Yu Jun

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
"I am sick and live a long life. When I am tired, I want to take a rest. My brother is happy when you come back. I didn't pay attention to rest for a while. I fell asleep just now."

Mo Qianlan half-sit up vigorously, wanting to hold Mo Lingfeng's butt and hug her to comfort her like before, but she couldn't hold her anymore.

"It scares you. It's my brother's fault. Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Mo Lingfeng felt that his palms were cold, and saw that his face was also blue, and there was no blood on his face, so he rubbed his heels against each other, took off his shoes, and crawled onto the bed.

She knelt beside Mo Qianlan, bent over to his chest, turned her head sideways, and put her ears on it.

Mo Qianlan's clothes were also ice-cold, and they were clearly scented with flowers, but when they touched Mo Qianlan's body, they felt cold, as if a plum blossom was blooming alone.

In this coldness, Mo Lingfeng heard the "hissing" sound in his chest, which was heavy, stagnant, and obscure, like a viscous liquid rubbing and squeezing in his chest, going up and down with difficulty, and the sound Meat after meal, like a broken bellows, has been destroyed and cannot be pulled all the time.

Under the huge noise, the beating of Mo Qianlan's heart became very weak, like a baby bird on the verge of death.

Moreover, Mo Qianlan was so thin that all the flesh on his chest was gone, and there were traces of bones protruding from his chest, row after row, and further down, there was a huge depression.

Mo Lefeng suddenly thought: Will my brother die?

will die.

Everyone will die. When she was in Sanchuanzhai, she saw many death scenes. Neither blood nor corpses could move her, but Mo Qianlan was only weak enough to make her breathless.

Brother can't die.

In her world, Mo Qianlan is different from everyone else. People outside come in and leave quickly, but Mo Qianlan, from the moment she remembers, he is here, and he will be here in the future. Like this old house, it will always be waiting for her to come back.

If there is no Mo Qianlan, then she is not Mo Lingfeng.

"elder brother."

She cried out in a crying voice, and desperately burrowed into Mo Qianlan's arms, completely forgetting Zhao Shiheng's teachings. She clasped his shoulders with both hands, and pressed her head against his chin. Spread it on his face, squeeze it steaming into his breath.

"elder brother."

Mo Qianlan gasped for breath, struggled to move a bit, so that she could reach out and rub Mo Lingfeng's back, and smiled: "Ah, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, big girl, why are you getting more and more timid? It's not that I have epilepsy, it's just that I'm tired, and I'm not too tired, so don't be afraid with Li Yitie."

Mo Lingfeng buried his head and remained silent.

Yin Beitong's voice came from outside the door, and Mo Qianlan patted her on the head: "Let's go play, go find Cheng San, go find Wu Jin, I'll take the medicine and sleep well."

Mo Lingfeng climbed down from the bed, pulled on his shoes, opened the door with red and swollen eyes, Zhao Shiheng bent down and touched her head: "It's okay, either she has epilepsy or is tired."

Li Yitie hadn't seen her for a long time, and suddenly saw that she had grown so tall, and immediately reached out and pressed her knee: "Does this leg hurt a lot at night?"

Mo Lingfeng nodded: "Uncle Li, go and see brother."

Li Yitie waved his hand: "I can't die, it's going to be dangerous several times a month, every time I say death, every time I live well, the coffin was prepared last time, and I just lay in it to measure the length."

He stepped over the threshold and walked in. Seeing that Mo Qianlan's face was blue and his lips were white, he snorted two air-conditioning breaths from his nose: "It's good, Jiedu has a big mission, and you can live for several years without following the doctor's orders. If you don't take the medicine, maybe the disease will be cured."

Mo Qianlan endured his yin and yang strangeness, and smiled wryly: "Auntie is growing too fast, I'm afraid it's causing bone pain, is there any medicine that can slow it down?"

Li Yitie stretched out his hand to feel his pulse: "Shut up."

The room suddenly became quiet, and the sound of flowers falling outside could be heard, Li Yitie focused his attention on breaking his pulse, and felt the pulse was on the skin, his head was still and his tail was shaking, floating and floating, seemingly there seemed to be nothing, like a fish flying. The three Yins are extremely cold, the season of the death of Yang.

There was a chill in his heart, but his face didn't change, he just withdrew his hand: "Are you thirsty?"

Mo Qianlan nodded.

Li Yitie relaxed his mind a little, knowing that he still had a little bit of fire in his heart, and he blocked the evil fire, so there was still a chance of treatment.

He didn't say that he just found out the dead pulse, and calmly said: "You have worked too hard, your foundation is too weak, and the evil fire can't come out. First take bamboo leaf gypsum soup to get rid of the evil fire, and then warm up."

He got up and went to the table to open a party. Mo Lingfeng hurried forward and rolled up his sleeves to help him sharpen the ink. When Li Yitie reached out to pick up the pen, he realized that his palm was sticky and greasy, and he broke out in a layer of cold sweat. He just took the handkerchief As soon as the child was wiped, he lifted the pen to open the prescription.

After prescribing the prescription, he stretched out his hand to check Mo Lingfeng's pulse, and saw that her pulse was high and her pulse was like a mushroom sprouting from the shell, he smiled happily and said: "Very good, I'll give you a prescription too, Lest you have a bone ache."

After prescribing the prescription, he slowly dried the ink, handed it to Yin Bei to grab the medicine, and told Mo Lingfeng and Zhao Shiheng: "Be sure to lie still and restore your yang energy. Don't make any noise. Visit him back and forth to disturb his vitality. Use agarwood in the house, don't use Yaxiang for agarwood, use Fanxiang, let him sleep."

Mo Lingfeng and Zhao Shiheng nodded frequently.

Li Yitie got up to pack the medicine box, carried it on his shoulders, and suddenly told Zhao Shiheng: "Don't go out wandering, stay in the mansion, you must not have epilepsy, remember."

Zhao Shiheng nodded, and sent Li Yitie out. Li Yitie's expression was still the same, but today he talked a lot, and he told Zhao Shiheng again: "Don't let him have epilepsy."

Mo Lingfeng watched the two leave, walked back to the bed, and saw that Mo Qianlan had closed his eyes and fell asleep, so he tore off the quilt and covered him up to his shoulders, then lightly lifted the cover of the smoker, and carried the fire chopsticks Take out the potpourri fragrance pieces inside, clip them all the way outside, put them in the courtyard, and then ask the servants to find the agarwood from Fanbang and replace them.

The rich fragrance of the flowers wafts in the wind, attracting butterflies and bees to flutter their wings and dance around the incense sticks from time to time.

She squatted aside holding the fire chopsticks, watching the butterfly land on her hand, suddenly blinked, and a huge drop of tears, fell to the ground and shattered into eight petals.

Li Yitie must have been flustered just now, otherwise she wouldn't have wet her palms, and she wouldn't have repeatedly explained that Li Yitie was flustered, and she was frightened out of her wits. Her head, internal organs, and limbs were all filled with fear, and in It continued to swell, to the extreme, and would soon overwhelm her.

There is only one glimmer of hope, and that is Li Yitie.

She hurriedly took out the xun, trying to blow out all the fear, but when the xun was brought to her mouth, she immediately remembered Li Yitie's advice, and quickly put the xun back.

Yin Bei came back and said in a low voice, "Miss, would you like some tea?"

Mo Lingfeng stood up, moved his numb legs, and handed the torch to Yin Bei: "I'm going to play with Cheng San, brother will send someone to call me when he wakes up."

(End of this chapter)

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