Fast Travel: A Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 494 The 5th Anniversary of Fanwai Daughter Country [2 in 1]

The day before the 500th anniversary of the Daughter's Kingdom, Jiahe Women's Senior College specially did not have classes in the afternoon, but called all the students into the auditorium and held a speech meeting.

Historical summary analysis type of keynote speech.

At the very beginning, the principal first came to the stage to recall the past, lamented the hardships of the ancestors, and looked forward to the future by the way. After speaking for about a quarter of an hour, he stepped down, and then the student representatives of each grade came to the stage.

Three students from three grades took the stage one after another.

"Respected leaders, teachers, and students, good afternoon everyone, I am Jia Wen, the representative of the first grade, and the topic of this speech is The Importance of Jia and the Empress.

I always believe that without Jiahe Empress, our Daughter Kingdom would not exist. Without Jiahe Empress, Daughter Kingdom would not be able to have so many advanced technologies. Without Jiahe Empress, Daughter Kingdom would not even be able to continue to this day, let alone become the number one strong country.

I have seen many people's analysis before this.

Some people say that the emergence of the Daughter Kingdom is inevitable. Without Empress Jiahe, there will be other empresses to promote the birth of the Daughter Kingdom. Just like Qin Shihuang, without Qin Shihuang, there will inevitably be some other first emperor to unify the country.

Some people even quite agree with this statement. Regarding this point, I am very disdainful, even contemptuous.

Because I always think that if there is no Qin Shihuang, then it is very likely that there will be no great unification. The land of China, which is located in the east of our daughter country, is very likely to be the same as Xizhou in the west of us. There are dozens of countries in a small area. There is marriage blood.

Those who have studied junior high school history should be very clear.

The current situation in Xizhou is no different from that of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods in the mainland of China thousands of years ago, and they have maintained this situation for more than 2000 years.

The difference is nothing more than that in the past there was a Holy See similar to the Zhou Dynasty hanging over their heads, but now the Holy See similar to the Zhou Dynasty only barely exists on a small piece of land.

It is no different from Dong Zhou who only had a title back then.

What are they missing from the Great Unity.

There is only one Qin Shihuang missing!
They have developed for more than 2000 years, but they have not been able to develop a Qin Shihuang. From the slave society to the feudal monarchy, and even to the modern society, there has not been a Qin Shihuang. Can this be said that the emergence of Qin Shihuang is inevitable?This is clearly God's blessing!

Therefore, the birth of Empress Jiahe was not an inevitable result, but Empress Jiahe itself was a very special miracle, a miracle comparable to Qin Shihuang, even more miraculous than Qin Shihuang!
I firmly believe that there is no Jiahe Empress.

There is no daughter country today.

The above is the first point I want to say.

The second point is, why do I think that without the Empress Jiahe, the Daughter Kingdom would not have those advanced technologies.

All of you here are people with similar knowledge or higher knowledge than me, so I will not talk about some historical knowledge. Everyone is quite aware of how ignorant the world was in the early days of Daughter Kingdom.

The east is even so outrageous that they regard science and technology as miraculous skills and ingenuity, and they don't think about the three ancient ancestors, who didn't rely on their so-called miraculous skills and ingenuity to achieve meritorious ancestors.

Suiren's, Youchao's, Ziyi's.

Which does not rely on craftsman skills.

And these situations have changed since Jiahe Empress. Today, more than [-]% of all our common basic knowledge is directly provided by Jiahe Empress, and only less than [-]% is added by our latecomers. It can be said that Empress Jiahe laid the most basic foundation of the entire scientific system.

Although many people think this is an exaggeration, some people think that Empress Jiahe got some alien ruins, or Empress Jiahe herself is an alien or something.

But what I want to talk about today is not that. What I want to say is that no matter where the knowledge provided by Empress Jiahe came from, all the current archaeological results can prove that she is the first source of this knowledge.

Then nature is enough to prove what I just said.

Without Empress Jiahe, Daughter Country would not have so much advanced knowledge. Even if those knowledge will still be discovered in the future, there is a high probability that our Daughter Country would not have discovered it. As for without the support of those advanced knowledge, Daughter Country would have been able to If it cannot survive, is it possible to obtain a large amount of territory in the future.

Always stay at the forefront of technology.

