are exhausted, and they suffer from various diseases and geriatric diseases all the time, they still hold their breath and even become the signboard of nursing homes.

Not dead at such an age.

It can be seen how well they take care of the nursing home.

And this is not in the intensive care unit of a hospital relying on various instruments to maintain life. People don't use any equipment, and don't need to take any medicine, and they always have a sigh of relief.

No. 40, six years, their souls can still hold on, but their double-aged bodies can't hold on anymore. At this time, it is no longer a question of whether the bones are brittle or not, but that the texture and even the bones will change when the hands are touched. It began to collapse, as if the corpse was about to weather after a long time.

But you can still feel them breathing.

The people in the nursing home were really frightened, so they rushed to report to the police, and then they were taken away by an unknown research institute, and it was announced to the outside world that they died at the age of more than 100 years.

Look, how filial Qu Jie is to them, even if they killed her, they still let them live to more than 100 years, which is an age that even the emperors can't live.

As for what the research institute has researched.

Who knows?

A hundred years later.

The four souls of Dou Ping absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon through the use of glazed orbs, transformed their soul power to practice, and went everywhere to fight for justice and accumulate merit. In the end, the time was shorter than Qu Jie expected, about a hundred years, and the difference between them was less than a year. , breaking through the Yang God Realm one after another.

Comparable to land gods.

That is, in this year, they perceived an illusory space different from the real world, and saw countless souls in the illusory space being consumed by a thing like a millstone into primitive energy, and finally only a ray of aura remained, and they were thrown into life at random. among the embryos.

They know that this should be the reincarnation in the legend, but this reincarnation has neither the six realms nor any judgment from the underworld. No matter whether the life is good or evil, human or animal, after entering this space, it will be wiped out until only a ray of aura remains. , and reincarnate randomly.

May be reincarnated as an adult.

It could also be reincarnated into something else.

This discovery made them sad that Qu Jie might have already turned into a ray of spiritual light. After reincarnation, it made them feel that this kind of reincarnation was not the reincarnation they wanted. After discovering that they could enter that illusory space at will, Start trying to do something.

Start trying to transform that illusory space.

But it didn't work much, because although they could prevent their souls from being worn away by the big grind, they couldn't control the big grind, until Dou Ping once practiced with the help of the glazed orb in the illusory space, and the glass orb directly lost control and turned into a ghost in the illusory space. Sun, Dou Ping, who had already refined the glazed orb, accidentally discovered that she could control this illusory space by controlling the glazed orb.

And control the big mill in the middle.

Even the glazed orb can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon to nourish the illusory space and make it turn from emptiness to reality.

After that, of course, I will do my best to transform the unreal space.

The prototype of the underworld began to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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