Yu Jun

Chapter 109 Breaking Through the Cage

Chong Jiaqing is an old man with great ambitions, and still has the heart of dying for the country. He is bound to live and die with the fortress. This time, he will also go to the front line together to meet the gold captives.

At the beginning of the sacrifice, everyone killed the sheep to sacrifice to the army god Huangdi, and used the blood of the sheep to challenge the banners and drums.

After sacrificing the tooth flag, Zhong Jiaqing solemnly took over the military flag, got on his horse, shouted, and there was a rumbling echo, and all the battalion headquarters who ordered to the stockade ahead followed, and set off in an orderly manner.

The school grounds were completely silent.

Everyone watched Zhong Jiaqing, Feng Fan and others leave. Among the strong soldiers, Mo Lingfeng looked more and more young and immature, like a spring bamboo shoot that has not yet broken through the ground. And these thousands of soldiers, looking at her , full of contempt, teasing, ambiguity, not even a trace of friendship.

Here for her, there are shackles and sarcasm everywhere, and those souls with malicious intentions are lurking around, making her extremely vigilant and not daring to relax in the slightest.

She watched the black-tailed horse that Chong Jiaqing was riding turn its hooves and shine its palms, stepping into the frozen loess, leaving a deep horseshoe print, and the horse behind quickly followed, covering the original horseshoe print up.

Their speed was very fast, which made Mo Lingfeng a little anxious, almost chasing them out on the spot, but she quickly endured it until the crowd dispersed in the school field, and the square team was divided into countless crowds, flowing from east to west , she suddenly moved and ran towards the direction where Zhong Jiaqing and his party left.

You Muqing, Yin Nan, and Mo Jiajun followed closely behind, inconspicuous in the crowded crowd, as if they were just following the wave.

Mo Lingfeng was getting faster and faster, and finally ran wildly. When Zhong Jiaqing was about to leave the village, he rushed up and shouted: "General Zhong!"

Her voice was loud and clear, like thunder, resounding behind Zhong Jiaqing, causing everyone in the battle to look back.

Chong Jiaqing reined in his horse and turned back, and saw Mo Lingfeng catching up with difficulty, panting and chasing after his horse, with his head raised, his eyes were bright and clean with the golden light of the sun shining, his Danfeng eyes were long and big, and the ends of his eyes were Sweeping out, like a hook, can penetrate into anyone's heart.

In the slowly rising sun, Mo Lingfeng looked at Zhong Jiaqing, and said crisply: "General Zhong, I am Mo Lingfeng, Marquis of Guide, behind me are soldiers with or without battalion, we also want to go Battlefield, serve the country!"

Zhong Jiaqing tied his bridle tightly, his eyes were as piercing as a knife, and he slashed at these undisciplined people.

Mo Lingfeng cupped his hands and cupped his fists: "General, please allow us to serve our country with our lives!"

The people behind her also clasped their fists together with respectful expressions, so Zhong Jiaqing saw a kind of strict discipline in this action - it belonged to the military discipline of the Mo family, but it did not belong to the Zhenrong Army.

At the same time, one could see a gesture from Mo Lingfeng's actions - this Guide Zhonghou was about to break through an impenetrable cage with an angry gesture.

He turned to look at Feng Fan: "Why are these people organized but not organized?"

Feng Fan stepped forward on his horse, stopped one step behind Zhong Jiaqing, and said in a low voice: "General, these people were originally under the control of the Youjun. Why, they were all taken out, maybe it was an injury, maybe it was "

He lowered his voice and truthfully told what he had heard: "My subordinates have heard that these people are related to military pay."

As soon as Zhong Jiaqing heard that it was under the command of the Youjun, he lowered his eyebrows, and at the same time knew in his heart that there must be complicated relationships among Mo Lingfeng, the abandoned army, and the Kuanzhou government.

He wasn't going to get involved.

"General!" Mo Lingfeng was still trying to raise his head, "I'm willing to write a letter to kill the enemy and return it. If I can't kill the enemy, I will hang this head to Huaiyuan Village! General, please let us go!"

Before the words were finished, there were already heavy scolding voices in the distance, which came from a distance from the school grounds. Beads of sweat appeared on Mo Lingfeng's forehead, and he looked anxiously at Zhong Jiaqing.

Their actions will eventually be discovered, and they must hurry up and get out of Gaopingzhai. As long as they can get out, they can establish military exploits and join the left army led by Jiaqing.

Today's fortress is changing every moment, the longer it drags on, the harder it will be for her, and Wang Zhizhou and others are worried that things will be revealed, they will control her more and more strictly, and even slowly clear her people.

"A kind of general!"

Chong Jiaqing shook his head, pulled up the bridle, and gripped the whip tightly: "No, the army has its own laws and regulations. You stay here and listen to the military orders."

After finishing speaking, he raised his whip, whipped it down vigorously, and beat the horse away.

The soldiers behind him followed suit, the infantry barracks ran in unison, their armor clattered, their steps were orderly and powerful, and the horse barracks followed, majestic and majestic.

And the people who were chasing Mo Lingfeng were getting closer and closer, and the voices of scolding continued, and Mo Lingfeng was never allowed to have the opportunity to show up in other villages——she and her hundred soldiers were too eye-catching, and once they appeared, they would never appear again buried.

If Mo Lingfeng is allowed to stand out, His Majesty will one day find out that it was their negligence that caused Mo Qianlan to intervene in the fortress, and it would be a disaster for them.

At this moment, a horse ran past Mo Lingfeng. Mo Lingfeng, who had not moved all this time, suddenly jumped up, jumped up, grabbed the bridle forcefully, and hung half of his body on the side of the horse's belly.

The horseshoes were flying around her, and if one accidentally fell, she would immediately turn into a puddle of mud.

The screams of the soldiers on the horse were drowned out by the overwhelming movement during the march. Mo Lingfeng stretched out his foot in a sudden shaking, and stepped on the stirrup—the instep on the stirrup.

The soldier let out a cry of pain when she stomped on him, and raised his hand to throw her off the horse. However, Mo Lingfeng, who was so good at riding, had turned over and sat in front of him, grabbed the whip from his hand, lashed hard, and rushed out. Gaopingzhai.

Yin Nan followed closely, jumped on the horse, and hugged the soldiers on the horse in front of him. Seeing this, You Muqing and others also snatched the horse and ran away.

Immediately, the orderly team was in disarray, and the majestic cavalrymen also became grotesque.

At this time they had already left Gaopingzhai, Zhong Jiaqing turned his head and took a look, he didn't intend to stop to punish Mo Lingfeng, morale should not be wasted on such trivial matters, since they want to serve the country with their own lives, so let's do it.

Yu Guochao has only advantages and no disadvantages for having an extra team to kill the enemy.

He turned his head and left indifferently, and Mo Lingfeng also smelled the wind outside Gaoping Village for the first time.

The wind brought the mist from Hengshan, the cold snow, and the gurgling water, brushing over her face, filling her robe, and blowing through her skin.

She looked around and saw the undulating beams and hills, the ravines, the green hills and the yellow sand, the forests and grasses were waiting to be luxuriant, and the expedition team walked through the silkworms and birds, and walked between the sky and the earth.

Gao Pingzhai couldn't restrain her anymore.

She and her men will walk to the sky under the hands of Zhong Jiaqing, and they will shine with their splendor on the blood of Jinlu.

Those who are good at fighting, those who are ambitious, those who are excluded, and those who support their families should be included in her Mo family army and Dingyuan army.

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