Those are pretty bad things to say. "

"The third point, without Empress Jiahe, can our Daughter Country continue to this day and become the most powerful country.

Regarding this point, I would like to ask everyone to carefully recall the three major turning points clearly recorded in the history books, the Yangshen Change, the Bingxiang Coup, and the Regent of the Virgin Mary.

Empress Jiahe reigned for 40 years, and after her death, she passed on to the crown princess. The 48-year-old Empress Huaide, who was later Empress Huaide, followed the old system after she ascended the throne. The world is peaceful, and everything is progressing steadily.

Although the rebellion of the saintess occurred during the process, and some overseas indigenous people fought for independence, they were all resolved perfectly.

Until the 32nd year of Huaide, on the occasion of her [-]th birthday, Empress Huaide announced the abolition of the crown princess, and made Sun Yangshen, the eldest daughter of the three emperors, as the crown prince.

Now many experts have analyzed that if the first ten emperors of the Daughter Kingdom were not empresses and always adhered to Empress Jiahe's main governing policy, the current Daughter Kingdom would probably be different from other neighboring countries even if it had not been overthrown. Not big. It is basically impossible to maintain a situation where women dominate.

If Empress Huaide had succeeded in abolishing the Empress Dowager, setting up Yangshen County King as the Crown Prince, and allowing him to ascend the throne, Daughter Country would never be what it is today.

Fortunately, Empress Jiahe had a will long ago.

Leave a video.

Empress Jiahe in the video made it clear that the throne of the daughter country must be inherited by a woman. If there is any violation, all officials and clans will punish her and the common people will abandon her.

The most important thing is that this video is reserved not only by the White Lotus Sect, but also by the cabinet, and even by the upper and lower councils. Of course, Empress Huaide actually knew about it, and Empress Jiahe told her before she died. , but she didn't know that there were still so many will videos kept outside, and those organizational structures and personnel responsible for keeping the will videos didn't know that there were other people who kept the videos.

Because there are so many will videos corroborating each other.

Even Empress Huaide couldn't compete with the world, so she had to compromise in the end, withdrawing the will of abolishing the princess, and relegating Prince Yangshen to the county king.

According to the analysis of some ministers at the time and later historians, the reason why Empress Jiahe left so many copies of her will was mainly because she was worried that this will would not be used in the short term, or even within 80 years. It would be better to keep a few more copies. To avoid all damage, she probably did not expect that the will would be used by Empress Huaide who was trained by her personally in less than 40 years.

In his later years, he would get dizzy and bewitched by someone who wanted to abolish the princess and establish a young prince.

However, even so, the Prince Yangshen County King still had evil thoughts in his heart. A year later, he murdered the Crown Princess and tried to kill the king. In the end, the Crown Princess died on the spot, and Empress Huaide also suffered a stroke from anger. Before she died, she hurriedly established the eldest daughter of the crown princess as the new crown princess, and quickly completed a series of procedures such as the succession of the throne.

It is known as the change of Yangshen in history.

Without Empress Jiahe's advance preparation, although the Yangshen Incident might not have happened, the third emperor might not have been the empress. And once the male emperor officially came to the throne, he would probably be suppressing him secretly, even if he didn't know it. And after having enough strength.

It will definitely become an obvious suppression. "

"After that came the Bingxiang coup.

Empress Huaide passed the throne to her eldest granddaughter, Empress Taiping, and Empress Taiping passed the throne to her youngest daughter, Empress Zhangsheng after her death, and Empress Zhang Sheng passed the throne to her eldest granddaughter after her death Empress Pingyang, several empresses have a long lifespan, and none of them are younger than 70 years old. In order to prevent the new emperor from ascending the throne, they will be replaced in a few years, so most of them pass the throne to their granddaughters.

This time the problem was Empress Pingyang.

After Empress Pingyang ascended the throne, the world was peaceful. At the same time, the daughter country was already the most powerful country in the world, so there was nothing to worry about. After she ascended the throne, she particularly favored men.

And changed the usual situation where there were only one or two men in the harem of several empresses at most, not only married a middle palace imperial husband, but also married the east palace, west palace, south palace and north palace, gathered five imperial husbands, and even secretly Recruiting some top stars to serve in the palace is often a scandal.

