Yu Jun

Chapter 105 News

Chapter 105 News
On the 23th and [-]th day of February in the [-]rd year of Yuanzhang, the sky was not yet clear, and Wu Jin took a load of cakes to the racecourse.

At this time, there were sporadic soldiers patrolling the horse farm. In the horse farm, Xi Guan forked hay, picked up water, and shoveled horse manure, and some people went out of the city, carrying baskets on their backs, to pick up horse manure a little far away from the horse farm.

Wu Jin stepped on the solid ice on the ground and made the sound of broken jade. He looked up at the sky, and in his eyes were misty clouds and flying eagles. It seemed that there was a drizzle of snow about to fall. A few small oil lamps were scattered in the horse garden , Like a few sparse stars in the dark night, it is also worth enjoying in this wilderness.

It's just that the people who appeared on the racecourse at this time have no leisure time, let alone drink leisurely. For this situation, they only have the pain of freezing hands.

Wu Jin picked up the basket and yelled, and a few officials, hungry and cold, ran over immediately, asking for two cakes each.

The basket was covered with a thick earthen cloth, and the outside was covered with several layers. The cakes were put into the basket as soon as they came out of the pan. Wu Jin picked them up in a hurry. At this time, when the earthen cloth was uncovered, the oil cakes inside were still steaming.

The smell of the oil could not be dissipated, and all the people could smell from their noses was the cold wind, but he sold cakes here every day, and the soldiers had already known about it, and at this time, some shift workers slipped over, trembling, asking for cakes eat.

In less than a moment, the cakes were sold out. Wu Jin picked up the burden and was about to go back when a man suddenly called him from behind: "Wu Jin?"

Wu Jin turned her head to look, but before she saw anyone, the man ran over, smiled in surprise, and looked Wu Jin up and down again: "Brother Wu, it really is you! I still think I was wrong! I dare not Call!"

In this series of words, Wu Jin could clearly see who was coming: "Brother Chang?"

The person who came was the escort officer Chang Long, but at this time his face was tattooed, and he was wearing armor. Obviously he was convicted of the robbery of Qiuliang, and the tattooed face was sent to the fortress.

Chang Long laughed "hahaha" and rubbed his palms together: "It's a coincidence, I'm on vacation today, and I didn't have a chance to see you when I left the post last year. If you hadn't saved me then, I would have confessed. "

Before Wu Jin could speak, he stretched out his hand to unload the pole from Wu Jin's shoulders, and carried it on his own shoulders. He wanted to greet Wu Jin, but he was worried that he would be inappropriate, so he didn't say anything at all, and rolled Wu Jin directly. Jin walked into the city: "Go, I invite you."

Before Wu Jin opened her mouth to refuse, a soldier shouted to Chang Long, "Vice Chief Chang, is this your friend?"

"Don't dare," Chang Long replied loudly, "This is my benefactor! Save your life!"

"Vice capital, bring some food back!"

"to make!"

He took Wu Jin into the city at once, looked left and right, and chose a better foot shop. No matter what Wu Jin said, he pushed him onto the stool and sat down, then asked for noodles and soup. You want meat and vegetables.

But in a short time, two bowls of mutton noodle soup, two salted mutton heads, a plate of stewed pork head meat, a plate of sugared garlic, and some fresh vegetables were placed on the table.

Chang Long wiped the chopsticks clean and handed them to Wu Jin: "Eat, eat quickly."

Without waiting for Wu Jin to move his chopsticks, he directly tore off a piece of meat from the sheep's head and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice before swallowing it, then pinched another piece of pig's head and ate it: "Don't be frugal with me, I have the money, I am the champion of martial arts, I have kung fu in my hands, and I made meritorious service as soon as I entered, the commander of our battalion took a fancy to me and made me a deputy capital."

"This pork head is well marinated." He picked up his chopsticks, picked up the plate, and directly poured most of the plate into Wu Jin's bowl, "Don't look down on me, a brute, eat quickly."

Wu Jin ate meat and noodles with this extensive and direct enthusiasm. Chang Long felt that the taste of the pork head meat was really good, and wanted to order another plate. When he turned around, he saw the woman in the shop was looking at Wu Jin. Can't take my eyes off it.

He laughed "hehe" twice, opened his mouth and yelled "Shopkeeper", which made the woman's face flush with shock, and she stood up in a panic: "What else do you want?"

"Pork head meat, another catty."

The woman covered her face and walked away to cut the pork head. Chang Long even ate and drank, quite unrestrained, and indirectly mixed in a few dirty words in the army, which further set off Wu Jin's calmness and gentleness, so the woman's gaze couldn't help it Looked over again.

After the two of them finished eating, Wu Jin suddenly asked: "Brother Chang, the girl from Mo Jiedu's mansion also went to the fort, have you seen it?"

Chang Long frowned involuntarily: "I've seen it before, Miss Mo is very famous."

"She is a woman, and young."

Chang Long interrupted him: "That's not true, she is famous not because of this."

Then he told Wu Jin in detail about Mo Lefeng's situation in the army.

Mo Lingfeng's situation in the army was worse than what Wu Jin thought.

The army hates the sons of the rich and powerful the most. If they haven't practiced for a day or killed the enemy, they can get a false title. promotion.

What their soldiers can't earn with their lives is just a springboard for others.

And the officers in the fortress treated her very favorably, food and lodging were even better than that of the commander, and she was not required to go out to practice shifts, only let her play in the fortress.

As a result, the soldiers became even more dissatisfied, and Mo Lingfeng didn't know what to do, so he insisted on going out to show off. On the fifth day of practice, she brought her female guard with her to practice too.

There is no team without a forward, she stands at the very edge, strides by herself, practices boxing and kicking, draws a bow and shoots arrows, as if she insists on showing that she is motivated, which makes the soldiers furious.

That night, she was blowing the xun in her room, while Yin Nan went out to wash clothes, a soldier came and beat her up.

Mo Lingfeng was a small person, so he only had to be beaten. After being beaten, the female guards were not allowed to avenge her, so if there was one, there would be two. Mo Lingfeng's record also changed from one-sided beatings to mutual beatings.

Chang Long's words were like a huge rock, stirring up a cold wave in Wu Jin's heart.

He understood that the commander in the army didn't mean to let Mo Lingfeng pamper her, but to forbid her to go any further. She has a clear eye and can see clearly, so she made every step forward and moved forward with difficulty.

The little girl who wanted to open a sugar shop in the middle of Sichuan in the past has disappeared into the fortress like a fleeting shadow.

There was a burning passion in his chest, and he looked at Chang Long: "Brother Chang, I want to write a letter to her, can you take it?"

Chang Long was taken aback, and quickly said: "No problem, don't worry, I will definitely deliver it."

Wu Jin got up immediately, borrowed pen and ink from the shopkeeper for bookkeeping, bought another piece of bamboo paper, spread it out on the table, picked up the pen for a while, and then wrote: "Your cook has a son, very arrogant, yesterday and rhubarb The dogs bit each other, mouth full of dog hair, I went to deliver cakes to Li Yitie, and saw that the child was arrogant and wanted to compete with the big yellow dog. The big yellow dog was carrying an old face, sneered, and was not injured.

Li put the plaster on, the child wailed loudly, and stopped barking, the big yellow dog shook his head and returned victorious. "

Such funny little things, written on paper, are just hoping that Mo Lingfeng will be happy for a while in the fortress.

At the end, he wrote: "I want to listen to Xun, Wu Jin."

 It should be updated later than usual in the afternoon, the author is dizzy

(End of this chapter)

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