Yu Jun

Chapter 113 Homecoming

On the fifth day of April in the 25th year of Yuanzhang, Mo Lingfeng took a vacation, crossed the river from the Gaopingzhai suspension bridge, and returned to the city through the racecourse.

At the end of the Yin hour, the sky is the color of jasper, which is about to be cleared, and gradually becomes dense. The green grass on the horse farm is undulating in the warm wind, and the wild buckwheat is in buds, pink and white, continuous.

People who were digging grass and picking up horse dung were scattered on the horse farm, and there were many soldiers interspersed abruptly. Mo Lingfeng led Yin Nan to beat the horses past. Just after passing the horse farm, he saw cars and horses near the city gate. Many people followed, Mo Qianlan and Zhao Shiheng were at the head, Yin Bei was behind, and Mo Fu's entourage was behind.

Mo Lingfeng saw Mo Qianlan at a glance.

The wind was getting warmer, but Mo Qianlan was still wearing thick clothes, with a round-collared gown inside, a crane cloak outside, and a top-facing festoon on his head, with his hands folded in his sleeves. He looked eagerly looking forward to it. Seeing Mo Lingfeng, he immediately smiled and went forward to meet him.

Mo Lingfeng rolled off the saddle, threw himself into Mo Qianlan's arms, and sniffed him forcefully: "Brother!"

"Hey," Mo Qianlan couldn't hold on anymore, and leaned back, "Ah, it's heavy."

He tightened his arms and hugged Mo Lingfeng vigorously. Zhao Shiheng stood aside and missed this girl who was like a daughter very much. Kailai took out a piece of peanut cake from his sleeve pocket and stuffed it into Mo Lefeng's hand: "It's good to be back."

"Uncle Zhao, I miss you so much." Mo Lingfeng stuffed the peanut cake into his mouth, and took Zhao Shiheng's arm affectionately, "Uncle, I brought you something delicious."

Seeing that Yin Nan was carrying two big bags in his hands, Mo Qianlan smiled and said, "Didn't you bring them for me?"

Mo Lingfeng's eyes were immediately glued to Mo Qianlan's body: "I also brought the air-dried mutton for my uncle, and a pot of wild honey for my brother."

Yin Bei took the burden from Yin Nan's hand with a smile on his face, and asked someone to lead the horse. Seeing that Yin Nan was so dark, he wondered in his heart——Mo Lingfeng is not black at all, is it because Yin Nan is all black.

"Okay," Mo Qianlan smoothed the folds on Mo Lingfeng's skirt, and brushed her hair from the sideburns, "Go home."

He snatched Mo Lefeng's right hand from Zhao Shiheng's arm, and held it tightly in his hand: "You go back on horseback."

Zhao Shiheng raised his eyebrows: "The Jiedu envoy has such great authority that he ordered me, a cripple, to ride a horse."

"Did you become lame today?" Mo Qianlan ignored him and took Mo Lefeng into the carriage.

Mo Lingfeng sat down firmly, and when he heard the cry of selling cakes from outside, it was clearly Wu Jin, and immediately grinned happily: "It's Wu Jin!"

She went to raise the curtain of the carriage, wanting to stop Wu Jin, but the carriage swayed and started to run, so Mo Lingfeng only saw Wu Jin's back.

The spring breeze blew the short brown hair on Wu Jin's body. He carried two baskets and stood in the green grass. The clouds were green and the water was light, making him look more tall, straight, handsome, cool and gentle.

When she wanted to make a sound, the carriage had already driven fast, entered the city, and ran towards Mo's mansion on the wide street.

Mo Qianlan kept holding Mo Lingfeng's hand, and felt that her wrist was extremely thin - not thin, but the flesh all over her body was stretched and stretched, thinly attached to the bones.

Ah Yao has grown taller.

It's good to grow taller, so Ah Yao will be a little more, and the weight in his heart will be a little heavier.

He wanted to talk to Ah Yao, but the smile spread from the tip of his eyebrows to the corners of his eyes, and then from his eyes to his mouth, but he couldn't utter a word.

Ah Kuo is a Mani jewel from the Dragon Palace under the sea. It celebrates strictness and special goodness, and emits a ten thousand zhang clear light, which is specially designed to illuminate the poor sentient beings on Mount Sumeru. May all pure and wonderful wishes come true.

His sister was so kind, so he had no way of talking about it, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

The carriage stopped at the front door of Mo Mansion. Mo Lingfeng jumped out of the carriage first, reached out to help Mo Qianlan get off, and then called to Zhao Shiheng who was struggling to get off the horse: "Uncle, come quickly!"

Then she turned her head, let the door open quickly, and leaned on Mo Qianlan's body coquettishly: "Brother, I want to eat cherry cheese, and I want to eat ice."

It was not convenient for Zhao Shiheng to ride a horse. After getting off the horse, he became more limp. He took two steps slowly, and then he couldn't hold back anymore. He limped over and patted Mo Lingfeng on the shoulder: "Don't be so crooked, She's about to grow up to be a big girl."

Mo Lingfeng had no choice but to separate from his brother, stretched his arms, hooked one in each hand, and happily walked home.

She first went back to Changsuiju to change clothes, the nanny's face was burning badly, the right half of her face blended together as if melting, it looked scary, but Mo Lingfeng was not afraid, she opened her hands and let the nanny Mammy looked at her stature: "Grandma, I have grown taller."

While asking the maid to fetch water, the nanny untied her cloak and cloth armor, reached out for the Vince ruler, and measured her from head to toe, from shoulder to wrist: "It's so tall, put it on first. It’s ready-made, so people can cut the cloth and make it.”

Mo Qianlan had just asked a tailor to make a box of clothes for her. The measurements were based on the measurements brought back by Yue Yinbei, but they were a little smaller after not wearing them once.

Mo Lingfeng took the bath beans, washed his hands and face, the nanny put down her hair, slowly undid it, made two strands for her, and tied them into two small buns: "In two years, I will be able to braid her hair. "

"I'm in the fortress, so there's no need to make it up."

"That's a pity, your hair is in good shape, it's black and shiny, and you can make a lot of buns."

Mo Lingfeng didn't feel sorry, cleaned up, went out in a hurry, and ran to the middle hall.

The morning light fell on the roses all over the walls, and the petals floated down the corridor and fell on Mo Lingfeng. With the noisy calls of the babbler and the warm wind, Mo's house suddenly became lively, even The servants have become extremely busy, and they can't stop shuttling back and forth.

Mo Lingfeng sat down in the middle hall, and Mo Qianlan immediately asked someone to open the window, brought cherry cheese, and set breakfast.

As soon as the window was opened, the central hall became brighter, and Mo Lingfeng was also clearly illuminated. He was still rosy as before, and his eyebrows and eyes became more delicate. Sharp and slender, with black eyes hidden inside, not angry but majestic.

The cherry cheese was put on the table first, and Mo Qianlan handed over the spoon: "Ah, you can't eat more."

Zhao Shiheng took the opportunity to ask: "How is the situation in the army?"

Mo Lingfeng took the spoon and took a big bite: "It's delicious!"

She took two bites before replying, "With 200 soldiers, they are all very good soldiers."

Zhao Shiheng nodded with satisfaction: "It's better to be short than to be indiscriminate, and you have to be willing to spend money, and you must not skimp on it."

"Uncle, I know, they are all trading their lives for silver." Mo Lingfeng ate half of the bowl at once, "Brother, if I become a commander, will His Majesty be dissatisfied?"

Mo Qianlan patted her head: "He is dissatisfied whether you are a commander or not, and he is also dissatisfied even if we do nothing, because as long as the Mo family exists, it is a kind of treason."

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