Among them, Qu Bing, the concubine of the East Palace, and Ximen Xiang, the concubine of the West Palace, were particularly favored, but they still failed to conceive Empress Pingyang and gave birth to a son and a half daughter. It's desolate, so in the end, after negotiating with each other, they actually started to cooperate. They competed for favor with each other publicly, fought openly and secretly, and secretly cooperated in politics, secretly contacted male officials in the court, and even used various methods such as male sex temptation to instigate some female officials to join. .

Of course, some of them did not instigate rebellion, but forced them to help stand in line by using their criminal evidence.

After ten years of planning, when they began to fall out of favor, there was a palace coup, known as the Bingxiang coup in history, and Empress Pingyang, including her direct descendants, were basically all killed, and officials in the court who refused to accept them were also killed The blood flowed like a river, if the two of them succeed, the future situation will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, Empress Jiahe still has a backup.

The contemporary Zongzheng activated the button placed in the Taimiao, and then the entire palace collapsed amidst the explosion. All the rebels and rebels who were celebrating in the palace died, and the rebellion basically subsided.

Although I haven't figured out how to operate it yet, it is recorded in the history books, so we will take it seriously and give the credit to Empress Jiahe.

Afterwards, the youngest daughter of Emperor Zhang Shengnv and the eldest daughter of Princess Deshan, who were entrusted out, went to Beijing to inherit the throne.

It was Empress Taihuai who was later called Sejong. "

"The last is the Regent of the Virgin, which happened 150 years ago and has continued to this day. After more than 300 years since the founding of the Daughter Kingdom, although there has been a policy of thorough investigation by the Empress every ten years and a cleansing every hundred years, the relevant policies are dead, but the hearts of the people are very strong. There are quite a lot of people who are active, take advantage of loopholes, and act against others, so the Daughter Kingdom at that time has entered a relatively decadent state.

If it weren't for the huge territory and abundant resources.

Still maintained a high standard of living.

It is estimated that the interior has long been in chaos.

The most frightening thing is that in that generation, there appeared an absolutely foolish emperor, Emperor Yin Yang. She felt that the internal conflicts were more intense and needed to be diverted, and then resolutely started a world war, declaring war on all other countries in the world, and Divide into eight ways to fight.

Although she did not fail at that time, she obviously did not have an absolute advantage. The war that spread to the whole world caused great casualties. There is a huge problem.

Some areas that collect more taxes show signs of division.

Some regions even directly declared independence.

Daughter country suddenly fell into decline.

If we had not been able to carry it through at that time, we might even have been destroyed and divided up. Fortunately, the Holy Mother appeared, that is, the empress left the fire and ordered the core research department to study it for 300 years. The artificial creature was named the White Lotus Holy Mother. The intelligent mastermind, after about 50 years of perfection, was finally successfully conceived, and immediately took over all the global networks, successfully helping the daughter country recover from its decline and regain its advantage.

However, the Holy Mother did not continue the war, but started peace talks with other countries with a comparative advantage, and after the war ended, Emperor Yin Yang was abolished, a new female emperor was selected from the clan, and the rule of the virtual monarch began at the same time.

Although the empress is still an empress.

But the main decision-making power rests with Our Lady.

Afterwards, the Holy Mother strictly implemented some of the core policies originally formulated by Empress Jiahe, and carried out an extremely bloody cleansing across the country. After being cleaned, it is time to kill and shut down. Although many people died, the Daughter Kingdom has a new look from top to bottom, which is almost as good as a change of dynasty.

Afterwards, the Holy Mother’s brain has been formatted once every ten years to ensure that it will not be affected by various human thoughts. At the same time, after formatting, it will perform the cleaning task engraved on the core of its code by the Empress Jiahe again, and carry out the entire country. A full check.

The 150 years of Our Lady's reign.

It has always been called the Regent of Our Lady.

Although it sounds a bit strange to be managed by an artificial intelligence, at present, our daughter's country is indeed the most fair and clean country in the world, with the lowest crime rate, the best social order, and the fairest promotion channels. These are undoubtedly the gospel brought to us by Empress Jiahe.

If there is no Regent of the Virgin, our Daughter Kingdom would have either disintegrated or declined 150 years ago, so I always firmly believe that Jiahe Empress is the core of our Daughter Kingdom today..."


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